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A Case of Chronic Headache with Idiopathic Allergic Ophthalmic Photosensitivity

Introduction Headache is probably the most common problem encountered in clinical practice. Its incidence is almost equal, both as a complete solitary symptom (acute or...

A case of Hypertension

Chief Complaints Mr. A, aged 32 years came with an acute presentation of anal fissures on September 15, 2009. He complained of pain in anus...

Labile Hypertension: Concept and Approach

Introduction  Hypertension is an important problem in modern society. There is a considerable increase in the number of cases of hypertension particularly of primary (essential)...

My Experience with Rare Remedies in Homeopathy

The best way to describe the Materia Medica of a rare remedy is through cases. Today I will share my experience with rare Indian Homeopathic...

The treatment of nervous disorders: The importance of physical symptoms and signs

Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is 27 years since my last appearance in this building. I can remember being a little confused and more...

A Brief Briefing of LM Potency

History  Hahnemann completed the fifth edition of the Organon in 1833 and the sixth edition by the end of 1841. He wrote a letter dated...

Scope of Homeopathy in Thrombocytopenia

Homeopathy is highly efficacious in treating and curing the cases of thrombocytopenia. There seems to be a panic especially during an outbreak of Dengue and...

Homeopathic Management of Hypertension

Introduction It is very important that one should always treat hypertension not as a disease but as an individual who suffers from hypertension. The classical...

End Stage Renal Disease

Introduction Kidneys are very crucial to one’s health. They filter out waste products from the blood, remove excess fluids and help balance chemicals in the...

Efficient Care of Challenging Cases of Malignancy

Introduction   Cancer, a dreadful condition, is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. In 2004, it accounted for 7.4 million deaths, which were around 13%...