Team Homeopathy 360
The Vithoulkas Expert System
“It has always been my purpose to contribute as much as possible to the art and science of homeopathy. In my lectures, books and now...
The Encyclopedia Homeopathica: The First Comprehensive Library and true Encyclopedia of Homeopathy
Encyclopedia Homeopathica is such an easy and intuitive program that it is hard to believe that it can perform such complex searches through thousands of...
James Tyler Kent: A Man of Exceptionally Keen Observation
‘It is no proof of man’s undertaking to be able to confirm what he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true...
‘First Aid With Homoeopathy’ by Manuel Mateu I Ratera
How to use the Concept in Radar Opus In the previous issue of ‘The Homoeopathic Heritage’ the following topics of ‘First Aid with Homeopathy’ by...
Scope of Dream Interpretation in Homeopathy
Abstract: Dreams have different aspects which is discussed here, especially the aspect which we can adopt for using “dreams” of the patient for artistic prescription...
The LM Potencies: A Case of Objectivity and Subjectivity
The history of LM potencies with regard to their unusual treatment in our literature and use in homeopathy is of a paramount importance. The fact...
How to reach a correct potency
Homeopathy is a natural science. Nature herself is a universal truth just like our mother. Every principle of homeopathy depend on true scientific reason.There are...
Salient Features of LM Potency
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent,...
My Experience of Acute Prescriptions
If you refer to Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, you will fi nd that Hahnemann had described acute diseases in aphorism 73. He had basically divided the...
The Dash in Paragraph 100 of the Organon
At most congresses and in many journals and books people are always talking—would say too much so—about the totality of symptoms and individualization of the...