The understanding of the homoeopathic profile of the elements of the periodic table helps in gaining the vast knowledge of homoeopathy and the homoeopaths can access the simillimum for patients more effectively. This article stresses upon the different characteristics of elements in each horizontal row (series) and a column of the periodic table in concise manner as well as emphasises how homoeopathy can treat by holistic approach of treatment.
Keywords: periodic table, homoeopathy, simillimum, element, mineral kingdom.
Homoeopathy is a medical approach with more than 200 years and minerals have been used as Homoeopathic remedies since the beginning (e.g. Sulphur) however until recently, the major source of homoeopathic medicaments has been the plant kingdom (1).
In periodic table, each element of is located at the intersection of a row (series) and a column (stage). These two coordinates define the position of the element and its characteristics. To understand any element, one needs to know its series and stage, from which one can derive its characteristics (1, 2).
All elements in each horizontal row or series of the periodic table are characterized by a single common theme. The rows can be seen as a replica of the development of a person, starting from the conception and ending in the old age and death. Since we perceive the person as mineral, we can reach the stage of development in which he is stuck in, and further identify the row (1, 3).
The first three rows correspond to childhood, starting from conception, then birth, separation and developing a separate identity. From the fourth row onwards, the issues are related to adulthood: security, protection, finding a job, money, performing, taking responsibility, etc (4).

Fig no. 1 – Rows (Theme) (4)
- First
– It is about the existence; the energy is turned into matter and the
conception happens (they were not there before but now they exist). Hydrogen and the helium are the elements of this series.
- Hydrogen has no connection, no support and no structure, the isolation is so great that they connect to the whole, he is not even sure of his existence like at one pole he feels one with existence while that also makes him feel like nothing at the other pole.
- Helium, a noble gas feels happy in the womb and does not want to exist in the world outside (1).
- Second series – Follow the events after conception, which concerns to foetal life and separation. This entire row follows the process of labour and birth process that leads to the separation from the mother.
The elements of second row are lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon. From beryllium to oxygen the process of separation happens progressively.
- Beryllium remains strongly connected and he does not even have the perception of separation.
- Boron doubts about whether he is or he is not connected to his mother.
- Carbon fears of not being able to be by his own.
- Nitrogen feels claustrophobic and wants to be separated; leaves the mother’s womb and be independent.
- Oxygen is already in the outside world and he breaths for the first time.
- Fluorine is like the cut of the umbilical cord; he is completely independent.
- Neon is separated and quite happy with that (4).
- Third row – The stage of development in a child of approximate age 3-6 years where they begin to develop and assert their choice, to develop and demand the ability to do things for themselves also the stage where the child needs warmth, nourishment, care and emotional support.
The elements of third row are sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silica, phosphorus, sulphur, chloride and argon. From sodium to aluminium an absence of individual identity is noticed.
- Sodium
feels that he has an independent existence, but does not have a distinct identity
or capacity to find one. So, there is no sense of identity causing confusion
about him.
- Magnesium is starting to build his own ideas but he is afraid of expressing them and scared of being forsaken if he expresses himself, so he adapts the identity that the others want.
- Aluminium is confused about his identity; he is not certain whether he has an independent personality or if he has what the others want.
- Silica is sure about his identity and has a well-defined image of his own.
- Phosphorous having an identity apart from what was given.
- Sulphur is proud of his identity and knows that he is better than the others.
- Chloride having an identity that is the opposite of what was given.
- Argon having his own identity and he is happy with that (4).
- Fourth row – Main issue is security, which may be related to money/finances, relationships, house, job and/or health.
- Fifth row – Concerns creativity and performance; they want to be creative, to perform new things and be appreciated (2).
- Sixth row – Issue is of responsibility and leadership. They passed all the stages, so they are complete in the way that they passed through all the issues in the previous rows and will be the leaders because it’s their responsibility. They feel responsible for the world and that’s why they become humanistic and live by their own rules; need to be free and act with self-control and self-determination so they dislike being controlled and manipulated; having a strong intellectual capacity, and they have desire of wisdom, spirituality, truth and anarchy (2).
- Seventh row – The row of destruction and disintegration. There is an enormous pressure due to the responsibility. They are overloaded, so they desire to break free and let go (2).
There are 18 stages corresponding to the 18 columns of the periodic table. These stages correspond to the electron configuration in the outer shell of the atom, and to the chemical behaviour of the specific element.
Fig no. 2 – Columns (stages) (3)
The remedies on the left side of the periodic table are dependent on others for support and to complete their structure because they have a feeling of lacking while the remedies on the right side of the periodic table have the feeling that they have to do it on their own, complete their structure themselves without anybody to help(4).
- First column – Totally dependent on others for everything. Their structure has not started to form. They need support to avoid collapsing, like Natrum, Kalium; etc. which has only one electron in their outermost orbit so would require seven to make them stable. When they unite with another element they tend to lose their outermost electron, thus making them a cation (positively charged). Hence, these elements (cations like Na+, K+, etc.) are very needy and dependent on others to achieve stability (4).
- Second
column – Begin to feel the presence of structure, but cannot
do anything without help. They are more independent than individuals from the
first column but they still demand support, physical help and orientation to
make decisions. They often need a father figure. The remedies in the
second column – Magnesium, Calcarea,
Strontium and Barium – had a
strong intensity of dependence. Each element is dependent in a different way
that represents a certain stage of human development.
- Magnesium is like an infant.
- Calcarea is like a child.
- Strontium, being between Calcarea and Barium, should have the dependence like a teenager who needs guidance.
- Barium is like an adult who is unable to take responsibility. (1,4)
- Third column – Want their own structure, but doubt their capacity and are uncertain regarding the type of structure.
- Fourth column – It doubts about structure are resolved. They can´t go back and they have to do things on one’s own and they question themselves: “Will I be able to?”
- Fifth column – The structure is complete but foundation is not strong and they ask: “Should I go ahead or not?”
- Sixth column – The structure is not complete and tested, but the individuals feel compelled to face challenge and they need to prove themselves and their work is criticised due to the lack of precision.
- Seventh column – The structure is good in normal situations but need support when times are tough and they feel that they must be perfect but they are far from the perfection and they finish very tired and overwhelmed.
- Eighth column – The structure is proven and is no longer a challenge, so the structure has to resist to high pressure. The individuals feel the pressure and the force, the effort must be tremendous to achieve the targets and exhaustion occurs after.
- Ninth column – They have no longer any resistance or opposition and the structure is nearly perfect but a little short of perfection.
- Tenth column – The structure is complete. Individuals are confident about themselves and they are sure about their choices and they know for certain they have achieved success.
- Eleventh column – The structure stands by itself, but the question is if it will maintain itself in adverse circumstances and the individuals have to maintain and defend their position.
- Twelfth column – In constant vigilance, alertness and are protecting themselves and they start to have enemies.
- Thirteenth column – They feel that their structure is under severe attack, and loss is imminent. So, they need a superhuman effort to maintain it.
- Fourteenth column – They begin to accept that their loss is evident. They understand that have failed and nothing can be done and they give up and accept changes.
- Fifteenth column – Sense of being eroded, it is falling apart and cannot be preserved and they are carefully to see how long it can continue.
- Sixteenth column – They feel that their structure has lost its utility completely and they are too incapacitated to do anything more. They cannot make any more effort.
- Seventeenth column – The instability of the individual is at its maximum; people have the feeling that their structure is dissolving and crumbling and they feel starved, betrayed and let down and they end up feeling tied down and want to escape.
The main feeling in halogen group is, ‘I don’t need you so much. I am nearly complete in myself.’ That is why they don’t want to be tied down or bound for too long because halogens have seven electrons in their outermost orbit; they require just one more electron to make them stable and when they unite with another element they tend to form ‘anions’, which are negatively charged ions.
- Eighteenth column – The structure is completely dissolved and is not an issue any longer. Individuals live in their own world, detached and separated from the others (1, 2, 4 ) .
The reliability of the method of translating the physico-chemical language into the clinical language made possible the approximation of the clinical picture of a remedy based on its physical and chemical behaviour. Once one have identified that the patient needs a mineral remedy, one have to work out which mineral is needed. This approximation is sufficient to justify and guide the clinical use of the mineral remedy, and to open the door of experience.
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About Author:
Vaidehi Kumari Gupta, MD
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pathology
Dr. R.B. Singh Gaya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bodhgaya,