Understanding Tissue Salts and their connection to health

Understanding Tissue Salts and their connection to health

Dr. Wilhelm Schüßler was one of the medical professionals of the late 1800s who was influenced by Homoeopathy. He was constantly searching for natural remedies to support health and achieved success in 1873 when he founded the “Biochemic cell salts” aka “Tissue Remedies”. He published his findings of 12 cell salts in a German Homeopathic Journal in 1873. 

The philosophy behind Biochemic remedies

This hypothesis is based on the idea that an appropriate amount of both inorganic and organic substances determines the cell’s normal activity, framework, and viability. These biochemical tissue salts aid in maintaining homeostasis and balancing molecular activity within the cell.

12 Tissue salts and their uses

  1. Calcarea flourica (calc flour)- elasticity fiber
  2. Calcarea phosphorica (calc phos)- cell restorer
  3. Calcarea sulphurica (calc sulph)- blood purifier
  4. Ferrum phosphoricum (ferrum phos)- oxygen carrier
  5. Kalium muriaticum (kali mur)- detoxifier
  6. Kalium phosphoricum (kali phos)- nerve stabilizer
  7. Kalium sulphuricum (kali sulph)- skin conditioner
  8. Magnesia phosphorica (mag phos)- painkiller
  9. Natrum muriaticum (nat mur)- water metabolizer
  10. Natrum phosphoricum (nat phos)- acid neutralizer
  11. Natrum sulphuricum (nat sulph)- liver cleanser
  12. Silica(sil)- skin cleanser
MedicineIndications State of tongueDischargesAggravationsAmeliorations
Calc fluorBone-related complaints, lower backache, HaemorrhoidsCrackedThick, yellow discharge from the nose, yellow mucus. Flowing in menses, yellow pus from ulcersDamp weather. RestCold fomentation. By rubbing. 
By Heat
Calc phosGeneral health tonic, cough, skin issues Foul taste in the morningDischarges are albuminous (like the white of an egg)Night.
Getting wet.
Warm room.
Warm weather.
Calc sulphAll kinds of pus formationClay-colored, sour, soap-like, acrid taste.Discharges of gonorrhea & leucorrhoea/expectoration seem bloody Getting wet.
By washing.
Dry environment.
Ferr phosThe initial stages of all pains, fever, inflammationsClean & red. Dryness with burning & scanty phlegm mixed with blood, Menses bright red. Heat.
Hot drinks.
Shaking of head.
Cold air.
Cold applications.
Kali murRespiratory troubles, tonsils inflamed/throat complaintsWhite or grey-coatedThick, white, slime or phlegm. Motion clay-colored, Stools bloody, blood from scales (eczema)Eating rich & fatty food.
Hot application & drinks.
Kali phosBrain disorders. Nerves & muscles related problemsStale, brownish – mustard-like taste. Dry in the morning.Blood thin, black, offensive odor. Burning scalding. Dysentry with pure blood, stools- offensive odor.Noise.
Being alone.
Cheerful excitement.
Gentle motion.
Kali sulphHeadaches, Skin related, asthmatic problemsYellow, slimy, whitish edges. Taste lost, burning heat in the mouth. Peeling of lip skin.Slimy, yellowish, or greenish mucus discharge. Skin hot and dry. scaling of the scalp. Expectoration profuse – shiny, yellow/greenish.Evenings.
Pains move from side to side.
Cool air.
Open air.
Mag phosSpasms, pains, cardiac-related problems.Clean or white coating. Dry mouth.Watery diarrhea, and menstrual flow – is dark, clotted, and intermittent.Open air.
Cold air.
Cold drinks.
At Night.
Warm room.
Warm weather.
Hot drinks.
Light pressure.
Bending over double. 
Nat murMalarial conditions, gastro-bilous problems.Dry, parched, sore throat, salty taste, blisters.Excess discharges, constant sneezing, vomiting of watery phlegm (with great thirst). Diarrhea watery. Thin watery blood with menses. Polyuria (diabetes), Leucorrhoea discharge watery, starch-like. Mornings.
Cold air.
Open air.
Nat phosLiver & gastric problems.Moist, yellow, and creamy at the back of the tongue. Acid taste.Creamy discharges (eyes, ears). Vomiting of sour fluids. Morning sickness. sour-smelling stools (with mucus).  Yellow discharges (eczema, leucorrhoea. Thunderstorm.
Open air.
After eating.
Itching in bed.
Headache (morning)
Warm room.
Nat sulphDiabetes, chills, pains.Dirty green, grey, brown. Bitter taste. Full of saliva.Pus changes to green on exposure to light. Diarrhea green stools, urine red, brick-like. Diabetes, eczema yellow watery.Cold.
Cold Weather.
Dry and warm room.
Warm weather.
SilSkin, spine & mental problemsHardening of the tongue, ulcers.Pustules, yellow pus, loose expectoration, rattling of thick yellow pus. Stools fetid, offensive. Pus & mucus in urine. Foot sweat.Night.
Full moon.
Open air.
Cold air.
Warm room.


Dr. Schuessler’s tissue salts hold an important value among other homeopathic medicines. Tissue salts are flexible companions that aid in cellular equilibrium. Micro-doses of minerals enhance the body’s natural capacity to heal and flourish by correcting imbalances. Experience the tissue salts offered at B Jain Pharmaceuticals to begin an experience of holistic well-being, where cellular equilibrium adds to overall health.

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