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Experience with Homoeopathic Remedies in the Treatment of ADHD and Autism

Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder (ADHD) ADHD is a medical condition characterised by inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsi-vity. This is one of the most common mental...

A case of Acne Vulgaris treated by Kentian Method

Introduction As per Dr J T Kent, ‘Man is prior to the organs…Man is the will and the understanding, and the house which he lives...

Acute Cases of Women’s Illness Treated in Homoeopathic O.P.D.

Case 1 A young college girl came to my clinic for the following complains – chronic eruptions on vulva that were especially worse during menses,...

Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatment in cases of Migraine: An Observational Clinical Studyfacebook twitter Mail Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatment in cases of Migraine: An Observational Clinical Study Introduction

Introduction Migraine is a severe type of headache characterised by recurrent attacks of unilateral headache usually associated with nausea, vomiting and/or photo-phonophobia. The attacks are...

Critical Study of Hahnemann’s New 50th Millesimal Scale Drugs vis-à-vis Centesimal Scale Drugs in Homeopathic Treatment of Diseases

Introduction Dr Hahnemann found from his experiments that Homeopathic drugs in serial dilutions became more and more potent in their efficacy for the treatment of...

Two Acute Cases of Acid Remedies

Case 1 Once I saw a case of acute migraine in a 23 year old science student at my clinic. His chief complaints were as...

Resuscitation in Typhoid

Typhoid is an infectious disease with prevalence in the developing countries. Usually, typhoid fever takes around three weeks to get cured by the modern medicine....

Homeopathic Perspective in Treating a Case of Barrett's Oesophagus

Introduction Barrett’s oesophagus is a pre-malignant condition in which the normal squamous lining of the lower oesophagus is replaced by columnar mucosa (columnar lined oesophagus;...

Disorders of Digestion

Digestive disorders include the ailments of the liver and digestive tract, including the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas, small intestine and colon. The first...

Cravings in Pregnancy

Cravings in pregnancy are pretty normal. Come to think of it, cravings in non pregnant life are fairly normal too. One line of thought, although...