Thuja Occidentalis Proved by DR HAHNEMANN •One of the HAHNEMANN ‘S GREATEST DISCOVERIES. •HAHNEMANN specified it as “THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS REMEDY FOR FIGWARTS AND GONORRHOEAE”. •It is antidote to the miasmatic condition termed SYCOSIS. Post Views: 1,067
PCOD- Polycystic Ovarian Disease Dr Ruchi Mehta PhD (Hom)Assit Prof Dept Of Obs & Gyn Homoeopathy University Saipura JaipurDr...
A Case Report Of Big Nasal Wart And... A case report of big nasal wart and multiple small warts on face. Dr.Sonia Tuteja PhD(M.M),P.G...
Susceptibility And Its Suppression Dr.S.Bidwalkar 1, Dr Noopur Kumari 2 Professor & Head of the Department1 MD(Hom.)(PGR) 2...
CALADIUM SEGUINUM IN TREATMENT OF... ABSTRACT Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation or infection of the vulva and vagina. It’s a common...