This article includes the clinical understanding of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy about The Homoeopathic Therapeutic System of Medicine with their Practical Applications in the Treatment and Management of the acute and the chronic diseases are also expressed in this article.
Keywords: Therapeutic-hygiene-homoeopathy-type of disease acute and chronic-homoeopathic treatment-homoeopathic management-homoeopathic posology-homoeopathic cure.
Homoeopathy claims to be “The Science of Therapeutics.” Is the Homoeopathic law of cure sufficient for the treatment of the sick? These difficulties might be removed, and by an elaboration of the nature and relations of the sciences of Therapeutics and Hygiene:
- That, Therapeutics concerns herself only with the discovery and selection of an individually specific remedy for each individual case of disease; which is done in accordance with a Therapeutics law.
- That, the province of Hygiene is to discover whatever causes may have contributed to induce or perpetuate the diseased condition, and, if possible, to remove them.
- That, Hygiene alone is sufficient to restore many sick persons to health, and that it is in most cases an … aid to Therapeutics; that, therefore, the practicing physician is at one and the same time Hygienist and Therapeutist, employing often, therefore, for the same case both specific remedies and various “auxiliaries.”
- That, in so far as Hygiene is concerned, Homoeopathy and Allopathys occupy common ground, – the philosophy of the science being the same for both, however modified and shaded in practical application by the different Therapeutics of the two schools.
- That, in Therapeutics alone – that is, in the discovery and selection of the individually specific remedy for each individual case of disease – do we differ radically from the old school of medicine, – the Allopaths having, in fact, no science of Therapeutics whatever, their philosophy of cure being an application of the principles of Hygiene to all diseased conditions. [1]
Homoeopathy the system of Therapeutics:
“Every physician who treats disease according to such general character … however he may affect to claim the name of Homoeopathist, is and ever will remain in fact a generalizing Allopathy, for without the most minute individualization Homoeopathy is not conceivable” – Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann.
- Our Therapeutic System not legally allowed and considering the Homoeopathic treatment on the basis of the pathological condition like fever, inflammation, paralysis etc.
- In each case – individual characteristics are the chief guide whatsoever in fever, inflammation, paralysis or in others cases which are the main features for Homoeopathic Treatment.
- To identify the characteristics – with those determined symptoms on which we rely, needs their internal constitutional identity along with the link of external expression of the symptoms. [2]
Type of disease in Homoeopathy:
According to our Homoeopathic Method of Treatment disease are two types – acute and chronic.
- Acute disease means, sudden attack, gradually developing and progressing, and decline within a short or fixed time by killing the patient or finishing its own course.
- Chronic disease means, developing from psora, syphilis, sycosis and forming various innumerable diseases with lifelong suffering.
Nature of Homoeopathic Medicine:
Two characters are seen in our Homoeopathic medicines. In some, the power of the medicine – relies powerfully within a few times of its administration and finishes shortly. And other groups of medicines have not shown their actions so easily but when relies cannot finish easily. These last are deep and long acting, others are short acting remedies. [3]
How to treat Acute Diseases:
In the treatment of acute disease we needs recently active exciting cause – as night watching, taking rich-spice foods, suddenly catch with cold, anger, quarrel, fear etc. like such excitement history of aggravations and ameliorations and along with uncommon – peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms like, ineffectual urge for stool but no stool at all, thirst at chill stage of fever whereas no thirst at heat stage, in dysmenorrhoea more the flow more the pain etc. Obviously, the mental symptoms of the patient like excessive fear of death, constant desire to carry, obscenity etc. are also relatively important. [4]
How to treat Chronic Diseases:
During the treatment of chronic disease try to find-out the fundamental constitutional defects of the patient, means is their psora, syphilis or sycosis or their complexity is present in the base or is there any suppression take place or any illegal way of treatment has been taken or not that should be judge properly.
- Health condition of the parents, of sister and brother; whereas widow or loss of the wife; all the history of the life in health and in disease should be collected – in a season how, when, what types of complaints are developed and what type of treatment are taken with their result; about appetite, desire, aversion, intolerance, physical structure, thinking, character, dreams, menstrual and pregnancy history of female should collect thoroughly.
- Dr. J.T. Kent says, “Unless you combine the particulars with the things that are general, and the generals with the particulars, unless the remedy fits the patient from within out, generally and particularly, a cure need not be expected.”
- For example – in a case of cough we need to know its cause, aggravation, amelioration, and its related questions along with whether the patient is fatty or thin, chilly or hot, clean or ugly etc. are to be noted. [5]
Follow-up in Acute Diseases:
In the case of acute disease, after administration of the suitable homoeopathic remedy, we see complaints of the disease become excited or as if aggravated.
- Do not afraid, these aggravation for a short time, temporary only and these are limited within the physical symptoms – as in a case of continues fever after giving a homoeopathic remedy if fever get slightly rise means better do not worry, but if fever get relief and delirium aggravate means danger to the patient.
- Suitable Homoeopathic medicine acts on dynamic plan hence mentally the patient feels relief and happy. In-spite of the aggravation in the physical symptoms, the patient not becomes upset. It’s a confirmatory indication for the selection of suitable remedy in homoeopathy. [6]
Follow-up in Chronic Diseases:
In the case of chronic disease, also we see aggravation after the administration of the suitable homoeopathic remedy. But, these are seen at the end of the treatment and by the reappearance of the old suppressed symptoms.
- That is why Dr. J.T. Kent says, “Every Homoeopathic physician who understands the art of healing knows that symptoms which disappear in the reverse order of their coming are removed permanently”.
- For example – one suffered from eczema in his childhood and was cured (?) by ointment or by maltreatment and then otorrhoea developed and one day after inoculation of cowpox vaccine otorrhoea suddenly cured (?). But, after some day’s one boil developed at the anus and within few days fistula in anus formed. In this stage if a patient comes before us and if we treat the patient according to his constitutional defect, hereditary history of dyscrasia, and on the basis of the mental and physical characters of the patient with the suitable homoeopathic remedy – how it’s works? We see his present fistula in anus primarily-slightly aggravated, then before recovery his old symptoms otorrhoea, eczema will be reappear. Then, we should never think that this otorrhoea or eczema is a new disease and should never prescribe any new medicine.
- As like the advancement of the disease process – recovery will be take place just as the reverse orders of their coming. But, never think like that the maltreated meningitis or pleurisy may reappear during our homoeopathic treatment. Because, Life-force always acts in such a way by which the Life fail in less danger.
Repetition of the Dose:
We should remember during the treatment of the chronic disease that the very nature of it’s become active and all-on-a-sudden become latent for few days; similarly suitable sufficiently potentiates homoeopathic single dose of medicine also active for few days and become latent all-on-a-sudden for few days.
- But then, we should not give another dose of the medicine or higher potency or change of the medicine and that should be avoided. Rather than wait and observe to see whether the action of the medicine will cease or not be obstructed.
- If we understand the action of the medicine ceases then before giving the higher potency we should confirm that the totality of the case is still the same or may lead to the totality of the other medicine.
- Until allowing the enough time and space to act on the first dose of the suitable medicine, giving quickly the second dose or change the medicine … actually spoiled the case as Dr. Hahnemann says, “If appropriately selected antipsoric medicines are not allowed to act their full time, when they are acting well, the whole treatment will amount to nothing. Another antipsoric remedy which may be ever so useful, but is prescribed too early and before the cessation of the action of the present remedy, or a new dose of the same remedy which is still usefully acting, can in no case replace the good effect etc”. [7]
Second Prescription:
In the cases of recurrent – reappearances of the disease, with the same totality means – higher potency of the previous medicine to be prescribed. But, where we see after curing (?) or mitigation of the previous disease, change its form and the new form of the disease develop, there we should remember Psorinum, Tuberculinum etc.
- Second Prescription – repetition of the first or change in the second prescription only possible by the … the knowledge – confident – comment on our Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy with enough intelligence for the application of the same in the therapeutic field.
- In the case of sycotic asthma: Natrum sulph., Medorrhinum are more useful than the Ipec., Ars.; in the case of lochia: in-spite of the showing symptoms of Bryonia, Belladonna we should need to use Sulphur, Pyro. etc. In the advanced stage of tuberculosis: we should try to avoid the use of the medicines like Sulphur, Silicea, Phosphorus, Hepar sulph., Graphites. In the case of gout and using medicine like Kali carb. is also the same dangerous. Because, when the patient comes out of the stage of cure then the suitable homoeopathic medicine acts only painfully and proceeds not towards the cure rather than death of the patient. In such cases we should try to use short acting palliative medicines only. [8]
For the Treatment of Malaria:
Treating malaria fever Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann says, “I have found the epidemically current intermittent fevers, almost every year different in their character and in their symptoms and they therefore require almost every year a different medicine for their specific cure.”
- Means, Sir Hahnemann observed that malaria fever does not get exposed like the same – some time as like Arsenicum or as China, or Ipecacuanha or maybe like Nux. Vom. and we may confirm by observing 2/3 patients and can decide whether it is the Nux or China case in the year.
- But, with all patients in intermittent fever, Psora is essentially involved in every epidemic. That is why psora always present from the begin in the base of the malaria fever, and therefore Dr. Hahnemann says, “Even at the beginning of the treatment of an epidemic intermittent fever the Homoeopathic Physician is most safe in giving every time an attenuated dose of Sulphur or in appropriate cases, Hepar sulphur etc. in a fine little pellet or by means of smelling, and in waiting its effects for a few days, until the improvement resulting from it ceases, and then only he will give, in one or two attenuated doses, the non-antipsoric medicine, which has been found homeopathically appropriate to the epidemic of this year.”
- Means, firstly Sulphur, Hepar sulphur or the other antipsoric (with specific indication for its selection) etc. to be given at the beginning of the treatment followed by the Genus-epidemicus of the year, the non-antipsoric in single dose to be administer and no second dose of the medicine or no other medicine to be repeat till the first dose continue to acts. [9]
Timing of the Administration of the Remedy:
Administration of the medicine in an ever-increasing dose of potency is more effective in the treatment of malaria fever, every day when fever declines the selected remedy is to be given a single dose in ever-increasing dose of potency and should be used during the no fever stage. In the case of cancer, paralysis etc. ever-increasing dose of potency (May the best scope of L.M. Potency) is more favorable but be careful that selected medicine never being the wrong one.
- At the moment of decline – in the case of remittent fever when violence or heat stage becomes low is the time to administer the remedy. Never give the remedy before raising the fever. Then washing the head with cold water or ice bag on lower abdomen or cold water compress or legs to be put on hot water is the best to avoid convolution due to the high temperature.
- In the case of septic fever or inflammatory fever we may administer the remedy at any time.
- In the case of acute fever it is necessary to give the short acting specific homoeopathic medicine and when the severity becomes low should administer the deep acting constitutional remedy to eradicate the fundamental cause of the disease of the patient.
- “The dose of antipsoric medicine must not be taken by females shortly before their menses are expected, not during their flow.” In severe dysmenorrhoea, we should depend upon the short acting medicine like Nux vom.etc. When menstrual bleeding totally stops and then this is the proper time to administer the antipsoric remedy.
- Pregnancy in all its stages offers the treatment that is often most necessary and useful in that condition. Pregnancy is the best time of homoeopathic treatment for the baby and the mother. We should remember, vaccination in pregnancy, craving – like and dislike of foods, appetite, any shock-sorrow, tension etc. affect upon the baby and on these points we should consider the treatment of the baby and mother during pregnancy and after the delivery – for the betterment of the both in mother and the baby.
“Suckling’s never receive medicine directly; the mother or wet-nurse receives the remedy instead.” Breastfeeding babies may receive the medicine from the mother’s milk but it’s applicable in the case of chronic disease treatment; whereas in the case of acute disease and when the baby is unable to take the mother’s milk – their medicine should be given to the baby directly. [10]
Follow-up during Constitutional Treatment:
In the treatment of husband-wife with their constitutional dyscrasia when both are suffering from syphilis or sycosis, should treat them along.
- Because, every physical relationship has the chance to re-attack the same. In this connection we would like to discuss that where we see warts like growth around the genitalia means the presence of sycosis and where ulcer at the genitalia – syphilis is there. But also remember that where the Life Force becomes so weak there may be paucity of such external indications.
- Whereas – without showing the external primary expression of the disease … the disease may go to the second or third stage and develop the constitutional dyscrasia of the patient.
- Therefore, we would like to say that in these two sexually transmitted diseases husband transmitted to his wife only in his present stage of suffering, means when the husband having warts or ulcer in his genitalia till every physical relation have a chance and we see the transferred warts or ulcer in his wife (or vice versa) and when the disease develop and progress to the second or third stage developing the constitutional dyscrasia then the physical relationship can develop the same stage to his wife in which the husband is suffering from and there we never see any primary external symptoms.
- Hence, if we do not know the same … how medicines act and how to adjust the disease-force … we cannot know or remain in the dark and never succeed in the treatment. That means, after taking suitable homoeopathic constitutional treatment in the case of syphilis: ulcer/chancre, bubo or brown spot and in sycosis: warts, gleet or painful maturation should be develop naturally to simplify the case and then never give other medicine and if do so means we spoil the case. [11]
Careful during the Treatment:
We should avoid administering the deep acting medicine just before the new or full moon.
- During the homoeopathy treatment we should avoid the use of ointment, massage, tonic or any excitement items.
- Using lavender oil in skin eruptions are allowed by many, but use of master oil is harmful. [12]
Administration of the Medicine:
“It is impractical to repeat the same unchanged dose of a medicine once, not to repeat its frequent repetition etc.”
- Because, the same unchanged dose repetition in second time is harmful for the patient.
- In the case of cholera or pneumonia where the Life Force becoming rapidly going towards the down there we should use low potency 6, 12, or 30 CH within half an hour interval, but the medicated globules dissolved in a clean bottle and 5/7 times down-wards stocks to be given in every time before using the medicine.
- In the case where giving the medicine by mouth is impossible there inhalation may be allowed or massage the medicine on the healthy part may also be allowed.
- In second prescription repetition of the first prescription or change in the second should be done with enough intelligence; means Lachesis patients may need Lycopodium should remember during the prescription if necessary arise. [13]
Homoeopathy is the science of therapeutics, the Homoeopathic law of cure sufficient for all the procedures required in the treatment of the sick, therefore, the practicing physician is at one and the same time Hygienist and Therapeutist, employing often, therefore, for the same case both specific remedies and various auxiliaries.
1) Bandhyapadhya N, Oushadh pariyachay; HPCO, 165, B.B. Ganguly Street, Calcutta – 700012, 12th edition [2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
2) Dunham Carroll, Homoeopathy The Science of Therapeutics; Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi-110005; First Reprint Edition: July 2012; ISBN: 81-7467-223-0; Book Code No.: IB0292 [1]