The Efficacy of LM Potency in  Intermittent Fever 

The Efficacy of LM Potency in  Intermittent Fever 


A fever is difficult to treat for homoeopathy physician. Many physicians not take cases of fever, cause of failure. Our master gave an idea about how to  treat a fever, not even they gave a book to treat a different type of fever condition.  Dr. Hahnemann gave instructions about fever in organon of medicine, in our  Materia Medica almost all remedies given fever part but still when we face a fever case, we are not going to take this as an opportunity. Here I am sharing a case of  intermittent fever treated with Lm potency.  


A case of intermittent fever with Lm potency (50 millesimal), has been  given by Dr. Hahnemann in his last 6th edition organon of medicine With according to Dr. Hahnemann instruction and when patient suffer aggravation also  manage by Dr. Hahnemann’s instruction given in Organon of Medicine. 

Abbreviation: S.R.T: supplementary reference table. 


A patient 20-year-old young boy came with a complaint of fever; since 7 to  8 days. He had taken allopathic medicine but again after 3rd day complaints started.  Fever with weakness, vomiting (only once- bright red bloody vomiting). Fever come alternate days. During fever head and hand feel more heat, no chill, only heat  and sweat and muscular pain  

Physical General: 

Appetite: Four meals per Day. 

Thirst: 5 To 6 Glasses per Day. (Normal)

Desire: Sweets. 

Aversion: Nothing Specific. 

Urine: 5-6/Day; Once/Night.  

Stool: Once/Day 0/N; Character: Brown Colour, Not Too Soft and Too Hard. 

Sleep: 12 Hours with Unrefreshed.  

Dreams: Regular or Routine Work. 

Perspiration: Sweat on the whole body since 7 to 8 Days; without Staining and Non-Offensive.  

Current Thermal State: Warmth Cover Amelioration. 

Thermal reaction: 


Preferred: Summer Season. 

Bath: Warm Water in Winter and Monsoon. 

Past History: 

Fever week ago. 

Cough complaints 3 weeks ago. 

Analysis and Evaluation of Symptoms: 

Fever on alternate day  Time 
(At Once) Vomiting: Bright Red BloodyPhysical General 
Muscular PainPhysical General
Fever with WeaknessPhysical General
FeverPhysical General
SleepinessPhysical General 
Increased MicturitionConcomitant 
Fever with Heat in Head and Both Hand Sensation
Warmth Cover Amel Modality 

Selection of Repertory: Boger Synoptic Key

Repertorial Totality: 

Rubric                                                                              Chapter 

Periodically alternate days, on, agg.                                  Time 

Vomiting at once                                                                Vomiting  

Vomiting blood                                                                  S.R.T. 

Bloody, hemorrhage discharge                                          Generalities 

Aching                                                                               Generalities 

     Weak                                                                          Generalities

Sleepiness                                                            Accompanies by Sleep 

Sleepiness                                                      Caused by other complaints Sleep 

Frequent, micturition                                                        Micturition 

Warmth, amel. Condition                                             Agg. and amel. Software used: Mercurius software.

Group of remedies: 

Nux Vomica, China Officinalis, Arsenicum Album, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Rhus Tox, Cadmium, Sulp. 

Final Selection of Medicine: 

With the help of Boger synoptic key Materia Medica Part. 


China officinalis LM/5 three times for 2 days. (According to instruction  given by Dr. Hahnemann in 6th edition organon of medicine  (afforism:248 with footnote)). 

Follow up:  

On the second day at night his father called me and told me that, “he is  again suffering fever now what?” I tell him to stop the medicine and  give me a follow up the next morning. The next day the patient gave me a follow up: “no fever, no weakness and no other complaints now I am feeling better.” After 7 days again I took follow-up but there were no complaints and the patient was absolutely well. 


Here I select a medicine according to totality and give based on Materia Medica with help of Organon of medicine. On second day patient again  suffer a fever, according to his father after a taken homoeopathic medicine there was no complaints then why second day patient  complaints relapse? Is it a disease aggravation or medicine  aggravation? In this case it’s aggravation of medicine: Aphorism-160

When i place the so-called homeopathic aggravation (i.e., the initial action of the homeopathic medicine which  appears to somewhat heighten the symptoms of the original  disease) within the first hour or the first few hours, this is  thus certainly the case with the more acute, recently  arisen maladies however, when medicines of longer  duration of action have to combat an old or very old  wasting sick- ness, no such apparent heightening of the  original disease should show themselves during the course  of treatment; and they will not how themselves if the aptly  selected medicine is administered in properly small, only  gradually heightened doses which become somewhat  modified every time by new dynamization ($247). Such  heightenings of the original symptoms of the chronic disease can then only come to light at the end of such  treatments when the cure is almost or entirely  completed


§161 Organon of Medicine:6th Edition

Dr. Sumant R. Zankat 

Assistant Professor: B.A. Dangar Homoeopathic Medical College, Rajkot. Department of Homoeopathy Case Taking and Repertory. 

About the author


Dr Sumant Zankat is a B.H.M.S.(M.D.) and working in homoeopathy medical college as a assistant professor in homoeopathy repertory. I am doing homoeopathy practice since 4 years. I had done a project of "global survey on 50 millesimal potency". I published "research work on Boger synoptic key."