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CARCINOSIN the drug picture by Donald Fobister

Homeopathic Drug Carcinosin (Part 3) – “SPECIAL ADDITION” for explaining some important points. Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX6d9IL384g Note:  This video will absolutely help homoeopathic students & practitioner...

Migraine or Brain and Nervous System: Causes, types, and symptoms and Homoeopathic Treatment

MIGRAINE : Migraine is a form of recurrent head ache which affects both sexes . It has been estimated that up to five percent of...

Join Today Webinar: CME on use of mother tincture and understanding patient’s

Gd Memorial Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital in Patna with Homeopathic Science Congress Society and Homeopathy 360 Topic:  CME on use of mother tincture and...

Tubercular State and Tuberculosis by Dr Goutam Das

[Abstract: This article deals with the understanding of the concept of ‘tubercular state or dyscrasia’ with the relation of various permutation & combination of the...


Francis,Francis Treuherz MA RSHom FSHomRegistered Homeopath2 Exeter Road, side entranceLondon NW24SP Phone 0208 450 6564Mobile 07958 459 446Helpline 09065 343404fran@gn.apc.orgwww.homeopathyhelpline.comwww.homeopathyhelpline.com/books-by-francis

Role Of Homoeopathy In Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. Sinusitis is one of the most common of all the respiratory...

Homoeopathy University Jaipur PhD(Homoeopathy) Admission 2021

HOMOEOPATHY UNIVERSITY – JAIPURPh.D. (Homoeopathy) 2021 ADMISSION SUBJECTS: Materia Medica Organon of Medicine Repertory Pharmacy Pediatrics IMPORTANT DATES FOR Ph.D. 1. Date of availability of...

Homoeopathic Representation of Precious Metal Platinum Metallicum – A Case Study

Introduction:  As we all know that it is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of headaches that are varying from moderate to severe.1...

Single Dose Treatment For The Pandemic

At last, the ice is broken.  Forty-five years of relentless, vigorous and rigorous study, practice, observation and teaching of Homoeopathy [not as a bread winning...