Dr. Viren Nimbark
Dr. Viren Nimbark - Homeopathic Consultant since January, 2011 and academician since May, 2016. Attended national and state level conferences, seminars and workshops. Published many research articles, Case reviews and guided different dissertations.

Join us for the upcoming webinar with Dr. Viren Nimbark on “Homoeopathic Management of Sciatica ”
“HomeoTalks 2025” Join us for the upcoming webinar on “Homoeopathic Management of Sciatica” in the ‘Homeotalks 2025’ series, presented by Homeopathy360 in collaboration with Parul...

Dr. Viren Nimbark
Homeopathic Consultant since January, 2011 and academician since May, 2016. Attended national and state level conferences, seminars and workshops. Published many research articles, Case reviews...