Upcoming – B Jain Books Quiz Marathon – March 2023
Title – It is QUIZ CONTEST again. Gear up for B Jain Books Quiz Marathon – March 2023
Participate and win Dr J. D. Patil’s stupendous work on Gems – Textbook Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Quiz Dates – 14th & 15th March
Time – 10am (14th March ) to 10pm (15th March )
Link to the quiz will open at 10 am on 14th March.
Note: Questions will be asked from the subject of Materia Medica. Kindly prepare from the same.
Link for the Registration: – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5XdEifyNDrQ__C544OhRvPvdz0e_cJ9NfpSUxVvSOHuwn3Q/viewform
All the best!
How is the book beneficial?
1. What is Materia Medica? How has it evolved? What are the sources and source books of Homoeopathic materia medica? How has materia medica been constructed, its different types, different approaches to study Materia medica?
2. These are all the basic questions faced by a Homeopathic student. All these questions are covered in this book. Topics such as Sensations as if, Desires, Aversions, Fears, dream and discuss rare and peculiar rubrics proving it to be a desktop companion for Homeopathic practitioners.
3. A very interesting chapter on Trios of Homeopathic remedies is given, again very important for viva voce.
4. Descriptions of 180 medicines are provided covering various aspects of the drugs exhaustively emphasizing upon the symptoms which are the soul of the remedy.
5. For the last minute revision, the requirement is to have a look at important pointers of each drug, luckily laid out by this book.