ABSTRACT– Pseudosurgical diseases are mentioned in organon of medicine by Dr. Hahnemann, these diseases can be treated with the help of homoeopathy without any surgery.
An evidence based study on treating adenoids by watchful waiting approach with the help of homoeopathic remedies is mentioned below.
INTRODUCTION – What comes from within should be treated from within and what comes from without should be treated from without.
Hahnemannian classification of diseases is a popular classification amongst all, in this he has classified local diseases into two types i.e. local diseases of internal origin and local diseases of external origin (true surgical diseases).
About Pseudo-surgical diseases Dr Hahnemann has mentioned in aphorism 185 in the name of so called local maladies (of internal origin). According to him there are no diseases which are only local because for him the whole body participates in the disease, he has always considered the man as a whole.
This clearly implies that pseudo-surgical diseases are the type of local diseases which has its origin inside the body and don’t have any external cause but considered surgical by so many people.
Dr. Hahnemann was also in the favour of surgery he was never against this when it is needed, about which he has talked in aphorism 186, surgery can be done in cases where external cause is there (trauma) but if there is no external obstacle to cure it should be treated with the help of homoeopathic medicines.
Pseudosurgical diseases have its cause internally that’s why it has to be
treated internally. Homeopathic remedies
are helpful in the treatment
because the patient is treated as a whole, the whole is considered sick not the part, it is the external manifestation of internal essence
of disease.
Arndt–Schulz rule or Schulz’ law is a claimed law concerning the effects of pharmaca or poisons in various concentrations 1. It states that –
For every substance, small doses stimulate, moderate doses inhibit, large doses kill.
That is to say, highly diluted pharmaca or poisons enhance life processes, while strong concentrations may inhibit these processes and even terminate them.
Hormesis 2 – a process in which exposure to a low dose of a chemical agent or environmental factor that is damaging at higher doses induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cell or organism.
These laws are scientific evidences of why in homoeopathy we use small doses and potentized remedies.
Adenoids, tonsillitis and warts are some of the examples of pseudosurgical diseases.
There is an evidence based study where adenoids have been treated without surgery with the help of homoeopathic remedy 3.
The size of enlarged Adenoids and tonsils reduced after Homeopathic treatment. The obstructive symptoms started reducing within two months. The A/N ratio reduced to 0.63 after 2 years of initiating homeopathic treatment during March 2022.
Table: Radiology report before and after treatment
Figure: Baseline X-ray Follow up X-ray
A randomized controlled study has concluded that immediate surgery had no benefits over the ‘Watchful waiting approach’. There are many published studies on the efficacy of homeopathic medicinal products in reducing recurrent respiratory tract infections in children.
Phosphorus 200 was given and the study was continued for 2 years still it was more beneficial than surgery.
If we remove the pseudosurgical diseases with the help of surgery the cause will remain as is it in the body so there are high chances that either the disease will reoccur or will convert into some other serious ailments. Tonsils are there for a reason they are body’s defence mechanism its surgical removal may cause frequent infections that’s why homoeopathic treatment is more benificial.
Homoeopathic remedies are beneficial in the treatment of pseudosurgical diseases and is a much better option than surgery.
- Arndt Schulz Rule [Internet]. Wikipedia. 2022 [cited 25 October 2022]. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arndt%E2%80%93Schulz_rule
- Mark P. Mattson. Hormesis defined [Internet].Ageing Research Reviews. 2008 [cited 7 August 2008]. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568163707000712?via%3Dihub
- Vinitha Edavattath Ramanan, Sreejith M. Scope of integrating Homeopathy with ‘Watchful Waiting Approach’ in the Treatment of Adenoid Hypertrophy – an Evidencebased Case Report[Internet]. Auctores. Available from: https://auctoresonline.org/article/scope–of–integrating–homeopathy–with–watchfulwaiting– approach–in–the–treatment–of–adenoid–hypertrophy—an–evidence–based–