German physician and scientist Dr. Samuel F. Hahemann invented homoeopathy more than 200 years ago. In dentistry, homoeopathic drugs play a significant role. Homoeopathic medications are risk-free, nontoxic, and nonaddictive, and they have no known interactions with other medications. In place of prescription medications, which can have unfavourable side effects, homoeopathy can be used successfully. “The Law of Similia simlibus curenta” (literally, “Like Cure Like”), which asserts that a substance can cure a sickness if it generates in a healthy person symptoms that are similar to and much milder than those of the condition, is the fundamental principle of homoeopathy. An overview of homoeopathy in dentistry is given in this piece.
Keywords: Dentistry, Homoeopathy, Potentization, Proving
Homoeopathy is an alternative medical system that was developed in 1796 by German physician Dr. Samuel F. Hahemann. He was a scientist and doctor with an M.D. The word homoeopathy derives from the Greek homoios, which means similar, and pathos, which means suffering or illness [1]. He discovered that cinchona bark generated a fever like malaria in healthy persons, and he made the conclusion that drugs that cause these symptoms can be utilised to treat similar illness symptoms in the sick. Then, he realised that diluting treatments did not lessen but rather increased their medical potency. Due to the negative effects of the medicine of his day, Dr. Samuel F. Haneman was dissatisfied with it and sought to find safer and more effective ways to prescribe medicAccording to the similia simlibus curenta (like cures like) theory, homoeopathic medicines were effective [2]. To put it another way, a chemical that causes symptoms in a healthy person can treat the same symptoms in a sick person.
The goal of homoeopathy is to match a remedy’s symptom profile as closely as possible to the patient’s symptoms. Symptoms such as food cravings, preferred temperatures, and personality traits are included in symptom pictures along with more typical somatic symptoms.
The least dose that can be used in homoeopathy to elicit a healing response is known as the minimal dose. The principle of homoeopathy that has generated the most debate is the use of tiny doses. According to this theory, a substance becomes more effective the more it has been poeticized. The original ingredients in homoeopathic medicines come from diseased tissues of plants, animals, minerals, and other living things.
In order to create a homoeopathic remedy, a hydroalcholic solution is used to prepare a base substance from the original substance. The mixture is then successively diluted and then given again. Whichever drugs treat identical symptoms in ill people are the ones that create disease symptoms in healthy persons. The origins of our illnesses cannot be material, according to Hahnemann, because the vital force immediately expels even the tiniest amount of foreign material from our blood vessels, no matter how innocuous it may seem to us. The Organon of Medicine is a fundamental document that the founder of homoeopathy wrote.
According to Dr. Samuel F. Hahnemann, the miasms that he terms as the fundamental cause of the sickness were treated using homoeopathic remedies. Psoric, sycotic, and syphilitic are the three types of miasms. A selection of ingredients are repeatedly diluted in distilled water or alcohol to create the remedies, which are then vigorously struck against an elastic body in succession. The power of the treatments is thought to grow with each successive dilution4. As they choose their treatments, homoeopaths use repertories, which are reference books. A doctor would use the repertory to analyse remedies after complicating the caseThere were Grades I, II, and III in this repertory [5]. Taking into account the patient’s overall symptoms, personality attributes, physical and mental health, and life history.
Conventional therapy takes into account both these symptoms and the patient’s personality, overall health, psychological condition, and life experiences. On the basis of the full spectrum of symptoms, a homoeopathic physician recommended homoeopathic medications. A condition of harmony between the body’s mental, physiological, and emotional aspects is what is meant by “good health,” which is more than just the absence of disease. The homoeopathic system will treat the entire body, including the bottom. Homoeopathy has a wide range of applications in dentistry, including as an efficient adjuvant to dental surgery to reduce pain, bleeding, and inflammation. This review’s goal is to introduce homoeopathic dental treatments.
Scope of Homoeopathy In Dentistry: In order to reduce the pain, bleeding, and swelling brought on by dental surgery, homoeopathy is a useful supplementary treatment. When it comes to dentistry and oral health in general, homoeopathic medications should be used carefully because sometimes the remedy might be worse than the disease.
Homoeopathy does not replace the standard operating procedures of dentistry, but it does significantly improve patient and dentist comfort during the entire treatment. In constitutional homoeopathic prescription, the body type, temperature, and physical, mental, and emotional conditions of the patient were examined. A specific treatment for the illness is called pathological prescribing.
Reduce dental fears, offer therapies that complement conventional medicine, stop or slow the progression of disease processes in the oral cavity, and manage dental diseases holistically are the justifications for homoeopathy in dentistry.
Dental issues treated with homoeopathy The following list of dental issues is accompanied by the homoeopathic remedies that can be used to treat them; like with other homoeopathic prescriptions, remedy choice is more significant than potency.
The following are some typical ailments and some tried-and-true treatments for pain relief:
Bleeding Following Oral Surgical Procedures: The majority of post-surgical bleeding can be effectively controlled by covering the bleeding region with a wet gauze pad. If bleeding is accompanied by bruising or discomfort, lameness, dislike of tobacco or is not managed by local treatments, various homoeopathic interventions can be employed, such as Arnica.
Phosphorous: bleeding will stop with this medicine. The common acid debility is very marked in this remedy.
Toothache: Chamomilla- Three doses of 30 C spaced over a few hours before a dental appointment may be helpful for people with decreased pain thresholds.
Use antimonium crudum if your toothache is severe at night and gets worse with heat.
Aranea diadema: use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth after lying down.
Calcarea carbonica: use for a toothache that worsens when exposed to cold air or hot[7]
Abscesses: Belladonna: This cure described the symptoms as being red, inflammatory, hot, throbbing, and burning. Excellent remedy for youngsters. It causes active congestion by acting up on every portion of the neurological system. no thirst, fear, or concern. Redness and an early oral abscess. which even the slightest touch can make worse.
Hepar sulph: in chronic abscess this drug every 6 hours is prescribed up to one day. Where abscess is is accompanied by pus formation, increased salivation and where gums are sour to touch and bleed easily, Silicea: twice daily issued (6C) when the abscess starts to drain [6] . Calendula: dilute the tincture one part to 20 parts of water. Use as a gentle but effective mouth rinse. Delayed Eruption of Teeth: Use Calc carb 6C twice a week.
Dry Socket: Use belladonna 6c every several hours for up to a day if your pain is throbbing. Use coffee at 30C every two hours, up to a day, if the discomfort is intolerable.
Trauma: Apply arnica 30C every hour for an acute injury for up to six doses, or three times daily for persistent issues, to bruises or fractures. Arnica lessens bleeding, pain, and shock.
Apthous Ulcer: In nervous patient use borax 30C every 6 hours once up to two days. Where ulcer occurs with foul breath and tongue is large retains the imprints teeth use merc col 6C every 6 hours once. Mer sol and Nit acid also can use in apthous ulcers.
Gingivitis: Arnica for bleeding accompanied by bruised, soreness and painful gum tissues. Hypericum for tender gum tissue and to promote healing. Mercurius solubilis for acute ulcerative tissue with a coated tongue and metallic taste in mouth.
Periodontitis: With bleeding gums, foul breath and large tongue that retains the imprint of the teeth use merc sol 6C once daily. For bleeding gums with substantial loss of periodontal bone, use phosphorus 6C once daily up to 2 days. Oral Cancer: The treatment of cancer can be quite successful with homoeopathy often in conjunction with allopathic medicines in advanced cases.
Remedies used for cancer of tongue includes – Apis mel, aurum mur, arsenic album, carbo animalis, lachesis, sepia. Post surgical remedies includes calendula officinalis, hypericum perf. Disease Related To Trigeminal Nerve: Aconite: trigeminal neuralagia.
Ignatia: use for headache as if a nail were driven through the side of the head.
Aranea diadema: use for radiating pain in the right side of the face that is aggravated by cold. Also use for sudden, severe pain in the teeth at night after lying down.
Lachesis: left sided complaints.
Lycopodium: Right sided complaints.
Sagnuinaria: right side neuralgia, facial migraine. Emphasis On Conditions Involving Tooth Socket Post.
Extraction: Belladonna is indicated that red, inflammation, heat, throbbing and burning. No thirst with fear. Condition Related To Salivation: Baryta carbonica: use when there is excessive saliva during sleep.
Pulsatilla: use for diminished saliva with no thirst. Disease Related To Temporomandibular Joint (Tmj)
Arum triphyllum: use for pain in joint on swallowing
Calcarea flourica – use for hypermobile joints
Rhus Toxicodendron– use for joint stiffness that improves with movement and for popping of TMJ.
Phytolacca– use for earaches with pain extending in to teeth, jaw and throat.
Due to the negative side effects of conventional medications and the need to discover a system that does not interfere with the body’s natural equilibrium, many individuals are now turning to homoeopathy.
Homeopathic remedies have the ability to cure a variety of chronic dental issues in addition to acute tooth issues. Homeopathic remedies that have the power to improve one’s general health can therefore supplement general dental hygiene in order to prevent and treat teeth and gum disease because some chronic dental disorders are caused by general health issues of the individual.
Dental care can never be entirely natural, but by applying homoeopathic principles, certain adverse effects can be avoided and the patient experience can be improved.
A remedy’s depth of action can range from the biochemical/cellular level down to the emotional/spiritual, depending on the dilution or potency.
Given the emotional toll that dental disorders and their treatments carry as well as the growing prevalence of heavy metal toxicity, homoeopathy may be an effective kind of supportive therapy.
When prescribing constitutional homeopathy, a person’s bodily type, temperament, disposition, and behavioural patterns are examined. A specific treatment for the illness is called pathological prescribing.
Combinations of these are offered by homoeopathy in holistic dentistry. As a result, it is feasible to prescribe one cure to suit a patient’s temperament or psychological condition in general and another to address the specific issue the patient is having.
As a complementary therapy, homoeopathic medications can be very helpful in treating a wide range of illnesses, from very mild acute conditions to complex chronic pathologies. This includes anxiety connected to dental treatments.
An new area of dental medicine called homoeopathy is helpful in treating disorders that damage the orofacial tissues. with benefits of little side effects and successful treatment results. Since many signs of systemic disorders can be seen in the oral cavity, the application of homoeopathy in dentistry is a breakthrough that creates new clinical potential. It is important to exercise caution because unfavourable results are being reported, as would be expected, as more research are conducted and as more applications for the usage of homoeopathy are sought after.
Overall, homoeopathy appears to be here to stay as part of the physician’s armanmentarium for the prevention and treatment of disease. Homoeopathy can be used as complementary therapy in dental health and to the overall well being of patients.
1. Discovering homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st century by Dana Ullman North Atlantic, 1991.
2. The complete book of dental remedies by flora parsa stay, Avery publishing Group, 1996.
3. Lessell CB. A Text book of Dental Homoeopathy Saffron Walden: The C W Daniel Company Ltd, 1995
4. Dynamization and Dilution, complementary and Alternative Medicine, Creighton University Department of Pharmacology, retrieved, 2009.
5. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, 689-979.
6. Kent JT. Lecture on homoeopathic Materia Medica. Indian edition. published in New Delhi: Indian books & periodical publishers, 568-569
7. Farrington EA. Clinical material medica.4th edition revised & enlarged by Harvey Farrington student edition. Published in New Delhi: B Jain publishers Pvt Ltd 207