"by Herbert A. Roberts"
About Book
It is true that we may see cases where the regular course of repertorization fails to reveal the similimum. It is in such a case as this that the special repertory may provide a clue to a remedy not included in the general repertory, or not so strikingly brought to our mind. This is the field of Sensation As If, as one possible indicator of the elusive simillimum.
One of homeopathy’s crowning achievements is the use of patient’s own expressions for the selection of an accurate similimum. Subjective Symptoms, as these are called, have been found extremely valuable in clinical practice. This work is based on information taken from an interleaved copy of Holcomb’s work that was compiled by Dr W A Yingling.
Besides the above mentioned source, the basis of the material was secured from three major works: Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, Clarke’s Dictionary and Allen’s Handbook. Frequent references have also been made to Allen’s Encyclopaedia.
The new edition has been upgraded in the following ways:
- Abbreviations and names of the drugs have been standardized according to synthesis
- Improved and more readable font has been introduced with increased font size.
- The size of the print area has been increased from 6×3 inches to 7×4 inches.
About Author
Herbert A. Roberts : Herbert A. Roberts, MD, was born May 7, 1868 and died October 13, 1950. He graduated from the New York Homoeopathic Medical College, practiced for a while in Vermont and then set up practice in Derby Connecticut.
Dr. Roberts worked as a medical officer on troop ships during World War 1. He was the president of the International Hahnemannian Association (IHA) in 1923 and editor of the much-respected Homoeopathic Recorder from 1927-1934.
Roberts was an active writer, researcher, and teacher. Between the IHA transactions and the Homoeopathic Recorder he authored 117 articles and 27 editorials.