Author: Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M. D. (Homoeopathy)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
[Abstract: This article deals with the understanding of the concept of Syphilitic Miasm, on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy.]
Keywords: Syphilis-infection-incubation & prodromal period-primary symptoms-latent stage-secondary manifestations-therapeutic aim-anti-syphilitic medicines.

How Syphilis Develop? The development of Syphilitic miasm may we discuss about its mode of infection, internal development, primary manifestations, latent stage, and its secondary manifestations.
The state of Syphilitic miasm may enter and developed into the organism as sexually transmitted venereal disease by impure coition, when the acquire Syphilis has not been treated homoeopathically; then the Syphilitic State may developed. There may be other sources as from ‘Ulcer to ulcer’, from ‘Suppressed Psora’, from ‘Hereditary Psora’, from ‘Prolong suffering from Malaria’, and any stage it may infect the wife from husband or vice-versa and the children through the parents by the way of in-heritance Syphilis.
As internal development, once an entry is gained into the organism the miasm spread; for several days 12 to 15 days (50 to 60 days if interrupted by any acute miasm, bad cold or by any drug etc.) from the date of contact, nothing is visible. Once they have developed fully in the organism, the local symptoms break-out as “Primary manifestations of Syphilis”.
This disease is infected through contaminated sexual intercourse. After few days up-to 21 days from the infection;
- The first sign an ulcer (punched ulcer), round in shape and as a button in size with a grey or white coating on it, i.e. hard ‘chancre’, appears in the genitalia.
- Moreover, the ulcer has no burning or pain.
- This called, “Primary Chancre”.
- This primary chancre does not disappear spontaneously without the local application of some ointment etc.
- But, this stage is very easy to cure with the homoeopathic remedies within a few weeks.
If, the stage is suppressed, “Latent stage of Syphilis develops”.
- Under favorable conditions this latent syphilis produces the secondary manifestations of syphilis.
There are three stages of syphilis, primary, secondary and tertiary stage mention in Surgery.
- But, as-per homoeopathic philosophy the tertiary stage also include in the secondary stage, where, the nerves and the bones are affected.
By the suppression of the primary symptoms, all the body tissues are affected.
- For the affection of Syphilis, both the hyper-susceptibility due to Psora and the Syphilitic miasm carried by the Spirochaeta, the Treponema pallidum must be present.
In hereditary Syphilis, no primary chancre are seen, Childs will manifested the symptoms of that stage only in which it has been inherited from the parents.
- However, certain common symptoms like Hutchinson’s teeth, Cleft palate and other developmental anomalies etc. are seen.
Let us discuss the symptom-syndrome of Syphilis in its various stages to recognizing them.
Primary manifestations of Syphilis:
The ‘Chancre’, the Syphilis ulcer in genitalia found suddenly without any prominent symptoms of the inflammation; having a tendency of destruction of the body tissues from the very onset.
In hereditary Syphilis we find cleft palate, perforation of bones, deformity of limbs or organs, blindness, deafness, dumbness, paralyses etc. are seen from the very beginning.
The secondary stage of Syphilis may not necessarily result from the latent stage that Syphilis and Sycosis can be acquired or inherited from the patient or parents respectively at the stage they had been suffering from.
- That’s why; in many cases of chronic diseases we find sudden ulceration or destruction of the body tissues as being the first manifestation of the disease. There we should remember the Syphilis is in the background.
- For example in Duodenal ulcer, griping abdominal pain, hyperacidity, etc. are in starting and after prolong suffering melaena, haematemesis develops; if melaena, haematemesis or perforation that is ulceration or tissue destruction exhibited from the very beginning, means the involvement of Syphilitic miasm.
‘Bubo’ is another primary symptom of Syphilis with or without the ‘Chancre’.
- If, the Chancre or Bubo are forcefully removed, Syphilis enter in to the system and remains latent.
- Under favourable conditions manifestations of Secondary Syphilis developed.
- During latent stage of Syphilis, the Life Force became weakened due to some acute diseases, or unhygienic factors etc. the Syphilis may flare-up and Secondary stage are noticed.
- During the latent stage patient may be invaded by Sycosis and subsequently in favourable circumstances Psora-Syphilis, Syco-Syphilis or Psora-Syco-Syphilis may be noticed.
- Until the proper treatment, disease becomes more and more turn in complex form. Dr. Hahnemann said that amongst the chronic diseases, Syphilis is the most easily curable; if complicated with Psora or Sycosis, it becomes difficult to cure or may incurable.
The symptom-syndrome of Syphilis in its various stages:
1st Stage:
- Chancre in Genitalia: With a tendency of destruction of the soft tissues from the very onset.
- Bubo: Inflammation and swelling of a lymph node, often with pus, especially in armpit or groin.
- After 6-weeks.
2nd Stage:
Feeble coming in weak patient and vigorous coming in strong patient.
- Roseola eruptions of the skin; that is multiple tubercular mass, viscous in character, but not true boils.
- Mucous patches in throat.
- Condylomata; that is genital warts.
- Lymphadenopathy; that is swelling of lymph nodes.
- After 2 to 30 years.
3rd Stage:
- V.S. (Cardio Vascular System): Aortic incompetence.
- Bones: Gummatous necrosis, especially of Tebia.
- V.S. (Neuro Vascular System): Tabis dorsales, destruction of Posterior Column of Spinal cord.
- Scalp: Mouth eaten boldness.
- After long years
Iritis: With or without development of 2nd or 3rd stages of symptoms.
Few symptoms of Latent Stage of Syphilis:
Let me now discuss various stages of Syphilis for its easy identification.
Mental General Symptoms:
- Depression of mind and melancholia.
- Weak perception and suspiciousness.
- Suppressive, wants to conceal everything; even does not want to express his own suffering.
- Fixed ideas.
- Introvert, wants to be alone, and does not like company.
- Strong suicidal tendency, loathing of life; always seeks the opportunity for committing suicide.
- Memory and retention power are extremely diminished.
Physical General Symptoms:
- Aggravation / <: Sufferings are < at night; patient eagerly waiting for Sun rise.
- Aggravation (<) / Amelioration (>): Leucorrhoea or any abnormal discharges > sufferings; but natural excretions like stool, urine, sweat, menses etc. < the sufferings.
- Aggravation (<) / Amelioration (>): All complaints are < by heat and > by cold.
- Craving: Sour, sweet, chalk, lime, pencil, wine etc.
- Aversion: Complete aversion to meat.
- Sleep: Rolling of head from side to side during sleep.
Characteristic Symptoms:
- Head: Falling of hairs in bunches. Dandruff with thick yellow crusts.
- Ear: Ears and head are larger in comparison to his body.
- Nose: Flat or depressed nose. Diminution or loss of sense of smell.
- Teeth: Crown of incisor teeth becomes crescentic.
- Skin: Hard acne on face.
- Extremities: Spoon-shaped and paper-thin nails.
Secondary manifestations of Syphilis:
The inherited Syphilitic dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this latent state or form. Subsequently, it flares up in various forms under favourable circumstances as ‘Secondary manifestations of Syphilis’.
- Soft tissue destruction of bones, periosteum, brain etc.
Complicated symptoms after 5 to 10 years with drugs:
- Bi-parital headache.
- Weak mind.
- Gummatous formation.
- Deep seated ulcer.
- Broken down health.
Congenital effects:
- Foetus malformation, abortions take place.
- After 8 to 10 years age of child, Hutchinson’s triad:
- Haziness of vision (Karatitis).
- Deafness (8th CV Auditory damage).
- Cup shaped teeth (Malformation of teeth).
- Saddle nose.
- Nightly bone pain.
- Charcot’s joint; Jean Martin Charcot define the neuropathic, osteoarthropathic changes especially foot and ankle joints caused by loss of sensation, and a progressive condition of the musculoskeletal system which is characterized by joint dislocations, pathological fractures, and debilitating deformities.
- Cleft palate.

Few symptoms of Secondary Syphilis:
Mind: Dis-balance of mind and Criminal insanity.
Head: Occipital headache. Dandruff and falling of hairs in bunches.
Eye: Cataract and Corneal ulcer.
Nose: Necrosis of bones of the nose and other places.
Abdomen: Degeneration of the liver cells.
Skin: Syphilitic ulcers, syphilitic eruptions, gangrene.
Aggravation (<) / Amelioration (>): Nocturnal < in all complaints. < At night and by heat. > By cold.
Male: Azoosperma.
Female: Recurrent abortions; still-born baby.
Extremities: Aching pain in bones of limbs.
Diseases: Various deformities and atrophy of various organs. Tabes dorsalis and G.P.I. Hypertension. Tuberculosis. Cancer. Pernicious anaemia. Stricture, sinus, fistula or ulcer and caries or destruction of body tissues and organs etc.
Such numerous disease syndromes or disease states denote the symptoms of secondary Syphilis. Except syphilis and Sycosis manifestations, all other chronic diseases are nothing but various manifestations of Psora. It’s enough to know that Psora may cause all sort of chronic diseases. We needs to recognise it know it and ability to perceive Psora and its various permutation & combination with Syphilis.
Homoeopathic Management:

Argentum met., Ars., Ars. Iod., Asafoetida, Aurum, Aurum met., Badiaga, Ben. acid, Causticum, Cal. iod., Cal. sulph., Carbo. Ani., Carbo. Veg., Cinnabaris, Clematis, Con., Corallium bubrum., Crotalus horridus, Fluoric acid, Guaiacum, Hepar sulph., Iodine,Kali. Ars., Kali. Bi., Kali. iod., Kali. Sulph., Lac. D., Lach., Led., Lyco., Mercurius, Mez.,Nat. sulph., Nit. Acid., Petro., Phos., Phos. Acid., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Sarsaparilla, Staph., Sulph., Sulph. Iod., Syphilinum, Thuja, Tuberculinum etc.

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About Author:
Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, AJSHMC&RI, Mehsana, (Gujarat)
Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), H.N.G. University, Patan, (Gujarat)
Ex. Academic Director & Principal In-Charge, NHMCH&RC, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. Examiner, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner (U.G. & P.G.), Dr.B.R.A.University, Agra, (U.P.)
Ex. Faculty & Examiner JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)
Ex. Senior House Physician, PCHC&H, Kolkata (W.B.)
Assist by: Dr. Annu Patel B.H.M.S.
Board of Homoeopathic Medicine, Lucknow, Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of U.P., & Dr.B.R.A. University, Agra (U.P.)
Ex. House Physician, JRN RVHMC, Deemed to be University, Udaipur, (Rajasthan)