Using Custom Stickers To Encourage Recycling and Sustainability

Using Custom Stickers To Encourage Recycling and Sustainability

Do you want to encourage the ideas of sustainability and recycling through your brand? It is time for you to think ahead of the usual stickers. How about promoting your business using eco-friendly stickers?

These stickers stand as a commitment to sustain and protect the environment. The stickers you normally find are made mostly with plastics and toxic ink substances. As these items are non-compostable, they usually end up in landfills degrading the environment. 

If you have any business that revolves around manufacturing products or delivering services that revolve around the ideas of sustainability and eco-friendliness it is time to create these eco-friendly stickers. 

As these custom vinyl stickers are made using compostable and recycled items they are 100% environment friendly. 

What Are Eco-Friendly Stickers Made Of?

So, right now you want to create custom designs of eco-friendly and sustainable stickers right? But do you have any idea what they are made of? Let us find out the composite materials that you will need to source to manufacture them. 

Sustainable and recyclable stickers are made using materials like-

  • Cotton paper that is made out of cotton entirely
  • Paper made using remains of sugarcane pulp
  • Agave, which is a sort of material that is sourced from coffee beans

Make decisions if you would manufacture these stickers on your own or outsource it to a sticker manufacturer. Check the quality of the materials and find a quality supplier in your region at affordable rates. 

Types of Sustainable Stickers

Although the terms sustainability and eco-friendly stickers may imply the same thing, even there are many sticker categories here. Let us find out about them-

  • Bio-degradable stickers

These are the ones that the bacteria can decompose easily as it is made from natural items. Even if it ends up in landfills, they will not degrade the environment. 

  • Compostable stickers

These types of stickers are made with leaves of certain plants, and sugarcane pulp that can be composted easily. These do not leave behind any residue and toxic elements in the soil. 

  • Recyclable stickers

These stickers are often made with cotton paper and are easy to recycle. This means that the paper can be reused to manufacture stickers again and again. 

Which Industries Can Use Recyclable and Sustainable Stickers?

Any industry that wants to promote its ideas on sustainability and environmental protection can manufacture recyclable stickers. 

But it is a good idea to use such custom vinyl stickers if your industry belongs to this segment. 

For example, you manufacture paper bags, straws, and paper cups. Or else if you manufacture furniture made using recycled plastic, and plywood. 

Why Is It A Benefit For Businesses to Make Eco-Friendly Stickers?

Your business will gain public attention as you promote eco-friendly stickers for marketing. It acts as your commitment to practice standards of sustainability and eco-friendliness in manufacturing your products. It helps you to stand apart from your competitors in the market and gain more sales. 

How To Create Catchy Sustainable Stickers?

To get started with sustainable stickers think about the sticker shapes and sizes. You can give ideas of sustainability by carving your stickers in natural shapes like trees, hills, and other ideas.

Think about what message you want to deliver from your stickers. Words are more powerful to raise awareness of your sustainable brand. For example, you can create stickers with an impactful message like ‘Save Trees’, ‘Save Mother Earth’, ‘There Is No Planet B’,  and so on. 

Use of Sustainable Stickers On Your Deliveries

There are several ways in which you can use sustainable stickers on your deliveries. You can gift a sticker imparting a powerful message as a freebie with each order. 

Or else you can paste your stickers on the delivery package to give a strong message about your product being sustainable and less harmful. 

These ideas help the customer recognize your brand among others. It may help in repeat sales or upselling opportunities to your existing customers as they love your brand. 

Final Thoughts

As a business owner willing to create sustainable and recyclable stickers, your first task is to hire a manufacturer. Find out a reputable supplier that makes use of the best natural items in creating unique vinyl stickers for your brand. 

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