Team Homeopathy 360
Words of Hahnemann in his articles condemning the Medicine of his time'
A letter answered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann regarding the useless advice of the physicians of that time for cleansing the body by using purgatives. Friends...
Author Dr Kaushik D Das Associate Professor, MHMCH,Midnapore, West Bengal Abstract: The presence of ℞ symbol in a prescription calls the attention of every one....
NHS chief slams homeopathy bill
THE NHS should stop funding controversial homeopathy, its boss said yesterday. Homeopathy has but patronage of the Royal family especially Prince Charles. Simon Stevens said...
World Autism Awareness Day, April 2: Autism spectrum disorder and homeopathy
Disability in one often makes him prey for pity and helplessness but very few know that disability can also be cured upto an extent to...
Research Design
Objectives of Research The prime objectives of research are To discover new facts To verify and test important facts To analyse an event or process...
Mad rush for Homeopathic health insurance after successful launch
President of C4C Homeopathic Hospital, Dr. Michael Kojo Kyeremateng has revealed that there is a mad rush for the Homeopathic health insurance after it was...
Hudson Valley Heals Through Homeopathy
The Hudson Valley is a hotbed for all things homeopathic given the region’s inherently sustainable nature. Interest in homeopathy has been present in the Hudson Valley since the mid 1800s. After a resurgence in this alternative medical practice across the...