Author: Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M. D. (Homoeopathy)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
[Abstract: This article deals with the understanding of the concept of Psora, on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy.]
Keywords: Psora-infection-incubation & prodromal period-primary symptoms-latent stage-secondary manifestations-therapeutic aim-antipsoric medicines.
How Psora Develop? The development of Psoric miasm may we discuss about its mode of infection, internal development, primary manifestations, latent stage, and its secondary manifestations.
As a mode of infection, there is a fluid in the vesicles, which contain Psora miasm; when this fluid comes into contact with the skin the itch mite enter into the organism by contact mode of infection, this is found to exist universally in almost every-body under all circumstances.
As internal development, once an entry is gained into the organism the miasm spread; for several days (6, 8, 10, 14 days from the date of contact), nothing is visible. Once they have developed fully in the organism, the local symptoms break-out as “Primary manifestations of Psora”.
Primary manifestations of Psora:
After passing an incubation period, the manifestation of the infection of Psora appear.
- The fluid in the itch vesicles contains the Psoric miasm.
- If that fluid comes in contact with our skin, the miasm gets an entry in the body.
- The affected person will fell a bit chilly within 6, 8, 10, or 14 days from the date of contact.
- He will feel heat in the body with feverish feeling in the evening and this will persist during the night and towards the last part of the night sweating will begin.
- Next morning, the itch vesicles will appear.
- This spreads gradually on the skin all over the body, initially appearing on the infected area.
- The patient under-goes severe itching and rubs and scratches the itch-vesicles until bleeding.
- The rubbing and scratching, though temporarily relives is followed by severe burning for a long time.
- Aggravation of the itching is felt late-evening to till mid-night.
- By scratching the vesicles containing the fluid comes out and spreads in the neighbourhood; which is also capable of infection other healthy persons.
The appearance of vesicles may be said to be the primary manifestation of Psora.
- These vesicles are associated with severe itching followed by burning.
If these vesicles are not cured with suitable antipsoric medicines and are suppressed by any means, then the topical symptoms disappear but the disease is driven inwards and may remain in dominant state which is then called the latent state of Psora.
- Usually, these symptoms of suppression arise from application of some ointment.
- But, sometimes these vesicles may disappear from the surface even without application of any medicine.
- On the other hand the primary manifestation of syphilis or sycosis never disappears automatically.
This latent Psora may be converted into ‘Patent form’ again in future as a result of mental shock, trauma, invasion of any acute disease or unhealthy environment etc. The ‘Patent form’ may have various types of manifestations.
- The particular type, which it will assume in an individual, depends upon that individual’s inherited susceptibility, environment, earlier diseases from which he has already suffered since birth and the mode of treatment adopted for those, palliation or suppression of any previous ailment etc.
- That is why we find numerous chronic diseases whose nomenclatures are not always known.
With the exception of Syphilis and Sycosis, all other so-called chronic diseases arise from Psora.
- Whatever nosological classification may be made from pathological point of view, we can never fully get rid of it without the help of antipsoric medicines.
The inherited Psoric dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this latent state or form.
- Subsequently, it flares up in various forms under favourable circumstances.
- So, diseases like Cancer, Tuberculosis, Diabetes etc., may not generally develop in future if proper constitutional treatment can be rendered in infancy on the basis of symptoms of latent Psora; because in such cases, the persons concerned may be freed from Psora which is the basic cause of such diseases.
Of course, there may be every possibility of subsequent attack of Psora and creation of favourable circumstances for flare-up of Psora again; yet there is no doubt that many incurable diseases can be averted, if the propensity of inherited Psora can be decreased or removed.
- Truly say that there is no person who is free from Psora.
- So long, Psora remain in the body, it will become more complicated and multiplied.
- The more it will be brought out from the suppressed condition, the more its destructive power will be diminished.
Let us discuss the symptom-syndrome of Psora in its various stages to recognizing them.
Few symptoms of Latent Stage of Psora:
Mental General Symptoms:
- Mentally alert, fearful, apprehensive, anxious and easily irritated.
- Mentally and physically lethargic on trifling causes.
Physical General Symptoms:
- Thermal relation: Chilly and hyper-susceptible to cold. Aversion to cold; wants warmth both internally and externally.
- Craving for sweets, sour, fried things and fat foods.
- Ravenous hunger, especially in the morning.
- Sleep; during sleep twitching of muscles; sweat on head; restless during sleep.
- Aversion to bath; unclean and dirty habits.
- Wants to lie down day and night which > his troubles.
- Better by natural discharges and secretions as sweating, urination, stool, menstrual flow etc.
Characteristic Symptoms:
- Burning and sweating of palms and soles.
- Periodical hot flushes felt in eyes, face, ears etc.
- Redness of mucous membranes of orifices as lips, nostrils, and so on.
- Gnashing of teeth during sleep and expulsion of round worms.
- Periodical epistaxis.
- Frequent congestion in throat with accumulation of much phlegm.
Secondary manifestations of Psora:
The inherited Psoric dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this latent state or form. Subsequently, it flares up in various forms under favourable circumstances as ‘Secondary manifestations of Psora’.
Few symptoms of Secondary Psora:
Vertigo: Vertigo < when walking.
Head: Long standing headache like migraine etc., dandruff.
Ear: Otorrhoea; noises in the ears.
Nose: Epistaxis and nasal polypus.
Throat: Sore-throat and glandular enlargement. Hoarseness of voice.
Teeth: Intolerable pain in the teeth.
Abdomen: All symptoms of acidity and dyspepsia. Nausea, vomiting and hiccough. Pain in liver and stomach.
Anus: Piles, anal fistula and rectal polypus.
Urine: Enuresis.
Skin: Various skin diseases. Warts on face, arms and hands. Erysipelus.
Male: Night pollution, seminal discharges with sexy dreams. Easy ejaculation. Impotency. Discharge of prostatic fluid during straining at stool and urination etc.
Female: All types of menstrual disorder, infertility. Vaginal or uterine polypi. Leucorrhoea.
Extremities: Various types of rheumatism; curvature of bones, osteitis, osteomyelitis etc.
Suppuration and necrosis of bones like humerus, femur, patella, phalanges etc.
Varicose veins of lower portion of the body.
Ulcers on thigh, ankle and foot.
Diseases: Various types of encysted tumours. Various types of Carcinoma, Sarcoma etc. Various types of Mental diseases. Epilepsy, Tuberculosis and Leprosy. Bronchial asthma. Enuresis. Diabetes mellitus etc.
Such numerous disease syndromes or disease states denote the symptoms of secondary Psora. Except syphilis and Sycosis manifestations, all other chronic diseases are nothing but various manifestations of Psora. It’s enough to know that Psora may cause all sort of chronic diseases. We needs to recognise it know it and ability to perceive Psora.
Homoeopathic Management:
Few Anti-psoric remedies:
Abrotanum, Agaricus, Aloe, Alumina, Ambra, Ammon. carb., Antim. Crud., Apis, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Ars., Ars. Iod., Aurum met., Baryta carb., Baryta mur., Bell, Ben. acid, Berberis, Bufo, Cal. Carb., Cal. Ars., Cal. Phos., Carbo. Ani., Carbo. Veg., Cap., Clematis, Con., Crotalus h., Croton t., Kreo., Cuprum m., Digitalis, Dulc., Ferrum met., Ferrum phos., Fluoric acid, Graph., Hydrastis, Hepar sulph., Iodine, Kali. Bi., Kali. Carb., Lac. D., Lach., Led., Lyco., Mag. Carb., Mag. Mure., Mez., Muriatic acid, Nat. ars., Nat. carb., Nat. mure., Nat. sulph., Nit. Acid., Petro., Phos., Phos. Acid., Platina, Plumbum, Ruta, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Sarsaparilla, Sec. cor., Selenium, Sep., Sil., Stannum, Staph., Stramo., Sulph., Tellurium, Tarantula, Theridion, Thyroid., Tuberculinum, Zincum etc.
All the Antisycotic and Antisyphilitic medicines are also Antipsoric; but not equal in strength; Sycosis and Syphilis cases must begin with a deep acting Antipsoric first, followed by as per the necessity and the demand of the patient; that’s the applied art of homoeopathic therapeutics.
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About Author:
Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, AJSHMC&RI, Mehsana, (Gujarat)
Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), H.N.G. University, Patan, (Gujarat)
Ex. Academic Director & Principal In-Charge, NHMCH&RC, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. Examiner, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), Dr.B.R.A.University, Agra, (U.P.)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Senior House Physician, PCHC&H, Kolkata (W.B.)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
Board of Homoeopathic Medicine, Lucknow, Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of U.P., & Dr.B.R.A. University, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. House Physician, JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)
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