Successful Treatment Of A Large 20mm Ostium Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) (Hole In The Heart) Cured With Homoeopathy

Successful Treatment Of A Large 20mm Ostium Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) (Hole In The Heart) Cured With Homoeopathy


Atrial septal defect is a hole in the atrial septum which is the wall separating the two upper chambers of the heart (atria). Normally oxygenated blood flows from the left upper chamber (atrium) down to the left lower chamber (ventricle) and then out to supply oxygen to your body, ASD causes some blood from your left atrium to flow in the wrong direction into the right atrium. The patient starts feeling the above symptoms. It needs immediate treatment, the only cure for which is surgery. But it is possible to cure it with homeopathic medicine if constitutional medicine is selected and this will happen only when the homeopathic doctor can select the right medicine based on the correct symptoms told by the patient.


About the author


Dr. Vikas Saini cured a patient suffering from largest Single gallbladder stone of approximately 3 cm (27 mm) size and severe acute pancreatitis with homeopathy medicine without operation