Dear Friends of Homeopathy,
We would like to share with you some good news!
During the 75th Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), on the 7-10 September 2022, Professor George Vithoulkas was awarded with the title of Honorary Member of LMHI https://www.lmhi.org/Home/AboutUs
Prof. Vithoulkas spoke about the “kind of Homeopathic Education the world needs today”.
Here are a few excerpts from his speech:
“Homeopathy has still a long way to go before it can be recognized as a complete and separate system of medicine, BUT IF IT IS LEFT to continue developing in such an anarchistic way as practiced by the majority of homeopaths today, it will surely pass into oblivion – and such a regression will be a great pity for humanity.”
“I have seen miracles that have been performed with correct Homeopathy in the areas of chronic and acute diseases, bringing back order to the physical body and sanity to the mind.”
“The world at this moment is moving with extraordinary speed towards a crazy course of self-destruction. This is, to a great extent, due to lost health – especially on the mental and spiritual levels – and nothing can save it, apart from some healthy people who may emerge in positions of authority.”
“But what is the system of medicine that can give back sanity to the mind and make possible a reset to health?”
“I am sure that all of the people who have gathered here today in this Congress believe that this system is Homeopathy”.