is persistent increase in the blood pressure above the normal range values .
Hypertension is considered as very dangerous because of various complications
it causes like atherosclerosis, stroke , coronary heart disease, kidney diseases, etc. This article aims at
explaining various rare homoeopathic remedies which are very much useful in
treating both essential and secondary hypertension. However there are many more
rarely used homoeopathic remedies which are very useful in hypertensive cases where
research and reproving of them is necessary for their use in future.
Keywords : homoeopathy, hypertension, blood pressure.
is one of the leading causes of the global burden of disease. Approximately 7.6
million disability adjusted life years worldwide were attributable to high
blood pressure in 2001, which is expected to be much more in 2020. Hypertension
is said to double the risk of cardiovascular diseases including coronary heart
disease, congestive heart failure and peripheral arterial disease.
is defined as increase in blood pressure above the normal value. Normal value
for adult is 120/80 mm hg. The blood pressure of the individual varies with
various factors like time, season, age, sex and health condition. According to
WHO criteria hypertension is diagnosed when there is:
- Repeated high blood pressure readings or persistent high blood pressure is termed as hypertension.
- 3 high blood pressure readings on two consecutive health care visits.
- Sustained high systolic blood pressure of =>140mmhg.
- Sustained high diastolic blood pressure => 90mmhg is considered to constitute hypertension.
Risk/predisposing factors of hypertension:
- Essential hypertension: advancing age, hereditary, type A personality ( highly ambitious, active, responsible, industrialist etc) obesity, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, hypercholesterolemia, drugs like NSAIDS, vitamin-D deficiency, lack of sleep, etc.
- Secondary hypertension: (1) renaldiseases like glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, tumors etc (2) endocrine disorders like cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytoma etc. (3) primary aldosteronism , (4) connective tissue disorders etc.
Clinical manifestations of
vertigo, various vague symptoms like heaviness of head, dizziness, weakness,
dim vision, lack of concentration, anxiety, dyspnea, palpitations etc. most of
the times patients with high blood pressure may not show any symptoms and are
usually diagnosed as hypertensive on routine medical examinations.
Complications of hypertension: hypertension is considered as one of silent killer disease. It may end up in various life threatening diseases. Few common complication of hypertension include atherosclerosis, stroke, congestive cardiac failure, coronary heart disease, kidney failure etc.
as a holistic system of medicine believes in man as a whole concept. Health in
homoeopathy means harmonious functioning of the vital force and any deviation
in this harmony is termed as disease. In homoeopathy as Dr Hahnemann tells
‘there is no disease but the sick people’. So it the individual who is treated and not just
the disease. Coming to the case of hypertension either it be primary/
essential or secondary it is the
individual with hypertension who is considered for treatment
and not just his high blood pressure. It is the sick man who has to be restored
to health and not just his any tissues or organs in specific. Thus in
homoeopathy while treating the case of hypertension constitution of the
individual id given prime importance. Various characteristic and peculiar
symptoms as well as symptoms of hypertension told by the patient are taken into
consideration before forming the totality of case. Finally the most similar
medicine is selected based on these symptom totality.
Various rare remedies for hypertension in homoeopathy
Vanadium metallicum:
is the remedy for the degenerative conditions of the arteries. Hypertension
leading to atherosclerosis. Person gets the sensation as if heart is being
compressed and there is no room for the blood in the aorta. He gets the anxious
pressure on whole chest. Commonly indicated for atheroma of the arteries of
brain and liver.
Viscum album:
cases of hypertension due to hypertrophy with valvular insufficiency. Pulse is
weak and small and is due to central
irritation of the vagus nerve. Unable to rest in a reclining position. He gets
palpitation during coitus. This remedy lowered blood pressure in various patients.
Has got dilated blood vessels but does not act on the centers of medulla.
Strophanthus hispidus :
is a muscle poison and it thus increases the contractile power
of all the striped muscles. Acting on the muscles of the heart, it increases
the systole and diminishes the rapidity. Being a greater diuretic it can be
used in those cases of hypertension caused due to various dropsical conditions.
It is also indicated for hypertension giving rise to atherosclerosis , hypertension due to rigid
arteries of the aged people. Pulse is quickened due to its increased
contractile action on the heart muscle.
Lycopus virginicus:
remedy lowers the blood pressure by reducing the rate of heart and increasing
the length of systole to a greater degree. Pulse is weak , irregular and
intermittent. Hearts action is tumultuous and forcible. This remedy can also be
thought in hypertensive cases with hypertrophy of heart with dilatation. Can be
helpful in those cases caused due to aneurism of large vessels near heart.
Spartium scoparium:
Sparteine sulphate increases the strength of the heart, slows it and
reduces the blood pressure. It lowered the systolic and diastolic pressures in
the provers. It weakens the cardiac contraction. Commonly used in physiological
doses to combat arterial hypertension.
Terminalia arjuna:
been used as a cardiac tonic since the ancient times specially in ayurvedic
system of medicine. Used both in functional and organic diseases of the heart
with symptoms like palpitation and weakness of the heart. Its highly effective
in cases of high blood pressure with vertigo , palpitation and a sense of mental and physical exhaustion.
Sumbulus moschatus:
symptoms of nervous palpitation. Pulse is irregular. High blood pressure due to
atherosclerosis. Has great curative action in
cardiac asthma. A tissue remedy for sclerosed arteries. This remedy has a
symptom of want of elasticity in vessels. Palpitation on least excitement.
with palpitation. Blurred vision and profuse perspiration. Increased blood
pressure with ringing in ears and heat of vertex.
Radium bromatum:
lowers the blood pressure. Pulse is rapid, irregular and fluttering. Patient
awakes at night due to palpitation. There is sensation of constriction feeling
in the heart region. when applied locally with massive doses it produced
endarteritis, atheroma and sclerosis of the vessels acted on. Therefore it can
be one of the remedy in
hypertension cases due to atherosclerosis.
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About Authors:
Dr. Sachin , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Akash Gupta , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Sudeepti sharma , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Neha sahu , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.