Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Chennai invites applications for admission to AYUSH UG (B.S.M.S. / B.A.M.S. / B.H.M.S.) Medical Degree Courses 2021 – 22 in Government and Self Financing IM & H Medical Colleges in Tamil Nadu.
Eligibility: Candidates should be a citizen of India. In order to be eligible for admission to BSMS / BAMS / BHMS Degree courses for this academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of marks at 50th Percentile in NEETUG-2021. However, in respect of candidates belonging to OBC / SC / ST, the minimum marks shall be at 40th Percentile in NEETUG-2021. In respect of candidates withPersons with Benchmark disabilities alone the minimum marks shall be at 45th Percentile for General Category candidates and 40th Percentile for OBC / SC / ST candidates in NEET UG-2021
Application Form for admission to BSMS / BAMS / BHMS Degree Courses 2021-2022 can be downloaded / accessed from the following official website: www.tnhealth.tn.gov.in. Candidates should submit their downloaded duly filled in Application form with all the required supporting documents along with the details of payment. The Procedure of online payment is mentioned in clause 26 of the Prospectus.
Cost of Application:
- For Seats in Government and Surendered Seats of Self Financing Colleges
- General Application Form: Rs.500/-
- Application form for each Special Category: Rs.100/-
- For Management Quota in Self Financing Colleges: Rs.1000/-
Candidates should remit the Application Cost through SBI Collect facility and submit the details regarding the SBI collect transaction ID and the original receipt for the same compulsorily along with the Downloaded Filled in Application Form at the time of submission of Application Form itself. The SC/SC(A)/ST candidates are exempted from paying the cost of Application form.
Filled in Applications with all necessary enclosures and Demand Draft/s should be submitted on or before 18-01-2022 upto 5.30 p.m. at the following address. The Secretary, Selection Committee, Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Arignar Anna Govt. Hospital of Indian Medicine Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600106
Download Notification and prospectus for Seats in Govt. Colleges and Self Financing Colleges>>>
Download Notification and prospectus for Management Seats in Self Financing Colleges>>>
Download Notification and Prospectus for All India Quota seats in self financing colleges>>>
Website: www.tnhealth.tn.gov.in