ABSTRACT:- Sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. The cause of sinusitis is multi factorial, anatomic, genetic and environmental which leads to various cycle of infection, swelling and blockage. With proper selection of remedy based on totality of symptoms and constitutional approach, sinusitis can be managed by homoeopathy.
Keywords:- Sinusitis, homoeopathy
Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which are air-filled
cavities in the skull. The etiology can be infectious (bacterial, viral, or
fungal) or non-infectious (allergic) triggers. This inflammation leads to
blockage of the normal sinus drainage pathways (sinus ostia). It
is estimated that 6% to 13% of children will have one case of acute sinusitis
by the age of 3 years. School-age children on average contract 6 to 8 upper
respiratory tract infections per year, and of these, 5% to 10% will be
complicated by sinusitis.[1]
Acute sinusitis, defined as symptoms of less than 4 weeks duration.
Sub-acute sinusitis, defined as symptoms of 4 to 8 weeks duration.
Chronic sinusitis, defined as symptoms lasting longer than 8 weeks.
Recurrent acute sinusitis, often defined as three or more episodes per year, with each episode lasting less than 2 weeks.[1]
Acute bacterial sinusitis in
adults manifests with more than 7 days of nasal congestion, purulent rhinorrhoea,
postnasal drip, and facial pain and pressure, alone or with associated referred
pain to the ears and teeth. There may be a cough, often worsening at night.
Children with acute sinusitis might not be able to relay a history of postnasal
drainage or headaches.
Chronic sinusitis can cause more indolent symptoms that persist for months. Nasal congestion and postnasal drainage are the most common symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Chronic cough that is described as worse at night or on awakening in the morning is also a commonly described symptom of chronic sinusitis.[2]
Physical examination
to detect the presence of most or all of the commonly manifesting signs and
symptoms can provide a reliable diagnosis of acute sinusitis. The presence of
purulent secretions has the highest positive predictive value for diagnosing
sinusitis clinically.
PSORA: Psora manifests the symptoms of functional disorders only. No structural change can be seen in uncomplicated psora. All the ‘Sensation as if’ and characteristic symptoms especially concomitants come under psora. Example, headache better by hot applications. Headache from hunger.
SYCOSIS: Sycosis manifestations are characterized by slowness of recovery. Sycosis develops the catarrhal discharge. Pain in frontal or vertex at or after midnight. Headache of sycosis children are more common and are worse at night, producing feverishness, restlessness, crying, fretting and worrying. Better by motion. Headaches worse lying down and at night, especially after midnight. The patient is restless and wants to be kept in motion, which ameliorates. Headache worse riding, exertion either mental or physical. There is loss of smell. Nose clear one hour, the next he cannot get a particle of air through his nasal passages. A red nose with enlarged capillaries.
SYPHILIS: Headache worse at night. They improve in the morning and remain better all day until evening when they grow worse as the night advances. Dull, heavy or lancinating, constant, persistent headaches. The crusts are dark, greenish black or brown, thick and not always offensive. Bones of nose destroyed. Deposition of crusts in nose with offensive breath.
TUBERCULAR: Headache occurring on rest days, worse riding in carriages or are due to the least unusual ordeal, as preparing for examinations; meeting with strangers and entertaining them. Headache with deathly coldness of hands and feet, with prostration, sadness and general despondency.[4]
Homoeopathic remedies for sinusitis:
Silicea terra – Best homoeopathic medicine for sinusitis when cold aggravates the sinusitis. There is an increased sensitivity to cold and the patient lacks in natural warmth of the body. Slightest exposure to cold air or temperature can create havoc with the system of the patient. Patient feels much better in warmth, a warm room or warm weather and therefore tends to wrap himself in warm clothes or blanket. This increased sensitivity to cold is often manifested as a recurrent cold or inflammation of the sinuses.
Kalium bichromicum:-It is very effective in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. It affects the mucous membranes everywhere, more so of the respiratory system and causes inflammation of the membranes. The main distinguishing feature of this homoeopathic medicine is that the discharge from the nose is thick, ropy and stringy in character. The mucous is thick and yellowish or greenish yellow in colour. The symptoms are aggravated in the morning.
Hydrastis canadensis: –The discharge may be thin and watery as happens in acute sinusitis or thick, yellowish and tenacious when the sinusitis is chronic in nature. There may be bad odor from the nose. There is persistent postnasal discharge, which is again thick and yellowish in colour.
Pulsatilla nigricans: -The homoeopathic medicine for
chronic sinusitis with green discharge.
This patient often feels better in open air and is aggravated in a closed place
like a room or a crowded place. Tolerating heat and the summer weather is
difficult for the patient. The mental symptom of crying at the slightest reason
is a predominant guiding feature of this homoeopathic remedy. The discharge
from the nose is often greenish or yellowish green.
Hepar sulphuricum: – Homoeopathic
remedy for sinusitis and to reduce sensitivity.
It is an excellent homoeopathic medicine to stop the sensitivity of the patient
to cold temperature and cold weather. The slightest exposure to cold in any
form tends to bring on the symptoms of sneezing and running nose. The nose may
get blocked up on slightest exposure to cold air or cold temperature. Cough
starts on the slightest exposure.
Mercurius solubilis: –A person needing this homoeopathic remedy often experiences much sneezing with a fluent and often acrid discharge from the nose. Some portion of the mucus may trickle down post-nasally into the throat causing hawking, hoarseness and a dry, rough cough from continual tickling in the throat.
Phosphorus: –Someone needing this homoeopathic remedy often complains of having a stuffed nose one moment and fluent nasal discharges the next. These symptoms often come with a feeling of dullness in the head and a sore throat. Hoarseness often follows. The mucus from the nose is typically profuse, greenish, yellow and blood- streaked.[3’4]
There are many more remedies for sinusitis in homoeopathy. With
the selection of similar remedy based on totality of symptoms can successfully
manage the case. Because in homoeopathy we treat person as a whole not only the
disease So full case taking of the patient is require for the cure according to
the homoeopathic principles.[4]
List of references:
- Nayak C, Singh V, Singh VP, OberoI P, Roia V, MN Sinha, et al. Homoeopathy in chronic sinusitis, A prospective multi-centric observational study. CCRH:2012 February;101,84-91.(cited on 06/02/2012)Available from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223968995_Homoeopathy_in_chronic_sinusitis_A_prospective_multi-centric_observational_study/link/5cb07de992851c8d22e58c85/download
- Boericke W, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertoty.9ed: B.JainPublishers,New Delhi,2013 (p)Ltd.552-556
- Murphy R, ND, Homoeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy, 2nd revised edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi,1993
- Sarkar BK , Hahnemann’s organon of medicine,9ed.Birla publications,New Delhi2003:421-439.
About the authors:
Dr Ragini Shukla
Correspondent author:
Dr Pradeep Bisen
Department of Homoeopathy Philosophy, Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College