Presenting Complaints
- A 34 yr aged married lady came on 25/09/2019 with the complaints of severe pain which was excruciating sometimes electric current like in left iliac fossa.
- There was sensation of fullness over the painful area. Pain >lying straight, rest <standing, <sitting.
- Pain on the left side does not want to move.
- There is weakness,with drawing and tearing pain in both the legs,more in right leg.
Recent Past History (june,july,august 2019.)
- 3 months before at midnight around 1am the patient had sudden acute pain in the abdomen with nausea and was taken to the near by hospital where she was admitted and was given allopathic treatment( IV dextrose,antibiotic and painkillers) she recovered moderately from the pain but had fever and pain in abdomen.
- Blood invetigations was done twice and in the second report Typhoid was positive with 1:80 titre.
- For the same she continued allopathic medicine(antipyretic,antibiotic,antispasmodics).
- Later she started getting chills with fever and profuse sweating.< evening,night.
- Stools were mucoid,offensive passed with lots of colicy pain in abdomen.
- The tenesmus was not relieved by passing stool.
- Pain in the left iliac fossa still persists in the same intensity as it was when she got admitted in the hospital.
- < touch,movement.
- > lying down,rest
At the time of discharge from hospital
- the pain was still persisting and was associated with excruciating leg pain predominantly in calf muscles.>massage, with on and off Backpain.
- THIRSTLESS with moist mouth
- Dreams chased by a bull.
- Stools were regular.
- Micturation 4-5/1-2 she says its more as compared to the amount of water she drinks.
- Perspiration is profuse cold which aggravates her condition.
- Regular menses 28-30 day cycle,No WDPV.
- Nothing significant before,during or after menses.
- Slight Constipation before menses.
- LMP 1 -18/9/19 D1,D2,D3 there is heavy bleeding then scanty menses till D7.
- USG done on 24/09/2019-D7
- 3 FTND, during pregnancy use to have right side femur pain,the pain use to be unbearable < touch.
- In aphorism 5 Hahnemann gives us the guidelines of framing acute totality which comprises of
Exciting cause or precipitating causes(mental,physical,chemical,biological etc)
Recent changes in the mental and physical states
Characteristic mental generals,physical generals
Characteristic particulars.
Dr Hah explains
Aph 92 But if it be a disease of a rapid course, and if its serious character admit of no delay, the physician must content himself with observing the morbid condition, altered though it may be by medicines, if he cannot ascertain what symptoms were present before the employment of the medicines, – in order that he may at least form a just apprehension of the complete picture of the disease in its actual condition, that is to say, of the conjoint malady formed by the medicinal and original diseases, which from the use of inappropriate drugs is generally more serious and dangerous than was the original disease, and hence demands prompt and efficient aid; and by thus tracing out the complete picture of the disease he will be enabled to combat it with a suitable homoeopathic remedy, so that the patient shall not fall a sacrifice to the injurious drugs he was swallowed.
- -Drawing and tearing in the limb; worse at night, in warm bed, with profuse sweat, which aggravates her problem.
- -Complaints increase during profuse sweat.
- -Bone pains agg. at night.
- -Most complaints agg. in the evening or at night; from heat of bed and during perspiration.
- – Dysentery: stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting; great tenesmus during and after, not > by stool
- < by heat of, but >> by rest in, bed.
- Moist mouth with thirstlessness
- Hot patient.
- Micturation more as compared to the water consumed
All allopathic medicines were already stopped.
1. 25/09/20
After giving the indicated remedy on 25/09/2019
1st dose on 25/9/2019 with daily one dose for two weeks
2. 3/10/20
- Within a week there was c/o Sore throat with feverish feeling with
- Dysenteric stools 3-4 times in daytime with mucus offensive.
3. 25/10/20
- Got her menses on LMP 2 -23/10/19
Pl for next month
Advised USG-pelvis in the month of Nov 2019
LMP 3 -23/11/19


About the author
Dr. Fauzia has teaching experience of 20 yrs,Clinical experience of 21yrs,PG Guide Since 7 yrs.Member of BOS for PG in RGUHS Karnataka.
Dr.Fauzia M Ansari .MD(Hom)
Professor & PG Guide
Dept of Organon of Medicine.
A M Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College – Belagavi