Dr. Siddharth Saurabh
Dr. Siddharth Saurabh - Currently working as Professor & HOD in Dept of Repertory at Ahmedabad Homeopathic medical College. He is also a PG guide and PG examiner. Presented research paper at second international Ayush conference at Dubai. Various articles published in peer reviewed journals. Currently pursuing PhD in homoeopathy.

Join us for the upcoming webinar with Dr. Siddharth Saurabh on “An In-depth Exploration of Paediatric Case Taking and The Repertorial Method”
“HomeoTalks 2025” Join us for the upcoming webinar on “An In-depth Exploration of Paediatric Case Taking and The Repertorial Method” in the ‘Homeotalks 2025’ series,...

Dr Siddharth Saurabh
Dr Siddharth Saurabh – Currenntly working as Professor & HOD in Dept of Repertory at Ahmedabad Homeopathic medical College. He is also a PG guide...