Before I talk about the book itself, let me write something about the author. British homeopath Dorothy Shepherd originally trained as an allopathic physician but eventually adopted the homeopathic system of medicine in her practice. She had visited Dr J. T. Kent in the United States and experienced great benefit from homeopathy. She immersed herself into the study of homeopathy and as she learned more and more, she was fully convinced that it was the finest method of dealing with every type of ailment. She had a large practice in clinics, not just in wealthy Harley Street, but also in the poorer sections of London. Her experiences covered the treatment of both, acute and chronic diseases. She kept records well and these played a major role in the spread of her methods of treatment and knowledge. She wanted to spread awareness about homeopathy and so started writing her series of books. Magic of the Minimum Dose and this one, More Magic of the Minimum Dose are her two best known books. Current-day homeopaths would do well to read both these books to gain an insight into her practice and her reasons for success.
This book, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, has 29 chapters which cover the wide range of conditions that she came across during her practice.
Dr Shepherd practiced at a time when significant numbers of people died from measles, whooping cough, influenza, etc. However, her patients did not need hospitalisation nor did any die. She found that acute infectious diseases treated homeopathically were cured rapidly without any complications following. Many chronic cases, that were supposedly incurable, were cured satisfactorily.
This book is scattered with paragraphs on her cases, ranging from Meniere’s disease, high blood pressure, xanthoma, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchiectasis, septicaemia, etc.
For acute cases, Dr Shepherd gives a brief picture of the acute suffering and then explains the reasons for her choice of medicine. Basic, simple and indisputable matching of symptoms that lead to a good result.
We current-day homeopaths would do well to master this art that sounds and looks simple, but is often confusing. Mastering this would benefit not just the patient, but society at large – less hospitalizations, rapid turnover in a hospital if patients were treated there homeopathically, less insurance payouts, etc.
One chapter is devoted to the treatment of animals with homeopathic remedies. Again, this chapter is full of interesting examples where an animal benefited with gentle homeopathy and suffering and torture was avoided. Even animals at the end of life, treated with homeopathy, can have an easing of suffering and remain happy until their last minute. Treatment of animals with homeopathy can put to rest the arguments of the sceptics who love to call homeopathic treatments as placebo. Many animals are put to death simply because a contagious disease is going around amongst them. Homeopathic use would save so many animals from such death and would also benefit livestock farmers and prevent major losses.
I will not go into details chapter by chapter, that will become a book in itself. Whilst discussing her cases, she gives us little gems of information in differentiating remedies, in paying attention to causative factors. She talks about her experience and resultant judgement as to what we can expect in terms of treatment time, etc., all valuable inputs esp. for the beginning practitioner! There is mention of post-vaccinal issues throughout the book and homeopathic remedy choices for them based on that indication. One can easily say that this book works like a book on Keynotes, but in story form, with actual patient cases highlighting the keynotes and the famous tripod necessary to base one’s prescription! The way Dr Shepherd differentiates remedies, is something we would all do well to emulate!
With several cases, Dr Shepherd proves that asthma can be cured with homeopathy, though it may take a long time to modify and eradicate the chronic tendency, but it happens. She talks about the miasmatic aspects of some illnesses and their possible cure only by correcting that miasmatic background. She highlights how observation of a patient plays an important role in ascertaining symptoms. The focus has to be on the distinctive symptoms, the individual symptoms which distinguish that particular patient from any other case. A chapter is also devoted to the use of homeopathy in preventing surgery. Cardiac cases, cancer cases, female troubles, gall stones, digestive troubles, boils and carbuncles, burns, sepsis, eye affections, ringworm, eczema, enuresis, ear discharge, etc are some of the kinds of cases mentioned in her book. One chapter discusses Immunization and the long term effects on health she saw in patients that were vaccinated. What Dr Dorothy Shepherd wrote all those years ago is very pertinent and valid esp. in today’s times, when the world is seeing a surge of illegal mandates for Covid-19 vaccination. She wrote, “Compulsory immunization is a dangerous practice and the present campaign should be strongly opposed by all followers of the homeopathic teachings.” Even all those years ago, the world had already set out on the path of vaccinating as many people as possible.
As diphtheria was prevalent in those times, one chapter is dedicated to the diphtheria nosode, Diphtherinum. This chapter, and also a couple of other chapters later, highlight the importance of remedies made from disease products, our nosodes, which play such a valuable role in clearing up chronic suffering. The measles nosode Morbillinum, Scarlet fever nosode Scarlatinum, are discussed.
The book winds to a close with talks on mental and nervous diseases and the important topics of what is curable in medicine and what is curative in medicine. Areas which are touched upon in the initial aphorisms of The Organon.
Despite talking about her cases, Dr Shepherd asserts that homeopathy is a medicine for the individual – the medicines given vary, not with the name of the disease, but with the person suffering from the disease. She is clear that it is difficult to practice homeopathy, because it is an individualised form of medicine, not mass-controlled. There are no shortcuts to success and by following the true Laws of Healing, which are our basic homeopathic laws, one can bring tremendous relief to suffering mankind. Dr Shepherd shows how a decent symptom picture matched with the right remedy can alter the whole outlook of the case and change the constitution. With this book, Dr Shepherd draws our attention to what we can potentially achieve with practicing homeopathy the right way, the ‘magic’ that can be done, the beautiful changes that can be brought about in people’s health and lives. Very few professions can boast of that kind of deep inner satisfaction.
Definitely, a book that should be in every homeopath’s collection.
About Book
Book Name : More Magic of the Minimum Dose
Author: Dorothy Shepherd
Reviewed by Dr. Firuzi Mehta
Published by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
ISBN: 978-81-319-4851-4
No. of pages:285
INR 249
About the reviewer:
Dr. Firuzi Mehta was brought up with homeopathy and qualified as a homeopathic physician in 1996. She then did her H.M.D. from the British Institute of Homoeopathy, London in 1998 and also studied Iscador Therapy for Cancer from the Lukas Klinik, Switzerland. She completed Prof. George Vithoulkas’ e-learning programme from The International Academy of Homeopathy, Greece a few years ago. She has been part of the team of www.hpathy.com since 2008. She practices in Mumbai.