Book Title: Repertory Expert A New Experience on Understanding Repertories
• Dr. SHANU SALIM M.D (Hom.) Chief Consultant, Dr. Salim’s Center for Homoeopathic Healing, Kozhikode, Kerala; Special Consultant, Aditya Institute of Homeopathic Medical Science, Kannur, Kerala.
• Dr. GINU. D. MOHAN M.D (Hom.) Assistant Professor, Department of Repertory, Maria Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu.
• Dr. GENESIS. D M.D (Hom.) Assistant Professor, Department of Repertory, R.V.S Homoeopathic Medical College & hospital, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Edited By: Dr. V. SATHISH KUMAR M.D (Hom.)
Professor and Head of the Department
Department of Repertory, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu
ISBN: 978-93-5407-323-6
Published By: Dr. Salim’s Center for Homoeopathic Healing, Kozhikode, Kerala
No. of Pages: 1000 Pages
Price: Rs.950/ Copy
Edition: First Edition
Year: 2020
A Note of Appreciation by: Dr. MANSOOR ALI K. R, Professor, Department of Repertory, Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Calicut
Foreword by: Prof (Dr). ESWARA DAS MD (Hom.), PhD, MBA (Health Care), Project Coordinator, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health and Former Director, National Institute of Homeopathy, Government of India
Repertory is a vast subject that links between Materia medica and Organon of Medicine in a trilogy. Repertories are an aid to study and deal with Materia medica in clinical practice. The subject gives proper knowledge and teaches skills from art of case taking to correct prescription. Many of our experts have shown pathways for us making different repertories based on different methodologies. Such a thought of necessity was first originated from our
great father of Homoeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann himself. During the course of time many number of repertories emerged, now-a-days extending even up to repertory softwares. Now as the students of Homoeopathy it is our responsibility to gain knowledge about each of the repertories and the philosophy linked with the subject.
‘Repertory Expert’ is a reference book that should be introduced to each and every aspirants of the subject, Repertory. This book threads all the essential information regarding the subject in a single piece of work. This book can really satisfy the purpose of serving a definite knowledge to someone who needs a support to learn about the subject.
During the course of Graduation/Post-graduation, especially at the time of exams, UG students/PG scholars are compelled to depend more upon the original repertories than any other reference books. The data given in such reference books are also sometimes incomplete, where some of the important topics and repertories may not be available and some of them need corrections. If we need to learn about a repertory in detail, we should approach the original repertory. But, it is very difficult to refer each and every repertory within a short period and of course one should access the library for it or else we should keep all of them along with us to refer when necessary, which is nearly impossible.
All the above said issues have been solved by this book, which is a synthesis of every unavoidable explanations concerned with the most important repertories and related topics. This book collectively includes only the verified data concerned with the repertories, directly taken from the available source books. On behalf of my reading experience I recommend this book to all UG students, PG scholars and teachers expecting ‘Repertory Expert’ to be an asset to nurture your knowledge regarding repertories.
• A reference book that discusses about all the essential topics regarding the field of Repertory.
• Review of more than 84 repertories and more than 13 computer repertories.
• This book includes three parts such as: Part I – Introduction; Part II – Repertory; Part III- Miscellaneous. Well-briefed index, word index and bibliography are made available.
• This work is contented with more topics and their well-elaborated explanations, up-to-date, than any other contemporary books available.
• The data presented in this work are confirmed by verifying the source books, of course according to accessibility to the original books.
• Recommended for UG students as well as PG scholars to study about repertories and understand the philosophy linked with the subject, also useful to prepare for competitive exams.
• The well-known basic repertories as the name denotes, are given with detailed explanation regarding its chapters along with some of the important rubrics from different chapters being introduced.
• The contents are arranged in such a way that it makes the reader more comfortable to go through.
• A uniform schema is followed in the second part of the book that deals with repertories, which makes the approach easy.
• A special feature “Repertories at a Glance”: The preliminary data of all the repertories are indexed in a table that helps to fresh up the details at a glance.
On behalf of my reading experience I recommend this book to all UG students, PG scholars and teachers expecting ‘Repertory Expert’ to be an asset to nurture your knowledge regarding repertories.
Get your copies at:
Link: https://qrgo.page.link/qBWG9
E-Mail: orderrepertoryexpert@gmail.com
Also available at: Amazon.in
: Dr. Indira Kulkarni
Professor and HOD,
Department of Repertory,
KLE Homoeopathic Medical College Belagavi,
Email: drindirajoshi@gmail.com