Dr Mrs. Kiran S Kammar
Prof, HOD OBG Dept
Yenepoya Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
Mangalore, Karnataka
Menopause is a situation seen in every female somewhere between 45-55 years of age. During this phase there are physical and psychological disturbances, among which the sexual function is highly affected. To deal with these changes the patients need to have psychological counselling along with the changes in their lifestyle and sometimes even medications.
climaxis, hormones, physical changes, mental changes, life style, management
Menopause is the end of the reproductive life with the cessation of menstruation. Estrogen being the most important hormone to maintain most of the functions of the body either directly or indirectly when reduces in its level, there will be disturbances in the regular functioning of the body. This disturbance is many a times seen in the form of menopausal syndrome if the symptoms are of severe intensity. This situation may need medical or psychological help. If the symptoms are with less intensity, only a change in the lifestyle usually helps the situation. The physical activity keeps the body and also the mind in a healthy condition. There are studies which show that decrease in the physical activity brings more mental disturbances.
Menopause occurs between the ages of 45-55years in females with the ending of the cyclic menstruation. The permanent stoppage of menstruation is called as menopause and the total period of the changes taking place in the body is called as the transitional phase or as climacteric period. With the gradual reduction in the ovarian function the ovarian hormones too reduce in the serum concentration thereby bringing physical and mental changes in the female. These disturbances are usually self-limiting and do not pose a threat to the life of the patient.
The commonly seen physical changes in the body are- disturbances in the menstrual cycle and the amount of discharges, dryness and wrinkling of skin, falling and greying of hair, weight gain, scanty vaginal discharges leading to dryness, infection and difficult coitus, reduction in the bone density. The changes seen at the mental plane are irritability, depression, mood swings and gradual increasing dementia. Most of the females may even suffer with hypertension or diabetes.
Hence to cope up with the changes, if the lifestyle is adjusted accordingly then there will be less chances of the sufferings. The females should be guided for a short and simple exercises, well balanced nutritional food, changes in the working pattern and the mind relaxation techniques. It is always better to get the advice from the concerned specialists than relying solely on the media of any sort. As each of the female is going to experience different set of symptoms and even the intensity changes from person to person, naturally the management will differ from one to another.
Apart from the general management some of the ladies may need to get medication depending upon their general health status and the associated diseases if any. They may be in need of hormonal replacement therapy if only the menopausal symptoms are severe in nature. If any other diseases are associated then the medicines for those disorders may be modified. Rarely, few of the females may need to undergo surgery either in the form of removal of uterus or only ovaries or all of it together. The surgery is usually indicated for heavy menstrual bleeding which progresses month by month or the general health is not able to bear the menstrual loss. Removal of the uterus or ovaries is not the end of the problem. Such females again need hormonal replacement therapy for few months ahead. Hence, self-medication or self-management will not bring a good change in the life of such females.
Now coming to the disturbances in the mental plane most of the females need is only psychological counselling than the actual medications. They need to informed about these changes- why and how they occur and how to deal with such symptoms. The patients need to be motivated for simple exercises like morning walk and stretching exercises. The various form of yoga help in relaxing the mind and better circulation. Meditation is the best medicine for irritability and depression in these days. Motivating such type of patients to get involved in the social activities, joining any of the clubs, interacting with the people of similar problems may make these patients accept the reality of life and learn new techniques of self-coping with the problems. Apart from the general management some patients may need the specific medications for their psychological problems. The medications may be in the form of anti-depressants or hormonal treatment. But these medicines are never to be self-prescribed and also when taken through consultation, it is always good to have repeated follow-up so the physician may be aware of how long to continue the medication for such patients.
Homoeopathic System of Medicine gives a better solution for the females in the transitional phase of life, whether being at puberty or at menopause. The empirical system of medicine which adopts hormonal replacement therapy for tackling the ailments of menopausal phase also states that there are adverse effects of the long-term use of those medications; which has been recorded in many studies done till now. But, such adverse effects are not seen with the perfect administration of Homoeopathic medicines as in most of the conditions the medicines are selected based on the constitutional approach. Apart from the constitutional treatment, many clinical studies have shown that even the medicines selected based on the totality of symptoms do show a good result.
Homoeopathy has a good scope in the management of menopause, whether be it to reduce the high intensity of the menopausal symptoms or to prevent the onset of the menopausal syndrome. The physical as well as the psychological problems of the females in menopausal age can be easily treated with Homoeopathy until no other high risk conditions are present.
The commonly used Homoeopathic medicines for menopause are- Sepia, Graphites, Apis, Kreosote, Pulsatilla, Calcerea carb, Staphysagria, Actea racemosa, Phosphorous, Platina, Sulphur, Aurum met, Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Natrum mur, Secale cor, Sabina, Belladonna, Amyl nitrate, Conium, Murex
Homoeopathic medicines for
Psychological disturbances during menopause–
Sepia, Ignatia, Lachesis, Natrum mur, Actea racemosa, Staphysagria, Platina, Lycopodium,
Amyl nitrate
Bleeding disorders in menopausal period-
Pulsatilla, Secale cor, Sabina, Actea racemosa, Millefolium, Calcerea carb, Kali carb,
Phosphorous, Plumbum met, Sedum, Trillium
Generalised weakness –
Phosphorous, Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, China, Ferrum phos, Calcerea phos, Lachesis,
Sulphur, Amyl nitrate, Sepia
Hot flushes-
Belladonna, Glonine, Calcerea carb, Lachesis, Sulphur, Amyl nitrate, Cimicifuga,
Ignatia, Aconite, Ustilago
Brief explanation of few remedies indicated for menopausal complaints-
A remedy for menopausal females with complaints of indifferent to others. Wants to be left alone, expressionless female. Too tired all the time, wants to relax but not willing so as to complete her work. Too weak muscles, laxity of tissues-eyelids droop, uterus prolapses, hemorrhoids, enuresis, dragging pain in the legs. Usually delayed menstrual cycles with scanty bleeding. Dryness of the skin and mucus membranes -constipation, vaginitis, vulvitis, dyspareunia, eczema.
Indicated for more of mental symptoms in the menopausal period like – absent minded, silent or suppressed grief, alternating sadness and joy, always wants company, easily angered, confusion of mind with too much of delusions. She has difficulty in concentration whether in work or in thoughts, fearful lady. Indicated for sluggish activity, with lot of digestive problems- flatulency and constipation, bleeding piles. Indicated for uterine prolapse or rectal prolapse with bearing down sensation.
Actea racemosa-
Indicated for menstrual and psychological disturbances during climacteric period. Shooting and darting pains in the pelvis, before and during menses. The lady behaves hysterically at the approach of menses. Dark, coagulated profuse menses with rheumatic pains in the uterus. Neuralgic pains shooting and shifting from hip to hip. Severe depression, feels as if a heavy burden is there on her. Delirium, fear; visions of rats and mice running around the house. Hot flushes with irregular, feeble pulse.
Calcerea carb-
Indicated for symptoms due to impaired nutrition, fibroids, DUB in climacteric period. Over fatigued, generally weak person-mentally and physically. Imperfect oxidation of the blood with tendency for anemia. Tendency for obesity with recurrent episodes of hot flushes. Sensitive to cold yet perspires profusely in general, more on the head. Aversion to physical and mental work, obstinate behaviour. Early menses, with profuse bleeding. Prolapsed uterus with heaviness in abdomen. Fibroids of the uterus makes the uterus bulky and prolapsed with menstrual disturbances.
Indicated for offensive uterine and cervical discharges during climacteric period with severe excoriation and burning sensation in the genitals. Severe irritation in the genetalia, with violent itching in the folds of labia. Constant yellow watery leucorrhoea with smell of green corn; tendencies of trichomonal vaginitis. Early and prolonged menses; intermittent menses- stops on sitting or wlking. Repears on walking. Tendency for cervical erosions, metritis.
Menopause is a condition which every female is going to experience in her life. The climacteric period of 5-10 years do show some symptoms which may be either at physical or psychological level. All the patients will not experience the same set of symptoms and even the intensity changes from one to other.
To deal with these changes the patients need more of general management than medication. The general management can be in the form of healthy nutritious diet, exercises, yoga, meditation and counselling. The specific management can be in the form of medications for any of the high intensity of the symptoms either physical or psychological. It will always be good if all the females do try to maintain their health before the problems arise. The healthy lifestyle with balanced nutritional diet will surely bring a happy life for the future. If there is a need for the medication then it is always better to consult the physician of her choice and not to go for over the counter medication.
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