Team Homeopathy360

Why Is Homeopathy So Popular, And Does It Really Work?
The science of homeopathy has been used to heal patients for long periods. Many people in the Indian population use homeopathic remedies to treat medical...

How Chiropractic Treatment Helps Car Accident Victims
Physical therapy and homeopathy are getting much attention nowadays due to their non-invasive procedures and natural remedies. On the other hand, conventional medicine is too...

NCH Award Ceremony At Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC 2021) On April 25
National Center of Homeopathy’s Award Ceremony at Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC 2021) on April 25. B Jain Publishers & Team Homeopathy 360 congratulates Dr...

Interpretation Of Blood Gases In Children
Interpretation of Blood Gases in Children – Arterial Blood Gas (Abg), Capillary Blood Gas (Cbg), Venous Blood Gas (Vbg) Authored by: Dr Roopa Salin Assistant...

Kidney Stones or Renal Calculi And Its Homoeopathic Rubrics With Therapeutics
Authored by: Dr Vishnu T M Assistant Professor, Dept of Anatomy Yenepoya Homoeopathic Medical College and HospitalMangalore. Kidney stones (also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis) are...

Dr Kavitha Kukunoor’s Testimonial For Director, B Jain And Team Homeopathy 360
From the desk of Dr Kavitha Kukunoor:“Thank you so much Manish Jain for the beautiful testimonial. I greatly appreciate your kindness and hardwork to integrate...

COVID Vaccine Beneficiary Management: Board Of Homoeopathic System Of Medicine Calls For Data Of Practitioners For COVID 19 Vaccination
Register at https://www.dshm.delhi.gov.in/

UPSC Admit Card For The Post of Medical Officer/ Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/ General Duty Medical Officer (Homoeopathy) In Ministry of AYUSH Released
Download Admit Card at https://upsconline.nic.in/oraadmitcard/admitcard_candidate/ Guidelines :

Counselling Schedule For Admission To Homoeopathy Post Graduate Courses For Academic Year 2020-21
Counselling at https://aaccc.gov.in/