Role of Ericaceae family medicines in joint disorders

Role of Ericaceae family medicines in joint disorders- A group study

ABSTRACT : Homoeopathic materia medica can be studied in various ways. There are more than 3500 medicines and it is very difficult to study the symptoms. This lead to an evolution of a new concept in Materia medica ,that is “study of drugs in group”. Drugs originating from same family have some similar indications. Various stalwarts of homoeopathy have come out with new ideas and research studies are going on for scientific explanations of medicines. Thus group study method made easier and comprehensible for Homoeopathic students and practitioners to save time in learning and prescribing. This article is on some of the medicines indicated for joint disorders , mentioned under Ericaceae family group.

KEY WORDS: Homoeopathy, Material medica , Group study , Ericaceae family , Joint disorders

Homoeopathic Materia medica can be studied very easily based on family group characteristics(1). Group study of Ericaceae family shows action over the muscles and joints . Members of Ericaceae family are evergreen shrubs with linear revolute to broad flat leaves that grows in acid rich soil.(2) . Flowers are odourless ,tubular or arching. Research studies shows that most of the plants belongs to Ericaceae family have anti -oxidant, anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties .Methyl salicylate presence in Gaultheria has analgesic and ani-inflammatory properties (3) Ledum palustre plant contains a narcotic toxin called Ledel. Rhododendron has Grayanotoxin that binds with skeletal muscles, heart muscles and cental nervous system.


Common sphere of action of Ericacea family are
a) kidney and bladder complaints, recurrent urinary tract infection
b) Rheumatic complaints , gout
c) Eye complaints
d) Prostate gland affection

Table 2-Ericaceae family medicines indicated for joint diseases are listed below

Group study method is an unique approach to gain knowledge in Materia medica for students and practitioners. Medicines prepared from Ericaceae family contains several clinically relevant phytoconstituents . Arbutin in Kalmia Latifolia, Salicylic acid in Gaultheria Procumbens, Gyranotoxin in Rhododendron Chrysanthum, Ledol and myrcene present in Ledum Palustre are some examples of these phytoconstituents which have excellent action in rheumatic complaints. Thus we conclude that homoeopathic medicines prepared from Ericaceae family have excellent clinical utility in joint disorders.

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About the author


Lecturer in the department of Materia medica, ANSS Homoeo medical college, Kottayam