Skin is the most beautiful covering of human body and everybody are very sensitive to their skin specially women in our society. Acne is characterized by areas of skin with Seborrhea is a scaly red skin. Area include the face upper part of chest and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, it affect many teenagers in both sexes but peak age of severity in female is 16 to 17years and in male 17 to 19 years just after puberty. There are many causative factors rather than single androgen surge in its production during puberty. Increase in testosterone stimulation of sebaceous gland activity for most people acne diminish over time or at the very least decreases after one reach early twenties. However no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely. Adolescents and young adults are typically affected side, generally affecting the face on upper chest and back rarely buttock and thighs. Symptoms of acne vulgaris include pain, tenderness, itching, erythema of legions scaring etc. It may have psychological impact on patient such as depression, anger, embarrassment, lack of confidence, impaired social contact. It may increase anxiety, depression, acne usually appears during adolescence when people already socially insecure.
Myths about acne in our society
1)There are many myth about the acne in our society such as only teenagers get acne mostly acne appears in adolescent or teenagers but it may be appear in 20 years and 30 years also.
2)Stress causes acne stress does not causes acne but it may worst by stress.
3)Popping pimples get cure easily squeezing popping pimples lead to additional inflammation scarring and infection.
4)Eating chocolate, oily food causes acne. There are no scientific evidence to support this claim but oily foods trigger the acne breakout.
5)Getting tan helps the acne. It does nothing to actually heal acne in fact ultraviolet rays can darken existing acne scar.
6) wash your face frequently washing your face more than twice a day can dry out and irritate the skin further resulting in more acne as a general rule wash your face twice a day with gentle cleanser is a best way to keep your skin clean and healthy.
7) acne only affect oily skin- people with all different skin types of acne. All skin types can develop whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.
8)makeup causes acne makeup can only irritate your skin if you are using low quality product don’t forget to wash your face before bed and remove your makeup.
9) person with constipation causes acne, there are no such study to prove that constipation causes acne but if person stress about their constipation stress
hormones may trigger acne.
1) wash your face twice a day with alcohol free cleanser remove excess oil dust and sweat.
2)Avoid oily fatty and unhygienic food
3)Hydrate yourself
4)Limited and quality makeup