Team Homeopathy 360
Clinical trials on Ayush drugs needed for developing integrative approach as integration already started at patient level, say scientists
Although physicians of modern and ancient medical systems have not reached a scientific conclusion in integrating appropriate therapies of their systems due to lack of...
NEET for AYUSH streams
Students who are aspiring for a seat in any of of the AYUSH streams (ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha and homoeopathy) for 2017-2018 academic...
26th Post Graduate Summer school in the Principles and Practice of Homeopathy: 2nd April to 16th April 2017 @ Shaad Hospital Complex, Nagpur
THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF HOMOEOPATHY INDIA Presents 26th Post Graduate Summer school in the Principles and Practice of Homeopathy from 2nd April to 16th April...
Management of Renal Pathology by Dr Farokh J Master and Dr Tushar Shah: April 9, 2017
B.Jain Pharmaceuticals, New Delhi B. Jain Publishers, Noida Center of Advance Study in Homoeopathy (CASH), New Delhi Department of Homoeopathy K.E.M. Hospital Department of Homoeopathy...
Emergency Medicine & Critical Care Skills Training Programme for AYUSH doctors
According to the recent WHO report, by 2020 Trauma will be the third largest killer in the developing world. The endeavor is to provide a...
Homeopathic Approach Using Potentized Estrogen Seen to Ease Endometriosis-Associated Pelvic Pain
A homeopathic treatment that uses potentized estrogen can ease endometriosis-associated pelvic pain, improving patients’ quality of life while lessening symptoms of anxiety and depression, a study reports. These findings...
Allergic Conjunctivitis and its Homoeopathic Management
Abstract: With the increase of the environmental pollution the prevalence of Allergic conjunctivitis is increasing day by day, which chiefly affects the children and younger...