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  • IACH

The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) is an educational institution which presents academic Courses in homeopathy for the effective clinical practise of Classical Homeopathy. The aim of the IACH is the professional education of Medical Doctors, Medical students and health practitioners in order to become effective Classical Homeopaths, according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.


Response to a malicious paper against Homeopathy – Prof. George Vithoulkas

Dear Homeopaths Read the response of Prof. George Vithoulkas to a malicious paper against Homeopathy Read More: https://www.academia.edu/91709378/Response_to_a_malicious_paper_against_Homeopathy

New Edition of Celle Seminars Book by Prof. Vithoulkas

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy has now published an all-new edited version of the Celle Seminars book.This edition not only showcases the precise manner in which Prof. George...

An Innovative Proposal for scientific alternative medical journals – Prof George Vithoulkas

Contemporary homeopaths all over the world are witnesses to one of the strangest things to have ever occurred in our complex modern scientific society, namely,...

Response of Prof. Vithoulkas to a malicious paper against Homeopathy

Dear Homeopaths read the response of Prof. George Vithoulkas to a malicious paper against Homeopathy https://www.academia.edu/91709378/Response_to_a_malicious_paper_against_Homeopathy

Sheikh Zayed International Award for TCAM to Prof. G. Vithoulkas

Dear Friends of Homeopathy, We would like to share with you some good news! Professor George Vithoulkas received the prestigious Sheikh Zayed International Award for...

Don’t miss out on Dr Vithoulkas New Learning Series on “Classical Homeopathy for Children”

Dear Friends hope you will not Miss our Webinar!! Share the news with friends, colleagues and also patients! It is very important to raise awareness...

Homeopathy: The Answer to High Potency Question – Prof. George Vithoulkas

Dear Homeopaths and Friends of Homeopathy this is a pre print paper on which we worked for years and we hope that we have found...

“Classical Homeopathy for Children – A Webinar by Professor George Vithoulkas”

Dear Medical Professionals, Homeopaths, Students and Friends of Homeopathy We would like to announce our new 12 hour webinar in ‘ Watch & Learn Series’ –  “Classical...

Professor George Vithoulkas was awarded with the title of Honorary Member of LMHI

Dear Friends of Homeopathy, We would like to share with you some good news! During the 75th Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), on...

Materia Medica Viva, Volume 13 by Professor George Vithoulkas

“Homeopathic professionals have been asking me for a long time to write my own Materia Medica in order that the information imparted through my teachings...