This review Is focused on “ ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHY IN EPIDEMIC DISEASES”. As How the different-different kinds of Homoeopathic medicine act in Epidemic Diseases like Scarletfever, Chikunguniya , Smallpox, Dengue , cholera etc. As the BELLADONA becomes the genus Epidemicus of Scarlet fever and BRYONIA ALBA becomes the Genus Epidemicus of Chikunguniya and many other Homoeopathic medicine which are helpful in Epidemic Diseases. Hence, Homoeopathy has developed rapidly and successfully during the times of Epidemic Diseases and help as the Homoeopathic prophylaxis in it.
- Epidemic Diseases.
- Genus Epidemicus
- Homoeopathy
- Homoeoprophylaxis
An epidemic is Derived from Greek word ‘Epi’ means ‘upon’ and ‘demos’ means ‘people’ and is termed as an Outbreak that affects many people very similarly From a similar cause which can spread rapidly through one or several communities. These epidemics manifest a similar disease process which , if left to Itself , ends either in death or in recovery within a limited period of time.¹
- A Genus Epidemicus in Homoeopathy defines as the Combined similar Symptoms of a majority of people affected from an EPIDEMIC disease and a remedy that Covers all the Symptoms of that Particular Epidemic.²
Epidemic Diseases and Role of Homoeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.
[A] SCARLET FEVER(18thcentury)- It is an infection that can develop in people who have strepthroat. Its Epidemic Outbreak occur in early 18th Century at Hahnemann’s time.And thus , Homoeopathic BELLADONNA Protect the people from developing Scarlet fever . So, BELLADONNA is the GENUS EPIDEMICUS of Scarlet Fever according to Dr. Hahnemann. Not only homoeopaths but Christoph Hufeland (1762-1836) who was German clinician reported that by general use of Belladonna, Epidemics of scarlet fever is Arrested.3 The common are red, sore throat,. Strawberry tongue, headache or body ache, nausea, vomiting etc.
I.BELLADONNA :- This is the main remedy for Scarlet fever. Smooth red and shiny Eruptions with a hot, dry and red throat .Very irritable stomach with Nausea and Vomiting accompanied with a high fever. There can be cerebral irritation such as Delirium, twitching and uneasy sleep.
II.CAMPHORA OFFICINALIS:- Camphora Officinalis in repeated dose is a good remedy for the collapse state of Scarlet fever.
III.MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS :- It is indicated , if ulceration and Enlargement of glands is present in Scarlet fever. Although, there is perspiration ,the patient does not feel any relief. Skin is yellow and Excoriated like raw meat and there are pimples around the Eruptions. There is a great tendency to form Pus.
VI.RUSTOXICODENDRON :- It is indicated for very Severe forms of Scarlet fever with prominent general nervous toxication. There are Vesicular Eruptions, a smooth red tongue and swelling of the face , burning and itching.
V.BRYONIA ALBA:- In Scarlet fever calling for Bryonia, there is a headache with thirst. The Blotches do not fully appear and the rash look more like Measles.
[B] CHIKUNGUNIYA (1952)- It was 1st Identified in Tanzania in early 1952 and has caused periodic Outbreak in Asia and Africa since 1960’s. It is the Infection caused due to the bite of two different kind of mosquito namely Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. BRYONIA ALBA is the GENUS EPIDEMICUS (which was found by the trial Conducted in Kerala in August- September 2007). The most common symptoms are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms headache, Muscle pain, joint swelling or rash.
I.BRYONIA ALBA:- One of the Best Homoeopathic medicine for Chikunguniya fever where, joints are Painful, Hot and Swollen , Worse with Motion and Better by Resting. The patient gets relief by lying on the Painful side . In addition there is an Increased thirst for water with a Dry mouth.
II.RHUSTOXICODENDRON:- One of the Best remedies for Chikunguniya and has Bone pains with Chills more and accompanied by violent shivering, Pain are better by movement.
III.EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM:- It is indicated in cases of high fever with severe Bone-Breaking pains .Sometimes Eupatorium works for the pain which has remained for 2 months even after fever has subsided.
IV.GELSEMIUM:- Chikunguniya fever with Chills all over the body but thirst is absent. Extreme weakness and violent Headache with heaviness of eyes.
V.ACONITUM NAPELLUS:- Joint pains during and after fever, worse at night and by cold air. Joints are red, swollen, shining and sensitive to touch.
[C] SMALLPOX (4th Century)- It was 1st Identified in 3rd century BEC Egyptian Empire, based on a Smallpox
Like rashes on 3 Mummies. But it clearly resembles Smallpox appeared China in 4th century CE. Smallpox Caused by the Variola Virus, was a highly contagious infectious disease that caused infected individuals to develop a fever and Progressive disfiguring skin rash.5 The symptoms include fever, headache, severe fatigue, overall discomfort, severe back pain.
I.ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM:- Pimples, pustules and boils on face, thighs,legs. Yellow crusted Eruption on cheeks and chin. Scaly, pustular Eruption with burning and itching, worse at night. Thick, Hard, Honey-coloured scabs. Intermittent fever disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructation, coated tongue, diarrhoea.6
II.RHUDTOXICODENDRON:- It is one of the Best remedy for Smallpox. It works well in eruptive stage, the skin is inflamed with stinging, burning and itching. Invaluable, often modified in considerable degree in cutaneous inflammation.
III.VARIOLINUM:- Variolinum is used as a preventive medicine for Smallpox as well as protects, modified and cures small pox. It is also most efficacious, infallible and preventive in any potency (low or high).
IV.ARESENICUM ALBUM:- It is indicated in desperate case, the skin becomes blue, the Eruption is Hemorrhagic and dark. Great prostration, the pulse is low, thread like so called Black Smallpox. Itching, burning, swelling, Oedema, Eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly, worse by cold and scratching. Icy coldness of body. Delirium worse after midnight.
V.ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM :- Given early, it will reduce the fever, the pustules will run their normal course and leave very little or no pitting. Especially useful for pulmonary and gastric disturbance. It is the chief remedy in all stage of Smallpox.
[D] DENGUE (1779-1780)
The 1st Outbreak of Dengue fever occurred in Asia, Africa and North America. Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by the bite of an female Aedes mosquito . There are four distinct serotypes of the Dengue Virus (DEN1, DEN2, DEN3 and DEN4). It is a Vector bone disease.7 Most common Symptoms are fever, Nausea, vomiting, rash and pain.
I.EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM:- It is the Best suited Homoeopathic medicine for Dengue fever, where platelet counts get low and there is intense pain in joints. There is Perspiration relived all Symptoms except Headache. Chills between 7 and 9 a.m preceded by thirst with great Soreness and aching of bones. Nausea, Vomiting of bile, throbbing headache.
II.RHUSTOXICODENDRON:- It has wonderful action in Dengue fever with chills and red Vesicular Eruptions and also acts very well in joint pains in fever. Fever is Adynamic, restless, trembling, chilly as if cold water were poured over him , followed by heat.
III.ARSENICUM ALBUM:- It acts very nicely in all types of fever with restlessness mentally and physically. This Homoeopathic medicine is often used as a preventative drug for Dengue fever. There is a Septic, periodicity marked with adynamia, Intermittent, Paroxysms, incomplete with marked exhaustion .Hay fever and High temperature.
IV.GELSEMIUM:- It is well known Homoeopathic remedy in fever causes with chills in spine and also known as 3D(Dullness, Dizziness and Drowsiness). Heat and sweat stages are long and exhausting, chilliness up and down back, Much muscular Soreness, great prostration and Violent headache . Fever with stupor, dizziness and thirstlessness.
V.ACONITUM NAPELLUS:- Acute acting Homoeopathic remedy in sudden fever. A state of fear, anxiety, anguish of mind and body. Physical and mental restlessness, fright is the most characteristic. There is sudden and Violent attack of fever with high rise of temperature. Severe chill in the beginning, violent and more chill in the evening and at night. Face is red or pale alternately. Skin is dry and hot with burning sensation during fever.8
[E] CHOLERA (1817) Cholera can be an Endemic, Epidemic or Pandemic disease. It was 1st emerged out in Jessora India1817.CHOLERA is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium vibrio Cholerae. The common Symptoms are sudden onset of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mild to severe dehydration.- ROLE OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE IN CHOLERA.
I.CAMPHOR:- It is the Best medicine in early stage of CHOLERA (according to Hahnemann). There is Great coldness of Surface, body cold to touch yet cannot bear to be covered. Throws off all the Coverings. There is great prostration, Blueness, coldness of body and all discharges are scanty. Dr. Rubini of Naples and his Colleagues treated 593 cases of Cholera during an Epidemic with CAMPHOR alone without a single death. It typifies the Collapse stage of Asiatic Cholera (says Dr. N.M Chowdhury).
II.CUPRUM METALLICUM:- when there are cramps and vomiting with all other severe symptoms of Cholera, one of the Best remedy is Cuprum. It is especially efficacious just at the onset of collapse stage.
III.IRIS VERSICOLOR:- This is the very good remedy in early stage of Cholera. Burning in the entire alimentary canal with cutting pain.Diarrhea: Nocturnal Stools are watery with burning in the anus .Periodical diarrhea with pain and green discharges. Dr. Hale says, “In cholerae morbus I have Succeeded in every case even the most Violent. I would request physician to try it in 1st cases of cholerae asiatica.9
IV.ARSENICUM ALBUM:- Indicated in the 1st stage when the diarrhea is persistent, thirst for cold water which is satisfied by a one mouthful. Burning, cramps and pain in stomach and bowels, much relieved by hot application, Great Exhaustion.
V.CARBO VEGITABILIS:- The stools of Carbo vegetabalis may be dark, watery, putrid and involuntary. Much gas in stomach and bowels. Hiccough, must be fanned, must have air yet surface of face and body cold.
- Thus, the Homoeopathic system of medicine has its own role and importance in Treatment, Prevention and Cure not only in Epidemic disease but also in Endemic and Pandemic diseases in the whole world.
- www.who.int
- www.cdc.gov
- www.healthline.com
- www.ayush.gov.in
- Shepherd D. Homoeopathy in Epidemic Diseases. 1st ed. Essex, England: The C.W Daniel company Limited 1967.
- Samual Hahnemann’s. Organon of Medicine, 5th and 6th ed., New Delhi: B Jain publishers (P) LTD; 2017. (Aphorism: 73.)
- Hufelands Prophylactic power of Belladonna in Scarlet fever. Hufeland’s Journal; 1828.
- Dr.Vikas Sharma, Dr.Homeo, Top Homoeopathic Medicines for Chikunguniya [Internet] 2020 september. [Cited 2020 November 11]. Available from: https://www.drhomeo.com/fever/homeopathic-medicines-chikungunya.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Internet] 2016,August30 .[cited 2020 November 10]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/Smallpox/history/history.html.
- Henry C. Allen, M.D Allen’s Keynotes Rearranged and Classified with leading Redoes of the Materia Medica and Bowel Nosodes including Repertorial Index, 10th ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) LTD; 2017.
- World health Organization, Dengue and Severe dengue [Internet] 2019 May 19. [cited 2020 November 10 ]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/details/dengue-and-severe-dengu.
- William Boericke ,M.D. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory, 3rd Revised and Augmented ed. based on 9th ed. New Delhi: B. Jain publishers (p) LTD ;2016.
- D.N. Ray, M.D, LSA, CHOLERA and it’s preventive and curative treatment, 1st ed. Newyork: A.L Chatterton Publishing Company ; 1884. P.73-121.
Student (3rd year).
Batch – 2020-2021.
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Guided by – Dr. RATNA BHATT ( Asst. Professor).