Homeopathy is highly efficacious in treating and curing the cases of thrombocytopenia. There seems to be a panic especially during an outbreak of Dengue and Viral fever. Other causes of thrombocytopenia are aplastic anaemia, leukaemia, myeloma, drugs like co–trimaxazole, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura where there is a tremendous fall in the platelets count. Homeopathy plays a vital role in the cases of thrombocytopenia.
Aims and Objective of the Study
- Role of so called specific remedy in treating thrombocytopenia
- To highlight the importance of repertorial prescription in treating thrombocytopenia
Case One
Presentation and diagnosis
Ms Tanu Swami, 9 year old girl, M.R.D. No.1570/69478 presented with some bluish spots over the arms and the legs and a vague pain in the limbs. She was admitted to our hospital on 2/12/2010. She underwent an extensive evaluation at ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’ and a diagnosis of ‘idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura’ was made. Platelet count was 10000 / cu mm on 18/09/2010. She underwent blood transfusion and the platelet count became 42000 / cu mm on 19/09/2010. The patient was treated with steroid ‘Wyslone’ 30 mg and immunoglobulin ‘MEGLOB’ – 5gm, 10 injections. Platelet count became 1.68 Lacs /cu mm on 21/09/2010 and 2.80 Lacs / cu mm on 26/09/2010. Each injection was costing Rs 7400. There was a remission of bluish spots over the left thigh and a fall of platelet count up to 70000 / cu mm on 29/11/2010 as shown in the report above. The patient gave an additional history of colic and fever.
Personal History
- Appetite – Normal
- Thirst – Normal
- Bowel – Hard, constipated
- Micturition – Normal
- Sleep – Normal
- Perspiration – On palm
- Mental makeup – Mild
Before Medication
After Medication
Past History
H/o colic in August 2010 – treated with ayurvedic medicines

Report -1
Family History
2/12/2010 – T.N.T 30 t.d.s. x 4 days
6/12/2010 – Symptomatically better, platelet count became 1.44 Lacs / cu mm (as shown in report – 1)
9/12/2010 – Complained of pain in throat < empty swallowing, dry cough and prominent bluish spots on the left thigh.
At this juncture, the case was repertorised by Synthesis Repertory through ‘RADAR’ software by taking the following rubrics into consideration:
- Generalities – Food and Drinks – Salt – desire
- Stool – Hard
- Extremities – Perspiration – Hand – Palm
- Extremities – Discoloration – Lower limbs – Purpura haemorrhagia
Repertorial Result
Phosphorus 12/4, Nat.mur 8/3, Cal. carb 7/3, Sepia 4/3, Silicea 7/3, Sulphur 7/3 (as shown in the table).
Phosphorus was prescribed as it covered all the rubrics and had haemorrhagic diathesis. It was prescribed in L.M. Potency.
Phosphorus 0/2 t.d.s. x 7 days
Follow up
15/12/2010 – Platelet count became 2.44 Lacs / cu mm (as shown in report-2). Bluish spots completely disappeared. Patient became asymptomatic.
Phosphorus 0/2 once a day x 15 days
The patient was discharged on 20/12/2010 and advised to attend O.P.D. regularly
29/12/2010 – Platelets count – 2.75 Lacs / cu mm, feeling of well being
Phosphorus 0/2 b.d. x 15days
The patient is still under follow up and responding well to the treatment
Report -2
T.N.T. was prescribed empirically for some specific set of symptoms i.e. undue fatigue and bleeding under the skin. It is indicated in pernicious and aplastic anaemia. (Ref. Boericke and Murphy Materia Medica). T.N.T has got a special action over the bone marrow. As T.N.T gave only partial relief to the patient, the reportorial prescription of Phosphorus in L.M. Potency led to a complete disappearance of the bluish spots and a progressive increase in the platelet counts.
Case Two
Presentation and diagnosis
Mrs. Manjeet Kaur, 53 years old lady, M.R.D. No. 1165/60827, presented with pain in the left half of the face and difficulty in closing the mouth since last two months. She was admitted to our hospital on 23/09/2010. Her haemogram was done on 23/09/2010. The reports revealed the details as such:
- Hb –11.8 gm%
- T.L.C – 11250 / cu mm
- Polymorphs – 70%
- Lymphocytes – 20%
- Eosinophils – 10%
- Platelets count – 1.3 Lacs / cu mm
- ESR – 44mm / hr
- Blood Sugar – Fasting – 90mg / dl and P.P – 98 mg / dl
Past History
H/o left sided facial palsy three months back
Family History
Father – Died from Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Personal History
- Appetite – Normal
- Thirst – Normal
- Bowel – Hard
- Micturition – Four to five times in night
- Sleep – Disturbed due to increased frequency of urine
- Perspiration – More on face and head; offensive
- Pulse rate – 78 beats / minute
- Blood Pressure –104 / 74 mm Hg
- Mental Makeup – Anxiety, grief, suppressed anger
Life Situation and Investigations
Patient hails from a lower socioeconomic status. She got married in 1975. She is very much tensed. Her husband estranged her 20 years back. She has one son. She is fully dependent on her son. He insults her very frequently. She became absolutely free from her main complaints. She developed an intense pain in the limbs, fever with a temperature of 104ºF and a severe headache on 07/10/2010. Suspecting fever like dengue or of viral etiology, her haemogram was repeated on 08/10/2010. The reports were as follows:
- Hb – 11.5 gm%
- T.L.C. – 5800 / cu mm
- Polymorphs – 70%
- Lymphocytes – 22%
- Eosinophils – 5%
- Platelet count – 60000/cu mm
- ESR – 41mm / hr
- Malarial Parasite – Negative
Prescription and Follow ups
8/10/2010 – T.N.T 30 t.d.s. x 7 days
9/10/2010 – Temperature – 99.2 ºF, headache much better. T.N.T was continued
15/10/2010 – Platelet count was increased up to 1.2 lacs / cu mm
25/10/2010 – Patient recovered fully and platelet count was found to be 2.11 lacs / cu mm
Homeopathic treatment was started on 23/09/2010. In the mean time, the patient developed acute complaints of fever followed by a fall in the platelets level. Considering acute complaints, T.N.T. in 30 potency was prescribed. The patient responded well to the treatment and became totally free from the acute complaints on 15/10/2010. After these episodes, she again developed main complaints, for which Lachesis 1M and Tuberculinum1M were prescribed at infrequent intervals. A strong family history of Tuberculosis suggested ‘Tuberculinum’. After these medications, the patient became asymptomatic. The drug T.N.T. has been prescribed empirically on eight patients of thrombocytopenia and has showed a marked increase in the platelets level.
About the Author
Dr Anil Kumari Malhotra is presently working as a principal of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi
Dr B M Sharma is an assistant professor and incharge of Department of Repertory in Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi
Dr S K Pandey is working as a lecturer in the Department of Repertory in the same college.