Stalwarts’ Segment: Dr. William Earnest Boyd
It was due to the influence of Dr. Gibson Miller that he owed his initial knowledge and interest in homoeopathy. Later he joined the Homoeopathic Faculty in 1919. Between 1922 and August 1954, he contributed many papers on homoeopathic or bio-chemical research to the British Homoeopathic Journal. In 1936 he published a monograph entitled Low Potencies of Homoeopathy’. Dr. Boyd proved by the experiments on his Emanometer beyond any shadow of doubt that the presence of a power exists in 30th potency of Mercuric Chloride. He thus vindicated the clinical insight of Hahnemann.Dr. Boyd discovered that there is some sort of emanations
produced by homoeopathically prepared drugs which act only on the tissues to which each individual drug is fitted and only on the folks to whom it is tuned.
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