Title – It is QUIZ time again. Gear up for B Jain Books Quiz Marathon – February 2023
Participate and win Dr D B Sharma’s meticulous work on Forensic Medicine – Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Quiz Dates – 14th & 15th February
Time – 10am (14th Feb. ) to 10pm (15th Feb. )
Link to the quiz will open at 10 am on 14th February. Gear up!
Note: Questions will be asked from the subjects – Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacy, Organon and Materia Medica. Kindly prepare from the same.
Find Link of the quiz : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AQuHxmuqdy-XNBBOHraNyoYSoF1l4RY-7-xzL2omdlU/
A Homoeopathic doctor should be well trained in medical jurisprudence/ Forensic Medicine and Toxicology to be able to have a successful career without medico-legal complications. They also need to be well read in the subject so that his knowledge may serve the purposes of law, both civil and criminal. It is one of the few books to discuss and outline various Medico Legal Certificates. Several topics have been condensed into a tabular form such as poisons. Several Medico Legal Acts have been summarized in the form of flow charts for a quick review by the reader. The language used in this book is simple and illustrative.
The students will find this book extremely helpful to understand even complex topics and it also fulfills the need for a quick reference book while preparing for exams.
All the best!