ABSTRACT: The periodic table is formed with different 118 elements which is classified on their chemical properties and atomic numbers. In homoeopathy many medicines prepared are from elements. These elements are present in human body and atmosphere as well. Some of the substances are there in homoeopathy and they represent in terms of symptoms. With help of law of similia homoeopathic physician prescribe that element in routine practice.
KEY WORDS: halogen group, mind, Kent repertory, common symptoms
INTRODUCTION: In periodic table, group number VII is known as halogen group. The latest modern periodic table denotes it as group XVII.
Halogen are elementare fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), astatine (At), and tennessine (Ts). They were given the name halogen, from the Greek roots hal– (“salt”) and –gen (“to produce”). In this group, chlorine is the well-known of the halogen elements. The free element is widely used as a water-purification agent, and it is employed in a number of chemical processes. Table salt, sodium chloride, of course, is one of the most familiar chemical compounds. Fluorides are known chiefly for their addition to public water supplies to prevent tooth decay, but organic fluorides are also used as refrigerants and lubricants. Iodine is most familiar as an antiseptic, and bromine is used chiefly to prepare bromine compounds that are used in flame retardants and as general pesticides.in this group.1 Halogens have got 7 electrons in their outer orbit. They require one electron to complete their outer and become stable, hence they are constantly trying to get one electron anyhow, and hence these halogen remedies are very active, restless, excited, and anxious.2
Total 6 elements are included in this series/group3:
They have very similar chemical properties like3:
Halogens + H+ à Acids
Halogens + Metals à Salts
This group is included in homoeopathic medicine described below:
Common symptoms of group:
restless, anxiety, activity,
ulceration, induration, Inflammation,
hot> cold
motion amelioration
mucus secretion – watery /acrid
glandular affection (stony, hard glandular affection – Iodine and Bromium)
Diathesis – Scrofulous.
Miasm – Anti-syphilitic, Anti-tubercular, Anti-cancerous.
Constitution – Lean, thin, emaciated with a typical cachexic look.
Chlorine: hot.
Iodum- hot
Bromium- chilly
Fluorine- ambithermal
Mind. -Apprehension. -Irritability, inclined to anger. Inability to remembers names and persons, -Coma, fainting with cold, excessive viscous sweats.4
Fear of becoming crazy and marked loss of memory.5
Coryza with sudden gushes of sharp, corroding fluid, making nose sore inside.5
Aphonia from damp air. Great difficulty in articulating or breathing. Spasms of glottis; air enters easily, but cannot be expelled.4
Fever. Chilliness specially at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., burning, dry heat, with anxiety and raving. Genial glow all over, with night-sweat. Cold sweat. Viscous sweat. Typhus.4
Mind. — Quarrelsome, delusion that strange persons are looking over patient’s shoulder and that she would see someone on turning.5
Cheerful, always desire for mental work. Low-spirited and out of humour. Crying and lamentation, with hoarse voice. Anxiety; patients expect to see things jump around the floor < evening, when alone, feels as if he should see something if he should turn round; as if someone were behind him.4
Sensation deep in brain specially after dinner and also vertigo or fit of apoplexy would come on. Vertigo with tendency to fall backward.2
Coryza with corrosive soreness of nose. Blockage of right nostril. Pressure at root of nose. Sensation specially tickling, smarting and cobweb. Fan-like motion of ala nasal. Bleeding from nose.5
Skin. —Acne, pimples and pustules. Boils on arms and face. Glands stony, hard, especially on lower jaw and throat. Hard goitre. Gangrene.5
Anxious apprehension. Restless and agitation, Melancholy hypochondriasis4, anxiety when she is quiet.anxiety and depression, nothing decided for the future. Impulse of run and perform sudden violent acts. Forgetful. Must be busy. Fear of people. Suicidal tendency.5
Hoarse. Raw and tickling feeling provoking a dry cough. Pain in larynx. Laryngitis, with painful roughness; worse during cough. Child grasps throat when coughing. Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature. Difficult expansion of chest, blood-streaked sputum, internal dry heat, external coldness. Violent heart action. Pneumonia.5
Thermal reaction – hot
All discharges are acrid.
Great debility, slightest exertion induces perspiration.
Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissue, thyroid, mammae, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate or other glands, breasts may dwindle and become flabby. Hard goitre.6
Fluorine is rather special in that it isn’t easy to potentize. If we were to dissolve it in water it would immediately react with the water to form Fluoric acid
They have a tendency to let go of all the values they have had to take on board during their life so far. They feel that they can no longer live within this restrictive set of rules and norms and they would rather get rid of them.
Mind rubrics from Kent repertory for halogen group:
This repertory is one of the oldest and routinely used repertory. The following chapter is written by Dr J.T. Kent and Dr Lippe as per the source. The commonest medicine covered in rubrics are Iodum and Bromium. Total 123 rubrics is there in halogen group medicine are given.
Anger- Iodum (2)
Touched when-Iodum (1)
Answers aversion to- Iodum (1)
Anxiety- Iodum (3)
Anxiety future about– Iodum (2)
Hungry when– Iodum (2)
Manual labor when—Iodum (1)
Mental exertion- Iodum (1)
Anxiety sitting amel- Iodum (1)
Aversion, approached to being—Iodum (2)
Business averse to-Bromium (2)
Capriousness- Bromium (1)
Carefulness- Iodum (2)
Carried desire to- Bromium (1)
In group- Bromium (1)
Cheerful- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Cheerful sadness with- Iodum (1)
Company aversion to—Iodum (2)
Avoids sights of people- Iodum (2)
Friends of intimate—Iodum (2)
Presence of strangers- Iodum (2)
Company desire for- Bromium (1)
Concentration difficult- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Confidence wants of self— Iodum (1)
Confusion of mind– Iodum (1)
Confusion morning- Iodum (1)
Confusion evening- Iodum (1)
Confusion lying down- Bromium (1)
Confusion warm room- Iodum (2)
Conscientious about trifles– Iodum (1)
Conversations agg – Iodum (1)
Cowardice—Iodum (1)
Delirium- Iodum (1)
Fancy illusion of- Iodum (1)
Despair from- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Discontented– Bromium, Iodum (1)
Discouraged- Iodum (1)
Dullness—Iodum (1)
Dullness morning children- Iodum (1)
Dullness eating after- Iodum (2)
Ectasy-perspiration during Iodum (1)
Excitement– Iodum (2)
Exertion— Iodum (1)
Exhilaration— Iodum (1)
Extravagance- Iodum (1)
Fancy perspiration during– Iodum (1)
Fear- Iodum (2)
Fear evening- Bromium (1)
Fear of being alone- Bromium (1)
Fear evil of– Iodum (2)
Fear ghost of- Bromium (1)
Fear happen something will- Iodum (2)
Fear imaginary things—- Iodum (1)
Fear insanity of— Iodum (1)
Fear labor after— Iodum (1)
Fear imaginary things—- Iodum (1)
Fear people of—- Iodum (2)
Fear physician will not see him seems to terrify her—- Iodum (1)
Fear sitting amel– iodum(1)
Fear water of—Iodum (1)
Forgetful- Bromium (1)
Forgetful purchases of, goes off and leaves them- Iodum (1)
Fright complaints from- Iodum (1)
Gestures pick at bed cloths—– Iodum (2)
Hurry- Iodum (2)
Hurry walking while- Iodum (1)
Hysteria— Bromium, Iodum (1)
Idea’s deficiency of- Iodum (1)
Impatience Iodum (2)
Impulse to run -Iodum (2)
Indifference apathy- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Indolence-aversion to work- Bromium (1), Iodum (2)
Insanity-madness- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Irresolution- Iodum (1)
Irritability – Bromium (1), Iodum (2)
Irritability afternoon- Iodum (1)
Irritability headache during—Iodum (1)
Irritability noise from— Iodum (1)
Irritability waking on—Bromium (1)
Kill desire to- Iodum (2)
Kill rest during- Iodum (1)
Kill desire to, sudden impulses of Iodum (1)
Lamenting- Bromium (1)
Looked at cannot bear to be--Iodum (2)
Loquacity- Iodum (1)
Mania madness—— Bromium (2) Iodum (2)
Manual work—Iodum (1)
Memory active –Bromium (1)
Memory weak—Bromium (1)
Mirth– Bromium, Iodum (1)
Misanthropy- Iodum (1)
Mood alternating- IODUM (3)
Occupation-amel—- Iodum (2)
Prostration of mind- Iodum (1)
Restlessness- Iodum (2)
Restlessness night
Restlessness anxious- Iodum (1)
Restlessness sitting while- Iodum (2)
Runs about—Iodum (1)
Sadness mental depression——- Bromium (2), IODUM (3)
Sensitive- Iodum (2)
External impression to all- Iodum (1)
Noise to- Iodum (1)
Serious—Iodum (1)
Sit inclination to- Bromium (1), Iodum (2)
Sit with head on hands, elbow on knees- Iodum (1)
Spoken to averse to being– Iodum (2)
Want to be let alone— Iodum (2)
Starting- Bromium (1)
Starting sleep during- Iodum (1)
Stupefaction—Iodum (1)
Suicidal disposition—Iodum (1)
Talk indisposed to, desire to be silent- Bromium, Iodum (1)
Tears things—- Iodum (1)
Thoughts future of the—- Iodum (1)
Thoughts persistent- Iodum (2)-
Thoughts vanishing of—- Iodum (1)
Thoughts wandering- Iodum (1)
Timidity- Iodum (1)
Bashful- Iodum (1)
Touched aversion to being—Iodum (1)
Unconsciousness vertigo during-Iodum (1)
Weeping- Iodum (2)
Weeping eating after- Iodum (1)
Work aversion to mental- Bromium (1)
In periodic table, all the elements are important and in some or the other way, they are present in environment. For constant progress of life, it gives impact on human body. From this table, only one group has been taken in the article and attempt have been made to represent it in article to show how halogen is given in common symptoms and their mental rubrics with marking. In short, they are very reactive in crude as well as in dynamic form as well.
1. Gutmann, V., Christe, Karl and Schneider, Stefan (2021, November 29). halogen. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/halogen.
2. Patil J D, Group Study in Homeopathic Materia Medica, India, B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd,
3. Homoeopathy360, archive march 13, 2018, homoeopathic halogen, https://www.homeopathy360.com/2018/03/13/homeopathic-halogens/
4.Clarke JH. Materia medica, powered by remedia homoeopathy, https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/chlorum
5. Boericke W.; Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory; Low price edition, 2002; B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Allen H.C., Allen’s keynotes and characteristics with nosodes, low priced edition, Delhi, India, B. Jain publisher’s ltd, year- august 2002
7. Homoeo book, article, Materia medica-group study, homoeopathy medicines from halogens, Dec 24 2012,https://www.homeobook.com/homoeopathy-medicines-from-halogens/
8. Kent J. T.; Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica; ; Reprint edition, 2012; Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi.
About the author:
Dr Nidhi Joshi (BHMS, MD, PGDHM, PHD SCHOLAR), Associate Prof., Jay Jalaram Homoeopathic Medical college, Morva-rena, Godhra.
Dr Falguni Pilot (BHMS, MD, PHD SCHOLAR), Asso. Prof., Parul institute of Homoeopathy and research, Parul university, Vadodara.
Dr Mamta Tapas (BHMS, MD, PHD SCHOLAR), Prof., Parul institute of Homoeopathy and research, Parul university, Vadodara.
Dr Vinit Tapas (BHMS, MD), Assist Prof., Parul institute of Homoeopathy and research, Parul university, Vadodara.
Dr Arpita Chatterjee (BHMS, MD, PHD SCHOLAR), Associate Prof., Parul institute of Homoeopathy and research, Parul university, Vadodara.