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THORNY TALE OF THE SPLINTERS, SLIVERS AND NAILS My thirty year old neighbor just got a 2 centimeter splinter deep into the tip of her...

When Gelsemium Killed 'Kumbhakaran' Forever

Mr. Singh, aged 33, a well-known businessman of city, came to my clinic last year with two serious complaints: 1. He had diarrhoea while intending...

Kaliums in Children

Kaliums in Children   Appearence Kalium Arsenicosum: On the physical level, the child has a dark complexion, greasy face and cuts on the lips; acne...

Nails-the Firsthand Sign to Understand the Underlying Disease Condition

Abstract: The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. [1] Signs & symptoms are the...

Role of Concomitant Symptoms in Dermatology

Role of Concomitant Symptoms in Dermatology Case 1 A middle aged girl comes to me with dry rough skin all over the body but especially...

Case of Chronic Eczema

Abstract: This article presents a study of a case of eczema which was very chronic and distressing the day to day activity of the patient...

Bent, not Broken-Living Without Psoriasis-A Reality Case Study-Psoriasis

Abstract: Psoriasis & other auto-immune diseases are on the rise but unfortunately a large percentage of patients suffering from this disfiguring disease are just treated,...

A Wart is Dissolved by Causticum

Abstract: A case report concerns the homoeopathic treatment for a wart of ten years old boy. Six months ago one small, smooth growth had appeared...

Similimum in Tinea Pedis Infection

Abstract: Commonly, tinea pedis patients describe pruritic, scaly soles and, often, painful fissures between the toes. Less often, patients describe vesicular or ulcerative lesions. Some...

Scope and Limitations of Homoeopathy in Opthalmologyfacebook twitter Mail Scope and Limitations of Homoeopathy in Opthalmology

ABSTRACT: Eye is the most vital sense organ of the body. In spite of tremendous research work going on world over, there are many eye...