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Pathological interpretation of Anaemia and homeopathic management

introduction  Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the amount of haemoglobin is low. Hb                      Men       : 14 to...

Women’s Health Problems and Homoeopathic treatment

Introduction A women’s weakest area often seems to be connected with her reproductive system and it’s associated hormones , the system is a delicate and...

A few doses of Ledum pal took him back to the football ground!

A young boy named Firoz was brought to me by his mother for his chronic pain in the lower limbs, especially the ankle and knee joints....

Psychosocial Trauma – Leucoderma

LEUCODERMA HAS been testing patience of both Hmoeopaths and patients due to its distant healing. I call lueoderma, psychosocial trauma and an emotional-shock having a...


Abstract: Hypothyroidism is usually a primary process resulting from failure of the thyroid gland to produce adequate amounts of hormone. It may also be caused...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Abstract It is a disorder in persons in which he is unable to control behaviour due to difficulty in processing neural stimuli, accompanied by an...

A Case of Hypothyroidism

A Case of Hypothyroidism Juhi 9 yr 30-4-01 Ref: W/25/01  Father 34. Business. Mother 34. Live in Vasai. Only child. 1.Swelling neck since 2000, noticed...

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders are another set of hormonal disorders which can be treated very well by homeopathy. The literature says and has been seen in experience...

Searching Similimum In Fistula In Ano

Fistula means an abnormal connection or passage way between organs that do not normally connect. Most commonly fistulas occur near the anus. This condition is...

Defining the Role of Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Diseases of Kidney & Urinary Tract

Abstract: Diseases pertaining to vital organs have always been a subject of special interest and research. The conventional system of medicine, since the past few...