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Rare Remedies

In homeopathic practice, we meet with situations where prescribing becomes difficult owing to insufficient data for prescribing a polychrest remedy. Rare remedies often play a useful role in such cases...

Abridged Study of Kali Group

Introduction Synonyms Potassium, Kalium, Potash Symbol K+ Group I [A] Series 4 Melting Point 630C Specific Gravity 0.86 Atomic Number 19 Atomic Weight 39.1 The...

Identifying the Kali Group

The Kali group is one of my favourite groups to teach and write about, hence first of all I will mention the most identifying features...

Hypertension and Homeopathy

Introduction Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure. Blood exerts pressure. This fact was first discovered by an English physician ‘William Harvey’ (1578–1657)...

Aethusa Cynapium — Mental make up

The need of homeopaths is an accurate and realistic description of personalities of different remedies. Our old materia medica describe only the crude and extreme...

Anxiety, Apathy and Depression — a Comparative Materia Medica

Anxiety — Comparative Materia Medica Points Ailments From Manifestations Modalities Arsenicum Album Grief; Fright; Fits of passion Anxiety about health; Fastidious and fussy; Panic attacks;...

Belladonna, a Study

Pharmacognosy  The source of this invaluable remedy is the plant ‘Atropa belladonna’. It is the common deadly nightshade, a member of the Solanaceae family, as...

Insights into symbolic meaning of Snakes and Their correlation with Lachesis

Resume: The rich symbolism of the snake…primordial life force and gender supremacy…shedding of the skin, casting of the old self and emerging as a new...

Common Themes of Snake Venoms as Understood from my 32 Years of Clinical Practice

Competitiveness/Power The central theme of snake remedies is one of competitiveness and gaining power over others and their environment. Whatever they do in life they...

Calcium Group – The Collector of Days and Fossils

Just as the earth consists of hard and soft material, such as rocks, water and air, so too does the human body consist of the...