Role of Bacillinum in Treatment of Tinea Corporis – An Evidence Based Case Report - DR.Sonia Tuteja, Dr. Mehak

Role of Bacillinum in Treatment of Tinea Corporis – An Evidence Based Case Report – DR.Sonia Tuteja, Dr. Mehak

Abstract– Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of glabrous skin, except palms, soles and groins. These are annular/ arcuate lesions with relatively clearing in the center and an active periphery. Case summary – An 11 year boy with teniea corporis on right axilla reported for homoeopathy treatment. Bacillinum1m was prescribed as an antimiasmatic medicine followed by bacillinum 10m with complete recovery from symptoms. The case report with photographic evidence shows the effectiveness of bacillinum in case of tinea corporis.

Introduction – Tinea is a dermophytic fungal infection. A typical lesion of tinea is an annular or arcuate plaque which spreads centrifugally. The edge is active, showing papulovesiculation, postulation, scaling, while the center is usually relatively clear. The diagnosis is done on the basis of morphology of typical lesion.[1] Conventional treatment includes topical agents like azole derivatives, allylamines and related compounds etc.

Patient’s history

Name –y, Age -11 years, occupation-student

History of present complaint– Patient reported for itching in axilla with some eruption since 20 days, which is aggravated by profuse sweating.

Past history- Recurrent history of allergic to cold since childhood.

H/o Pityriasis alba- at age of 8 years.

H/o Typhoid- 2 years back.

Family history– Father- Diabetes, Tuberculosis

Paternal Grand father- Carcinoma?

Paternal Grand mother-  High blood pressure.

Physical peculiarities – Child has great desire for spicy food+4, profuse sweat on forehead+2, thermally patient is chilly+2.

Mentals– He is very restless+4, genius, very active+4 and participates in all activities

Physician’s observation – Restlessness was very marked, child was very brainy and quick to answer, and height was short.

Diagnosis – The diagnosis is done on the basis of morphology of typical lesion. A typical lesion of tinea is an annular or arcuate plaque which spreads centrifugally. The edge is active, showing papulovesiculation, postulation, scaling, while the center is usually relatively clear.[1]

Case analysis and Evaluation [2]

Symptoms Classification Common/uncommon Intensity Miasmatic analysis
Restlessness Mental general Characteristic ++++ Psora,syphilitic ,tuberculinum
Active Mental general Characteristic ++++ Psora,syphilitic ,tuberculinum
Intelligent Mental general Characteristic ++++ Psora,syphilitic ,tuberculinum
Desire -spicy Physical general Characteristic ++++ Psora,sycotic,tuberculinum
Sweat profuse Physical general Characteristic ++ Sycotic,syphilitic,tuberculinum
Tinea corporis Particular Common +++ Sycotic,syphilitic
Height short Physical general Characteristic ++ Sycotic

It was very clear that child has typical presentation of remedy tuberculinum, restlessness of patient, susceptibility towards allergic to cold and family history all indicates tubercular miasm.[3] Repertorization was done using synthesis repertory.[4]

Reason for selection -In this case tuberculinum was very close to bacillinum  but on the basis of short height, history of typhoid, history of pityrisisis alba, bacillinum  was given, as bacillinum is more sycotic than tuberculinum. Potency 1M was chosen as nosodes work wonderful in higher potencies.[2]

Final selection of remedy – Bacillinum 1M/ 1 dose.

Homoeopathic literature– Dr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp and pityriasis versicolor on the body are indications of tubercular diathesis and they respond to this remedy.[4] Antimiasmatic remedy is useful in treatment of cases where they are activated or when gets stalled in case and there is miasm present. A family history of certain disease pattern helps to confirm, the presence of an active or dormant miasm.[5]

10/7/2020 Bacillinum 1M stat Rubrum30/TDS/ 15 days Shape of lesion, tubercular family history mental general and past history of pityriasis alba and on the basis of repertorization.
25/7/2020 Rubrum /TDS/ 15 days     Itching ameliorated, no change in size of lesion.
12/8/2020 Bacillinum1M stat Rubrum /TDS/15 days As there was no further improvement medicine was repeated.[2]
30/8/2020 Bacillinum 10M stat Rubrum/TDS/ 15 days Potency was increased as case came to stand still.[2]
15/9/2020 Rubrum/TDS/ 15 days No itching present, size of eruptions reduced.
30/9/2020 Rubrum/TDS/ 10 days Completely resolved.

Before treatment                                                                After treatment

[Declaration of patients consent – a written consent was given by the parents of child for sharing images to the journal.]

Conclusion – In the case presented here, The antimiasmatic remedy was given to the patient with complete disappearance of symptoms. It also confirms the usefulness of nosodes as antimiasmatic medicines and validates our literature.

References –

  1. Khanna N. Dermatology & sexually transmitted Diseases. 3rd edition. Noida: Elsevier; 2002
  2. Sarkar B.K. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine.4th Reprint edition. Delhi: Birla Publication Private Limited; 2003.
  3. Banerjea K.S. Miasmatic priscribing. 2nd extended edition. NewDelhi: B.jain publisher(P) Ltd; 2006.
  4.  RADAR.version 10.5.Belgium:archibel.2009.
  5.  Murfy R. lotus materia medica .2nd revised edition. NewDelhi: Jain Publisher(P)Ltd; 2002

 About Author

Dr .SoniaTuteja, Ph.D(Hom.), P.G Coordinator, Associate Professor, Department of Materia  Medica, S.K.H.M.C & R.C, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Dr. Mehak, M.D (PGR), department of Materia Medica, S.K.H.M.C & R.C, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

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