Mind rubrics repertory, Gelsemium, Caulophy, Bismuth, chellidonium

Repertory Of Mind

A bad act ; as it had committed or not done his duty , great sadness — Cyclamen-Eu

A better sour fluid , gulping – swimming a sort of vertigo wiyh dimness of sight-caulophy

Achild,sobbing,like,desponding–LobeliaInf                                                            choking sensation in throat as if swollen outside prone to weep or to laugh immediately with –Ferrum phos

A column of figures over and over before correct ; inability to concentrate mental effort , must read a subject several times or add –Ailanthus gland

A crime as if she had committed , anxiety , allowing no rest at any employment –chellidonium

A crowd afraid of a or of crossing busy street –Aconite

A disposition to suicides haunted by –Capsicum

A debauch on awaking in night dull stupid , foggy and after , dizziness he falls down —Psorinum

desperate effort to overcome it , required – aversion to the medicine caladium , a dog ; growied and barked like ; instead of eating , bit the wooden spoon in two gnawed the exertion –Carbo veg

A feeling of deep seated inward trouble which makes him melancholy and sad , great tiredness and laziness with –Sabina

A few rods an immense distance , exaggeration of extent of space an immense distance , exaggeration of extent of space –cannabis-indica .

A foreign tongue ; talks in (typhus), strange a fright , after afraid in the dark , after fright with vexation or anger , heat ; congestions , threatened abortion; ailments from fright following later—Aconite .

A debauch on awaking in night , dull ,stupid foggy and after – dizziness he falls down –Psorinum

Desperate efforts to over come it ; required –aversion to the medicine –Caladium.

A dog ; growled and barked like ; instead of eating bit the wooden spoon in two

Gnawed the plate –Belladona

A dream as if arousing himself from confusion of head making thinking difficult , morning on awaking he had to make great exertion – Carbo veg.

A feeling of deep seated inward trouble which makes him melancholy and sad ; great tiredness and laziness with –Sabina .

A few rods an immense distance ; exaggeration of extent of space ; —Cannabis indi

A foreign tongue ; talks in strange –(typhus) . A fright ; after ; afraid in the dark after fright with vexation or anger heat congestions , threatened abortions , ailments from fright following later — Aconite

A great hurry ; must do every thing in – Sulphur

A kind of stammering ; he uses syllables of words in wrong connections ; there fore pronounces some words incorrectly – Selenium .

A knife seeing blood on ; she has horrid ideas of killing herself though she abhors the idea —Allumina .

A living animal were in abdomen as if –fixed ideas as if a strange pass on was at his side as if soul and body were separated as if made of glass—Thuja .

A mere noise at the door makes him anxious apprehensiveness full of fear –Aur Met

A mirror or any thing bright excites convulsion ; screams bites mouth dry pupils large ; unconscious ( hydrophobia)-–Stramonium .

A moment what he was about to do ; forgets in memory impaired –Belldonna .

A naked man is wrapped in her bed clothes ; fancies , dreams of men –Pulsatilla

A nocturnal emission ; after a fright at noises —Aloe soc.

A noise or shock shortens the attack bear ;moroseness with nausea –Sanguinaria

A quiet relaxing and recreating nature ; after visions of great sublimity usually follow visions of great sublimity usually follow visions of –sudden transitions from one fantasia when completed to another ; the general character may remain unchanged . –Cannabis Indica .

A rash ; dullness of senses ; also before – stramonium

A rein the mental faculties and memory are perfect but on every attempt to move , vertigo — Kalmia latifo

A sense of helplessness from brain weakness , mental exertions cause ; inability to attend to any thing , requiring thought –Gelsemium

A sexual cause in women ; manias , especially proceeding from — Apis mellifica

A shock or noise shortens the attack (eclampsia) –Helli

A short sentence ; can not understand even , can read but —– Colchicum

A short time ago ; forget fullness of what he had done —Calo-pho

A short time to any one thing ; unstable minded , begins now this again that holds but—-Bismuth

A single note sung ; sings involuntarily on hearing even ; laughs at herself ; but soon sings again in spite of her determination to stop –Crocus-Sativus

A some what cheerful , careless mood , anxiety , following ; depression of spirits – Gelsemium

A short of vertigo with dimness of sight ; swimming gulping up a bitter sour fluid – Caulophy .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )
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