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  • Dr Purnima Rani

Dr Purnima Rani, M.D. (Hom.) in Repertory from Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra and completed her B.H.M.S. from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, having clinical experience of 4+ years.



Ethanol is present in the following beverages: Malted liqors (beer) Wines (light claret cider) Fortified port Spirit (rum, gin and whisky) Pure ethanol is transparent,...


Exhumation means to dig out, unearth or disinterment. It is done when a person is buried and subsequently doubts are raised regarding the cause of...


It is the process of formation of new sperm (spermatozoa) from the parent cell spermatogonia. The sperm formation starts at the age of 13. Nearly...

Rheumatic Fever

It is a post-streptococcal allergic fever, characterized by fleeting polyarthritis, and a  great tendency to carditis.  The streptococci belong to group A, b-hemolytic streptococci. AetiologyAge:...

Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics And Repertory (B.B.C.R.)

INTRODUCTION Perhaps one of the greatest piece of homoeopathic literature left by Dr Boger is the Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory. “The combined observations and logic...

Nyctanthes Arbortristis

Common name: Paghala Malli, Sad Tree Bilious and obstinate remittent fever; sciatica; rheumatism. Constipation in children.Mind: Anxious and restless.Head: Dull headache.Mouth: Tongue coated.Stomach: Burning sensation,...

Fluoricum Acidum (Hydrofluoric Acid)

Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Glabella region bloated. Acts especially on the lower tissues and is indicated in deep, destructive...

View On Miasm by Stalwarts

Samuel Hahnemann In the course of his clinical work, Hahnemann noticed that there were certain chronic conditions that he could not treat satisfactorily with homoeopathy....


Things that vary are called variables in statistics and can be discerned in different classes: continuous, discrete, categorical and ordinal variables. There is some overlap...

Antenatal Advise

Antenatal AdviseIt is classified into the following:1. Investigations2. Diet 3. Supplements 4. General Advise Antenatal investigations Antenatal investigations play an important role in the management...