Some Remarkable Cures Of Neuralgia Using Homoeopathic Remedies - homeopathy360

Some Remarkable Cures Of Neuralgia Using Homoeopathic Remedies

Case no 1  – Chronic neuralgia  

Srimathi   Vasantha  aged 65 years came to me on 11-7-1998 for treatment . she was having severe pain in the left calf muscle every night from 11pm  till 2 am only when lying in bed there was no pain if on account of some engagement she did not go to bed pain< rest < summer seasom > winter season . the pain started in 1953 after child birth and since yhen it had persisted inspite of on all sorts of treatment . her husband was serving in the defence department and had consulted eminent physicians whith no result the pain was so severe  that she could not sleep during the period of the pain. Past history did not reveal any thing worth mentioning except that she had a brain tumour  surgically removed . after this she had facial paralysis  of the left side which still persists . 11-7-1998  – thuja200 –one dose . 12-7 -1998 kalibichromicum !M – 2 doses . 15 minutes apart .  from the night 12-7-1998 the pain gradually subsided but become severe again on 21-7-1998  21-7-1998  Thuja 200 –one dose morning  -Kali bicromicum 1M -2 doses 15 minutes apart in the evening.  

The pain again subsided. the patient called on 2-8-1998 and reported that the time of the pain  had  now shifted. It was then between 12 midnight and 3A.M.but in much less degree.

2-8-1998.the patient reported that the occurrence of the pain was then not regular,but occurred  occasionally between midnight and 3A.M. the position was static.

2-9-1998   Kalibichrom 10M, 2 doses,15 minutes apart.

Since   2-9-1998     the pain is almost completely absent. She has been advised to report   when the pain appears   again.

To this day (29-11-1998) there has been no pain as reported by her   husband.

On the    history of   having been vaccinated against   small-pox   and because many of the Neuralgias have   psychosis at their base, the  treatment was commenced with juja.

In Kent’s repertory page 1391 , in the chapter on generas , under the heading periodicity appear .”Neauralgia “ every day at the same hour –“ kalibichrom “

On the bases of the this . kalibichrom was given with excellent result .


BY Dr B.S.SUVarna

Arnica    used in the  Montana , called  mountain daisy ,produces a beautiful yellow flower Arnica grows in high alpine valleys throughout the world .It has an ancient history of being used to treat falls, bruises, and  others traumatic injuries, the flowers were picked, dried and stored, and an infusion was prepared and used whenever an injury occurred .It  is interesting that Arnica was used for similar purposes by people with great geographical and cultural separation ,It was the Andes mountains and the  swiss alps ,its  redcorded use dates from  greek  and Roman civilizations.

Samuel Hahnemann was familiar with the folk use of this  herb .He conducted a systematic  study, homeopathic proving and since then. Arnica has  been used extensively as a most important homeopathic remedy .   the proving , along with 200 years of practical clinical experience , give us clear indication for its homoeopathic use .


Arnica has a an affinity for the blood vessels , given in crude form , its causes dilation of the vessels ,stasis of the blood and increased perm ability of the vessel

Walls . the result is a tendency to hemorrhage so it is us ed homeopathically to stop bleeding

INDICATIONS  Arnica is the most often indicated remedy for injuries, accidents, fractures, and other traumas ,Dr .Dorothy  shephered is Arnica for injuries ,falls, and accidents of all sorts .Indeed, It has been, well    known    for centuries ,as a domestic household remedy for falls .In the  German language  it is called fall kraut, or falling herb, to show its main    action. I assert most strongly.      That it lieves the shocks and pains accompanying an injury  rapidly and miracululously-Arnica ,when given internally, works better(for relieving pain) than morphine . It is rightly said that there are no specifics in homeopathy ( a specific meaning a given remedy to  treat a given condition ) in every case we should carefully note the symptoms . this includes a phycal examination of the injured parts plus the patients subjective sensatios of the quality of the pain , mobilities ( what makes it better or worse ) and any mental or emotional symptoms associated with the Dr Sephered  ment that in treating trauma , usually you will find Arnica  to be indicated remedy and its action is shift and deceive in allaying pain and promoting healing . other remedies , however , such as hypericum , conium and ruta are also impotant remedies for trauma  treatment Dr Roger  morrison has said that the best first aid remedy is first aid . it is important  first perform , common sense first aid procedures  such as stopping bleeding covering the injured person with a blanket .performing  C P R if indicated ,etc,  As soon as possible give the first aid remedy ,probably Arnica stops bleeding and given homeopathically, Arnica stops bleeding and promotes healing. It acts   quickly and powerfully totally shock(shock accompanies all traumatic injuries to some degree).It not only stops bleeding ,both internally and externally effective    for reducing swelling following sprains and other traumatic injuries .Reduced   swelling means less inflammation, ,less pain ,and faster healing.

Arnica is effective in treating injuries   ,both recent and  remote. What is truly amazing is the powerful healing effect  of Arnica on old injuries we have hundreds of cases ,many reported in books and journals, in which Arnica stimulated healing caused by trauma years previously .the patient may have suffered for years.until homoeopathic Arnica was prescribed ,and  in a matter of days or weeks the pain or disability disappeared. Dr.shepherd  reported a case of a  woman who suffered from  severe back pain for 10 years. the pain began after a fall down some stairs .Arnica .200c taken twice a day, completely eliminated the chronic back  pain in a few  weeks. It did   not recur. Always    consider Arnica for affects of the head or mind appearing long after a head Injury(Natrum-sulphuricum) If the history reveals that a child ,suffering from paralysis or neurological problems ,experienced a traumatic foreceps     delivery, think of Arnica another case of DrShephereds involved an eight-year-old boy who developed strabismus (crossed eyes) following a fallthis condition continued for 8 months and surgery  was advised .Arnica was given ,and in a matter of days the strabismus resolve d  ,permanently. 

Arnica is the first remedy to consider for head concussion , with or with out skull fracture . following any fracture , Arnica is used to stop pain , shock and bleeding , and to promote healing . Arnica is the first remedy to give for a cerebro vascular accident (stroke) . or for any type of internal hemorrhage . for the effects of over exertion , Arnica is the main remedy for aching muscles , following exertion or performing activities not usually done , Arnica is a welcome friend . whwther from too much gardening , spring house cleaning , cutting  fire wood , a long hike , or exhaustion following a marathon , Arnica is the remedy to remember . persistent tiredness following exertion also suggest arnica . arnica is an important remedy durin pregnancy and child birth . for   threatened abortion following physical trauma or over strain , Arnica is the first remedy to consider . I have seen it effective action two consider  I have seen  its effective action on two such occations  in both instances the women were in early pregnancy and had over exerted themselves physically both women experienced bleeding , and both were fearfull of miscarriage arnica (of course along with bed rest  ) immediately stopped the bleeding and aborted the threatened abortion . both women were fine the next morning arnica saved two pregnancies.

During   pregnancy, a woman needing Arnica may experience discomfort  lying in bed at night. She is especially sensitive to the movement of the fetus, and may be unable to sleep. A dose of arnica will relieve her of  that over sensitivity ,allowing her to experience the rest she needs to keep up her health and energy.. It is used during labour for ineffectual  contractions  , following  child birth  especially  a long  tiring  or traumatic  birth , both  mother  and child  may benefit  from arnica , the new born  has certainly  undergone  a traumatic  experience  and arnica will quickly  soothe and revitalize the in fact for the mother  the likely hood  of infection  Arnica is given  immediately  before  and after surgery  to promote healing  It is also used  before  and after  tooth extraction  would be the pain  or soreness following  chiropractor or osteopathic  tooth extraction  or often or extensive dental work . A another indication would be the pain or soreness following chiropractor osteopathic manipulation .  A rnica also may be applied locally over areas of sprain or   swelling . CAUTION   never apply arnica externally of the skin is broken it can cause skin reactions for externally use, where  the skin is not broken, put  ten drops  of tinctures in a pint of water and apply sparingly over the  injured area .Be sure to give the remedy in potency under the tongue also .Arnica is an important  remedy. In treating severe septic conditions, such as typhoid,    witH  delirium and stupor. Arnica has a wide effect on the body   ,and has

  Been    used successfully   to stupor. Arnica   has a wide   effect on the   body, and has been used successfully to treat dysentery .skin conditions  and brain affections such as meaningfully to treat dysentery, skin conditions and brain afflictions such as meningitis. To   understand any remedy, we  need to look closely at the symptoms it produces and cures.


A bruised   ,lame, sore feeling ,as if  beaten ,is the most typical Arnica physical sensation. The muscles   ,joint bones, the entire body may feel sore, when lying , those needing Arnica often may  sense that the bed feels too  hard or the mattress too lumpy. Because of  this  discomfort the sufferers may  frequently  shift positions ,seeking a  more comfortable one. This restlessness may appear similar to that of   Rhus tox   ,but  remember that with Rhustox  the restlessness is  from a sensation of stiffness,  which is relieved by motion .with  Arnica, the restlessness is simply due to soreness of the parts, seeking a change  of position to find comfort.  It is not the movement itself that relieves as with rhustox.

Arnica has definite mental symptoms, which may   or may not be present in a patient needing this remedy. The most important is a fear of being approached or touched. These patients can be extremely apprehensive about this, and may crying at the approach of the   doctor(or anyone).Another pecullar mental symptom that indicates. Arnica is that although severely ill or injured, he will tell others that he is all right, and   that he does not need to see a doctor, the  patient may be morose, sad and he may just want to be left    alone. Other mental symptoms include a fear   that death is imminent(Aconite), an aversion to making any effort(including talking). Starting easily, and waking with terrible, nightmares.

Headache and dizziness may be present. Hemorrhage  of the conjunctiva or retina , double vision following an injury , high strain from over use of the eyes , and nose bleeds following injuries all suggest arnica . arnica has a big effect over the entire gastro intestinal system .pularifaction , gas and eructations smelling like rotten eggs are symptoms of arnica . the tongue may be coated yellow , with excess salivx. A foul taste may be present in the mouth a taste as from bad eggs . Abdominal colic and diarrhea with painfull   tenesmus may be present the dysentery , causes extreme fatigue and frustration . the arnica dysentery may have a characteristic  straining at stools .

With long intervals       between stools the stools can be very offensive .vomit may contain dark. coagulated   blood .the bladder may be affected. for retention of urine following exertion or strain, including difficult childbirth ,Arnica is an important consideration. Urine may be voided with great difficulty because of spasm of the spincter  .Blood may be present in the  urine

Skin symptoms   may   include eczema   pustular eruptions. Bed sores ,ulcerations, or psoriasis. The distinctive feature is symmetrical   eruptions. Thus   you may observe identical eruptions on the same area   bilaterally, as over both knees, etc. very painful   crops of boils are a strong indication for Arnica. The Arnica general symptoms   include   aggravation from   any movement   ,especially an aggravation from sudden movements. There   many be sharp, shooting pains down the limbs she feels bruised all over   ,as if  beaten by blows .exhausted. the   limbs feel heavy ,the wrist or hip        may feel as if dislocated. Mobilities   include an aggrav ation from cold damp weather, movement   ,exertion, the least contact , and wine. This is a amelioration from lying with the head low .In  summary, remember Arnica for any type of trauma, the sore ,lame bruised sensations may cause the bed to feel hard, resulting  in constant movement in bed .It is the first remedy to give to stop bleeding, useful for strokes internal hemorrhages, accidents ,sprains or strains. Any problem that has followed trauma even though the injury was years ago. May   respond   favourably   to   Arnica.  It is an Important remedy for pregnancy and childbirth, including postpartum hemorrhage. Important mental   symptoms include aversion to being touched or even approached, and saying he is fine even though seriously injured or ill. Remember its symmetrical skin eruptions and crops, of painful boils. Give Arnica prophylactrical   skin eruptions, and crops of painful boiles, Give Arnica prophylactically before surgery or  dental work, then repeat after surgery. Arnica is a valuable remedy, and it should always be  kept close at hand ,it belongs in every first aid kit. It is easy to prescribe, and is frequently indicated for   first aid treatment. Arnica is a homoeopathic public relations chamption-it has   proven to many people that homoeopathy works. The face may appear flushed (plethora).Sometimes it may be pale, An   Arnica keynote is ‘’hot face   and head, rest of   body is cold”. Another peculiar Arnica keynote is  “face is hot ,yet nose is cold”. There may be bruising, or purpura   hemorrhagica ,any     where on the body. In the delirium state, the Arnica patient may   be difficult to rouse, she may, attempt to answer your question, then fall immediately   back in to   a  stuper. A keynote of this state is stupor. A keynote of this state   is stupor with incontinence of urine  or stool.

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )