ABSTRACT : Stye is an inflammation of the eyelid associated with a small collection of pus. In most cases, the infection is caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. This article deals with an overview of stye, its classification, causation and Homoeopathic management.
KEYWORDS – Hordeolum, Stye, Homoeopathy
A hordeolum may be a common disorder of the eyelid. it’s an acute focal infection (usually staphylococcal) involving either the glands of Zeis (external hordeola) or, less frequently, the meibomian glands (internal hordeola).
There are two categories of stye:
Internal Hordeolum
The swelling develops inside the eyelid. Generally, an interior hordeolum is more painful than an external one. they’re also mentioned as an interior stye and are most ordinarily because of an infection within the Meibomian gland . These glands are liable for producing a secretion which makes up a part of the film that covers the eye.
External Hordeolum
External styes emerge along the border of the eyelid. they will become yellow, crammed with pus, and painful when touched. they will be caused by an infection of the following:
follicle: the
tiny holes within the skin from which eyelashes grow.
Sebaceous (Zeis) gland: This gland is attached
to the eyelash follicle and produces sebum. Sebum helps lubricate the eyelash
and stop it from drying out.
Apocrine (Moll) gland: This gland also helps
prevent eyelashes from drying out. it’s a sudoriferous gland that
empties into the eyelash follicle.
Styes are often caused by
inflammation or infection of the eyelash follicle. There are small oil glands
that sit round
the eyelid and drain through ducts into the eyelashes. If
something clogs the duct, the oil can’t drain and backs up into the glands. The
gland becomes swollen and inflamed, causing the stye.
Styes very rarely affect both eyes simultaneously. An individual will generally have one stye in one eye. However, it is possible to have more than one stye in the same eye or one in each eye.
Symptoms of a stye can include:
- swelling of the eyelid
- pain
- a lump on the eyelid
- redness
- crusting of the margins of the eyelids
- burning sensation
- droopiness of the eyelid
- itching of the eye
- blurry vision
- discharge of mucus from the eye
- light sensitivity
- discomfort when blinking
- the feeling that there is an object in the eye
Complications, although extremely rare, may sometimes occur. These can include:
Meibomian cyst: This is a cyst of the small glands located in the eyelid. The glands discharge a lubricant, called sebum in the edge of the eyelid. A persistent stye on the inside of the eyelid can eventually develop into a Meibomian cyst, or chalazion, especially if the gland is obstructed.
Pre-septal or periorbital cellulitis: This may develop if the infection spreads to the tissue around the eye. The layers of skin around the eye become inflamed and red, making the eyelids go red and swollen.
Rubrics under Synthesis Repertorty :
EYE – STYES : adeps-s. agar. allox. alum. alum-p. alum-sil. am-c. ambr. ant-t. Apis ars. Aur. aur-m-n. bar-c. bar-ox-suc. bor-ac. bry. cain. calc-f. calc-pic. CARBN-S. carc. caust. Chel. coch. colch. CON. cortiso. cupr. cypr. Dig. dys. elaps fago. Ferr. ferr-p. gaert. GRAPH. hep. Jug-c. Jug-r. kali-br. kali-p. kola kreos. lac-f. lach. lap-a. lappa LYC. m-aust. mand. med. meny. Merc. morg-g. morg-p. nat-m. Ph-ac. phos. pic-ac. Psor. PULS. Rhus-t. sacch-l. sanguis-s. seneg. SEP. Sil. sol-o. stann. STAPH. staphycoc. sulfa. sulfonam. SULPH. Thuj. tub. uran-n. valer. viol-o. zinc. ziz.
EYE – STYES – right eye : am-c. bell. cupr. cypr. ferr-p. Nat-m. tub.
EYE – STYES – left eye : Bar-c. caust. colch. elaps hydr. Hyper. kola sanguis-s. staph. sulph.
GENERALS – HISTORY; personal – eyes – recurrent styes on the; of : alum. anthraci. calc-f. carbn-s. carc. Con. ferr-py. Graph. kola Psor. puls. Sil. staph. SULPH. tub.
Homoeopathic medicines in Stye
- Apis mellifica : Eyelids are red, swollen, puffy, like water bags. There is hot lachrymation and sudden, piercing pains. Pain around the orbits.
- Conium maculatum: It is the best medicine for taking care of the hard nodes that remain after improper healing of Styes. These are referred to as Indurated Styes. Conium has the ability to soften such hard knots and make them disappear completely. In such cases, Conium is of great help in completely curing the Styes.
- Euphrasia: Commonly known as Eye Bright. That’s no surprise as it has the remarkable ability to treat eye diseases. Euphrasia is best remedy when there is excessive watering with a burning sensation in eyes along with Styes. There is also marked redness and itching.
- Ferrum Phos: It is the best remedy for the first stage of Stye. At this stage, redness, pain, tenderness and swelling are marked. This also stops the progression of the Stye to a stage of pus formation
- Graphites: It is for cystic tumours of the eyelids like styes. Eyelids feel heavy and fall; eyelids red and swollen. Dryness of the lids.
- Pulsatilla Nigricans: Eyelids are inflamed and agglutinated. There is excessive lachrymation; weeping eyes. Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges with itching and burning in eyes. These styes are recurrent. Burning and itching in the eyes. Pulsatilla is the ideal remedy to treat the Styes of upper eyelid. This medicine can be considered in all those cases were eating of fatty food like butter, creams, pastries precede formation of the Stye.
- Sepia officinalis: Especially if present with uterine complaints as concomitant. Ptosis. Epithelioma of the eyelids. Styes are generally seen on the upper eyelid. Eyelids are red and itchy.
- Silicea: It is the best cure when complete pus has been formed in Stye that is usually in the last stage. Silicea helps in the pus getting absorbed or drained out, resulting in proper resolution of the Stye problem. Silicea is a natural medicine that also makes sure that no resultant nodule is left after the Stye is gone.
- Staphysagria: Indicated in recurrent styes. In this remedy. The stye does not break or suppurate- it remains as a hard nodule. Dry eyes with lachrymation. Margins of the lids itch. Nodes in the inner canthi and eyelids. Styes develop regularly. Better after rest at night and warm application. They are very sensitive and the least touch aggravates the pain.
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Dr. Bhupendra Arya , MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Sonu Mahiya , MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Saini , MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Garima choudhary, MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.
Dr. Navneet Kaur , MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.