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Many Happy Returns of the Day to Padma Bhushan Dr. Yudhvir Singh 11th. July

Founder of the N.H.M.C.: Dr. Yudhvir Singh, the veteran freedom fighter and homoeopath was born at Jaipur on 11th July 1897. He received education at...

When well selected remedy fails to act… use nosodes and sarcodes!

Abstract: So far, a prejudice against using nosodes and sarcode remedies is concerned, we should be as honest as was Dr James B. Bell when...


ABSTRACT Taking case histories and carrying out physical examinations of children differs from those of adults and comes with a set of challenges. In order...

World Population Day – 2021

World Population Day was established in 1989 by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme — UNDP. World Population Day is celebrated every...

New webinar series how to improve your immunity with homeopathy

Holistic healing hospital and Nano homeopathy institute of research and homeopathy present a combat covid series to improve your immunity .

International Free Webinar on Miasms in Everyday Practice

INTERNATIONAL FREE Webinar An independent free uncompensated round table With collaboration of homeopathy360 25 of July 2021 , Time: 01:00 PM- 16:30 PM (Indian time)...

A case study- Bacillinum as an intercurrent remedy – Dr Purusottam Kumar Singh

ABSTRACT Nosodes acts as an intercurrent remedy, after prescribing simillimum (NATRUM MURIATICUM), it initially seemsed to cure the case but after a span of time,...

Alopecia Areata treated with Syphilinum: a case report (Dr Yogeshwari gupta and Dr Jaya Sharma)

Abstract: The following case report is alopecia areata in 22 years old female who was treated successfully with individualised homoeopathic medicine within10 months of treatment....

Homoeopathic approach in anaemia- a case report

Anaemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell counts or the haemoglobin (Hb) is below the normal range (Hb in an adult male: 14-18 gm/dl and...

Ambrosia in Allergy – Dr Monimala Pramanick M.D.(Hom.)

Allergy word come from the word ‘allos’ and ‘eargen’. Meaning of allergy is altered reaction. Allergen is that things which causes allergy. So according to...