SINAPIS NIGRA : Offensive breath, smelling like onions. SINAPIS NIGRA : Offensive breath, smelling like onions. Burnings in stomach, extending up oesophagus, throat and mouth, which is full of canker sores. Post Views: 501
Prostate Cancer: Clinical Tips by Dr... Prostate Cancer: Clinical Tips by Dr. Wilbur K. Bond Use Cadmium phosphate in suspected...
Sycotic Children: Dr. J.T. Kent Sycotic Children: Dr. J.T. Kent Read More: Sycotic children (so born) when one or both parents...
Cataract: Clinical Tips by Drs. Allen... Several cases of Cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even...
Spigelia Anth: Clinical Tips by Dr... I treated in gumpendorf hospital at Vienna, 57 cases of rheumatic carditis with one death and...