ABSTRACT: Spondyloarthropathy or spondyloarthrosis refers to any joint disease of the vertebral column . It differs from spondylopathy , which is a disease of the vertebra itself . Spondyloarthropathy is called axial spondyloarthritis. In broadest sense ,the spondyloarthropathy includes joint involvement of vertebral column from any type of joint disease, including RA and OA. They have an increased incidence of HLA-B27,as well as negative rheumatoid factor and ANA Enthesopathy is also sometimes present .While , the conventional system of medicine offers no cure for this disease; the path is open for Homoeopathy ; as Homoeopathy offers a great number of medicines to heal the humanity from such sufferings.
KEYWORDS: Spondyloarthropathy , Homoeopathy.
Spondyloarthropathy , is an umbrella term for diseases of vertebral column . Its worldwide prevalence rate is 1.9% The most common of diseases are ‘ankylosing spondylitis’ others include :
Reactive arthritis
Enteropathic arthropathy or spondylitis associated with inflammatory bowel disease(including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
• Psoriatic arthritis
• Isolated acute anterior uveitis
• Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
• Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy
• Usually develop between 17 to 45yrs of age ;But it may occur at young ages .
• Men are more likely to develop this disease .
• Causes though unknown but people with “HLA-B27” are at a greater risk .
• 1st predominant symptom is pain in lower back & hips , especially in morning and after periods of inactivity
• But , pain and swelling can occur in shoulders,hips , knees , ankles & hands
• Range of mild to severe inflammation may also occur
• Pain and swelling along , the tendons (dactylitis) or where tendons & ligaments meet the bone (enthesitis) , which commonly occur at back or bottom of heel
• Extra-articular features , such as involvement of eyes (anterior uveitis) , skin , genitourinary tract and aortic regurgitation .
• Overlap is likely between several of the causative conditions.
• Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
o Elevated CRP
o HLA-B27
o X-ray of sacro iliac joint , showing sacroilitis
Though this type of diseases response to NSAID but this cannot produce any permanent healing effect ; neither improving the quality of life & these also has its own adverse effects on excessive consumption.
Homeopathic medicines on other hand improve the ‘Quality of Life’ in patients along with reducing pain and disability .
The treatment here depends on individualization. It also depends on duration and severity of the disease . It is to be prescribed based on law of similar . The remedies in homoeopathy helps in reducing the inflammation as well pain & takes patient towards a state of ‘Mental and physical well-being promoting better quality of life’
Miasmatic wise it is a mixed miasmatic disease with more of sycotic predominance.
The following Homoeopathic remedies can be considered in the cases of spondyloarthropathy:
1. Calcarea Arsenica : It is indicated in pain and stiffness near nape of neck. Violent backache , throbbing , drives out of bed . Weariness and lameness of lower limbs.
2. Calcarea Carbonica : It is indicated in persons fair, fatty, flabby . Mentally forgetful, confused , having h/o overlifting . Curvature of dorsal vertebra ,weakness of extremities
3. Calcarea Phosphorica : While having some similarity with Calcarea Carbonica it has characters of its own . It is indicated in bone diseases ,it presents with soreness in Sacro-iliac symphysis ; stiffness and pain, with coldness and numbness worse in change of weather ,pain in joints and bones.
4. Belladona : It stands for suddenness of onset .Joints swollen , inflamed, with severe throbbing pain , joints very hot to touch . Stiff neck, Swelling of glands of neck, pain in nape as if it would break . Pressure on dorsal region most painful . Lumbago , with pain in hip and thigh.
5. Bellis Perennis : Sore bruised feeling in pelvic region . Soreness of abdominal walls and uterus . Joints sore, muscles soreness. Itching on back and flexor of thighs. Wrist feels contracted as from an elastic band around joints . Sprain with great soreness . Railway spine .
6. Bryonia Alba : Painful stiffness in nape of neck. Stiches and tearing; worse on least movement. Knees stiff and painful. Every spot is painful on pressure .
7. Apis mellifica : This remedy relieves swollen joints with itching and stinging pain , relieved by cold compress.
8. Kalmia latifolia: Pain in neck dow arm ; in upper three dorsal vertebrae extending to shoulder-blade . Pain down the back as if it would break ; in localized regions of spine ; through shoulders lumber pains of nervous origin. Pain affects large part of limb. Weakness numbness . Pain along the ulnar nerve , index finger. Tingling and numbness of left arm.
9. Nux Vomica : Backache in lumbar region . Burning in spine ; worse , touch . Must sit up in order to turn in bed . Bruised pain below scapulae. Legs numb feels paralyzed ; cramps in calves and soles. Partial paralysis , from overexertion on getting soaked. Cracking in knee joint during motion . Drags his feet when walking . Sensation of loss of power in the in limbs in the morning.
10. Rhus Toxicodendron : Pains tearing tendons ligament and fascia .Soreness of condyles of bone . Better by continuous motion. Numbness and formication from overwork .Tenderness of knee joint loss of power in forearm and fingers.
By this article I want to remind my fellow brothers and sisters that Homoeopathy is the safe and obvious answer to many diseases .What is needed is ardent practice and study to enrich one’s knowledge about this so that the suffering humanity can be helped.
Ebnezar, John. Text book of Orthopedics. (5th ed.). India: JAYPEE; 2017
https://www.arthritis.org › diseases › spondyloarthritis
Dr Anindita Das (MD-1)
Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College