Homeopathy360 Team
Ulcers on Toes
Ulcers On Toes: Ulcers On The Toes, Especially Of Old People, Commencing With A Blister, As If Caused By A Burn, Are Cured By Silicea;...
Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea and Homoeopathy: A Case Report
Abstract: A female patient came with a complaint of amenorrhoea. Her menses got suppressed suddenly on the third days of her menses. After analysis, evaluation...
WBUHS Joint Entrance Examinations for various health PG courses 2021
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) will conduct common entrance test JEPAS(PG)-2021 and counselling for admission into various Postgraduate courses of Paramedical & Allied...
The Study of Materia Medica and Taking the Case: Cyrus Maxwell Boger
The true physician is the man who knows how to make the best cures and the most expert healer is the man who knows best...
Ferrum Phos
Ferrum Phos: With Fever of Unknown Origin in Children, Start with Ferrum Phos. Source: Louis Dion
Effectiveness Homeopathy for Allergic Rhinitis: A Systematic Review
Abstract– Allergy can be either due to genetic predisposition or external agents. When it is due to genetic predisposition, then it is called as atopy....
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: A Case on Adhd Using Kent’s Repertory
ABSTRACT Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is the most common neuro behavioral disorder, among the most prevalent chronic health conditions affecting school-aged children, and the...
LYCOPODIUM: Dr Farokh Master
Lycopodium: The Children Sleep Apparently Soundly, But Scream Out Suddenly In Sleep, Stare About and Cannot Easily Be Pacified. Source: Bedside Clinical Prescribing In Homeopathy...
Scope of homoeopathy in disabilities related to the lifestyle disorders
ABSTRACT : Lifestyle is one’s way of living. Health requires the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Poor lifestyle choices give rise to a cluster of...